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This page gives information on the new-GSL (New General Service List) by Vaclav Brezina and Dana Gablasova, first looking at what the new-GSL is, then giving information on how it differs from other lists (such as the GSL), and finally presenting a complete list of words in the new-GSL.
To explore the list more fully, try the new-GSL highlighter (on this site).
The new-GSL (New General Service List), developed in 2013 by Vaclav Brezina and Dana Gablasova of Lancaster University, is a list of 2494 words which occur frequently in a range of texts. It is intended to be a major update of the much older General Service List (GSL). It should not be confused with the list developed by Browne, Culligan and Phillips, also in 2013, also called the New General Service list (their list is abbreviated NGSL, while the one by Brezina and Gablasova is abbreviated new-GSL).
The new-GSL was developed from four corpora of English: the LOB (1 million words, dating from 1961), the British National Corpus or BNC (100 million, from the 1990s), the BE06 (1 million words, dating from 2005-2007), and EnTenTen12 (12 billion words, from 2012). Words for the new-GSL were chosen based on three criteria: frequency in the four corpora; dispersion, i.e. how evenly spread the words were across different texts; and distribution, i.e. how evenly distributed the words were across all four corpora.
Based on these criteria, the authors developed a core list of 2122 words, which had a similar rank in all four corpora. In order to ensure that they included newer words, which may have been absent from the two older corpora, they added 378 words which were common in the two newer corpora (BE06 and EnTenTen12) but not the other two. This combined list of 2494 words is the one which comprises the new-GSL.
The new-GSL differs from the GSL in several ways. The first is that it uses only inflected forms of words (called lemmas), rather than extended word families. The argument in favour of word families, as used by the GSL (and also the AWL), is that, once one form is known, others can easily be understood. This however is not always the case. The authors give the following examples of word family related pairs which are quite different in meaning: train / trainers, please / unpleasantly, value / invaluable, and part / particle. The NGSL, developed at the same time as the new-GSL, is also lemma-based.
The new-GSL also differs from the GSL in that it is more up-to-date. The GSL, although dating from 1953, is actually based on lists that originated in 1936. It includes several very old-fashioned words such as cart, shilling, servant, footman, milkmaid and telegraph while omitting more recent words such as television, computer and Internet. Although two of the corpora used to design the new-GSL are somewhat dated, the authors included more recent common words by looking at frequent words in the newer two corpora which do not appear in the other two.
Many critics of the AWL claim that, at least for more frequent words, it is actually an extension of the GSL, since in designing the AWL, words from the GSL were excluded. This is supported by findings of the authors of the new-GSL. 97 words from the AWL appear in the first 1000 words of the new-GSL, over 60 of them in sublists 1 and 2. These include some very common words such as area, computer, environment, final, individual, major and section.
By using a lemma-based approach, rather than word families, the new-GSL ranks words more precisely. The following are pairs which appear in the same word family in the GSL but which are separate in the new-GSL. In each case, the first word appears in the first 1000 words, while the other form is much less frequent, falling outside the first 1000 words (rank is given in brackets).
A final and very crucial difference is that while both the new-GSL and the GSL give similar coverage of the corpora (80.1% to 81.7% for the former, 80.1% to 84.1% for the latter), the new-GSL does so by using far fewer lemmas overall, 2494 compared to approximately 4100 for the GSL. This greatly reduces the learning load on students.
It should be noted that while the EnTenTen12 corpus is international, the other three are corpora of British English, and while the BNC includes a spoken component, the others are entirely written English. As such, the new-GSL is mainly a word list of British written English.
Brezina, V. and Gablasova, D. (2013), 'Is There a Core General Vocabulary? Introducing the New General Service List', Applied Linguistics 2015, 36/1, pp. 1–22. Available from:
Below are the 2494 headwords in the New General Service List (new-GSL). The word class for each is given. In total, there are: 1204 nouns (n), 548 verbs (v), 368 adjectives (adj), 187 adverbs (adv), 74 prepositions/conjunctions (con), 49 determiners/quantifiers/particles (det), 39 pronouns (pron), 10 modals (modal), 9 adverbial particles (adv part), 5 abbreviations (abbrev), and one use of to as an infinitive marker (inf).
This list is in frequency order, though you can also view the list in alphabetical order.
Rank | Headword | Class | Related forms |
1 | the | det | |
2 | be | v | is, are, was, am, were, being, been |
3 | of | con | |
4 | and | con | |
5 | a | det | an |
6 | in | con | |
7 | to | inf | |
8 | have | v | has, had, having |
9 | that | det | |
10 | to | con | |
11 | for | con | |
12 | it | pron | its |
13 | with | con | |
14 | on | con | |
15 | he | pron | his, him |
16 | as | con | |
17 | at | con | |
18 | this | det | |
19 | by | con | |
20 | I | pron | me, my, mine |
21 | not | adv | n't |
22 | do | v | does, did, doing, done |
23 | but | con | |
24 | from | con | |
25 | you | pron | |
26 | or | con | |
27 | his | pron | |
28 | they | pron | them, their |
29 | which | pron | |
30 | we | pron | our, us |
31 | their | pron | |
32 | say | v | said, says, saying |
33 | would | mod | |
34 | up | adv part | |
35 | make | v | made, makes, making |
36 | one | det | ones |
37 | if | con | |
38 | will | mod | |
39 | all | det | |
40 | when | adv | |
41 | can | mod | |
42 | who | pron | |
43 | so | adv | |
44 | she | pron | her |
45 | time | n | times |
46 | take | v | takes, took, taken, taking |
47 | go | v | went, gone, going, goes |
48 | some | det | |
49 | out | adv part | |
50 | there | det | |
51 | what | pron | |
52 | could | mod | |
53 | into | con | |
54 | year | n | years |
55 | get | v | getting, got, gets, gotten |
56 | no | det | nos |
57 | see | v | seen, saw, seeing, sees |
58 | than | con | |
59 | her | pron | |
60 | about | con | |
61 | know | v | knew, knowing, known, knows |
62 | as | adv | |
63 | other | adj | |
64 | its | pron | |
65 | then | adv | |
66 | my | pron | mine |
67 | come | v | came, coming, comes |
68 | also | adv | |
69 | these | det | |
70 | any | det | |
71 | two | det | |
72 | now | adv | |
73 | good | adj | best, better |
74 | give | v | giving, given, gives, gave |
75 | just | adv | juster |
76 | use | v | using, used, uses |
77 | more | adv | |
78 | only | adv | |
79 | people | n | peoples |
80 | our | pron | |
81 | well | adv | better |
82 | way | n | ways |
83 | find | v | finding, found, finds |
84 | like | con | |
85 | may | mod | |
86 | very | adv | |
87 | new | adj | newer, newest |
88 | should | mod | |
89 | more | det | |
90 | after | con | |
91 | think | v | thought, thinking, thinks |
92 | look | v | looking, looks, looked |
93 | how | adv | |
94 | even | adv | |
95 | day | n | days |
96 | because | con | |
97 | where | adv | |
98 | over | con | |
99 | your | pron | |
100 | first | det | firsts |
101 | through | con | |
102 | between | con | |
103 | those | det | |
104 | many | det | |
105 | man | n | men |
106 | want | v | wanted, wanting, wants |
107 | such | det | |
108 | before | con | |
109 | still | adv | stiller, stillest |
110 | too | adv | |
111 | tell | v | told, tells, telling |
112 | back | adv | |
113 | work | v | working, worked, works, wrought |
114 | life | n | lives, lifes |
115 | own | adj | |
116 | become | v | becoming, became, becomes |
117 | need | v | needed, needs, needing |
118 | great | adj | greater, greatest |
119 | thing | n | things |
120 | same | adj | |
121 | here | adv | |
122 | work | n | works |
123 | leave | v | leaving, left, leaves |
124 | part | n | parts |
125 | three | det | threes |
126 | show | v | shows, shown, showed, showing |
127 | might | mod | |
128 | last | det | |
129 | there | adv | |
130 | seem | v | seems, seemed, seeming |
131 | another | det | |
132 | must | mod | |
133 | while | con | |
134 | most | adv | mostest |
135 | each | det | |
136 | much | adv | many |
137 | under | con | |
138 | every | det | |
139 | place | n | places |
140 | ask | v | asked, asking, asks |
141 | feel | v | feels, feeling, felt |
142 | again | adv | |
143 | call | v | called, calls, calling |
144 | however | adv | |
145 | high | adj | higher, highest |
146 | never | adv | |
147 | all | adv, pron | |
148 | number | n | numbers |
149 | without | con | |
150 | put | v | putting, puts |
151 | about | adv | |
152 | world | n | worlds |
153 | few | det | |
154 | try | v | trying, tries, tried |
155 | hand | n | hands |
156 | case | n | cases |
157 | keep | v | kept, keeping, keeps |
158 | home | n | homes |
159 | follow | v | follows, followed, following |
160 | old | adj | older, oldest |
161 | why | adv | |
162 | against | con | |
163 | always | adv | |
164 | something | pron | somethings |
165 | mean | v | meaning, means, meant |
166 | small | adj | smaller, smallest |
167 | bring | v | bringing, brings, brought |
168 | since | con | |
169 | child | n | children |
170 | different | adj | |
171 | point | n | points |
172 | turn | v | turned, turns, turning |
173 | within | con | |
174 | little | adj | |
175 | most | det | |
176 | include | v | includes, included, including |
177 | provide | v | providing, provided, provides |
178 | large | adj | largest, larger |
179 | during | con | |
180 | next | adj | |
181 | fact | n | facts |
182 | end | n | ends |
183 | problem | n | problems |
184 | week | n | weeks |
185 | help | v | helping, helped, helps |
186 | start | v | starting, started, starts |
187 | area | n | areas |
188 | hold | v | held, holding, holds |
189 | course | n | courses |
190 | really | adv | |
191 | group | n | groups |
192 | house | n | houses |
193 | set | v | setting, sets, setted |
194 | country | n | countries |
195 | long | adj | longer, longest |
196 | month | n | months |
197 | although | con | |
198 | woman | n | women |
199 | begin | v | beginning, began, begun, begins |
200 | run | v | runs, ran, running |
201 | down | adv part | |
202 | both | det | |
203 | off | adv part | |
204 | head | n | heads |
205 | far | adv | further, furthest, farther, farthest |
206 | system | n | systems |
207 | often | adv | |
208 | away | adv | |
209 | service | n | services |
210 | question | n | questions |
211 | live | v | living, lived, lives |
212 | allow | v | allowing, allows, allowed |
213 | write | v | written, wrote, writing, writes |
214 | lead | v | led, leading, leads |
215 | word | n | words |
216 | family | n | families |
217 | important | adj | |
218 | already | adv | |
219 | side | n | sides |
220 | move | v | moves, moved, moving |
221 | possible | adj | |
222 | order | n | orders |
223 | much | det | many |
224 | young | adj | younger, youngest |
225 | meet | v | met, meeting, meets |
226 | no | adv | |
227 | until | con | |
228 | pay | v | paid, paying, pays |
229 | yet | adv | |
230 | play | v | playing, plays, played |
231 | result | n | results |
232 | school | n | schools |
233 | idea | n | ideas |
234 | almost | adv | |
235 | government | n | governments |
236 | member | n | members |
237 | believe | v | believed, believes, believing |
238 | together | adv | |
239 | once | adv | |
240 | level | n | levels |
241 | consider | v | considered, considering, considers |
242 | like | v | liking, liked, likes |
243 | nothing | pron | nothings |
244 | eye | n | eyes |
245 | hear | v | heard, hearing, hears |
246 | reason | n | reasons |
247 | stand | v | stands, standing, stood |
248 | whether | con | |
249 | local | adj | |
250 | four | det | |
251 | later | adv | |
252 | able | adj | abler, ablest |
253 | change | n | changes |
254 | form | n | forms |
255 | though | con | |
256 | quite | adv | |
257 | night | n | nights |
258 | use | n | uses |
259 | name | n | names |
260 | information | n | |
261 | happen | v | happens, happened, happening |
262 | around | con | |
263 | remain | v | remained, remains, remaining |
264 | money | n | moneys |
265 | change | v | changes, changing, changed |
266 | business | n | businesses |
267 | line | n | lines |
268 | ever | adv | |
269 | full | adj | fuller, fullest |
270 | rather | adv | |
271 | power | n | powers |
272 | carry | v | carried, carrying, carries |
273 | friend | n | friends |
274 | company | n | companies |
275 | let | v | letting, lets, letted |
276 | add | v | added, adds, adding |
277 | water | n | waters |
278 | expect | v | expected, expecting, expects |
279 | appear | v | appears, appeared, appearing |
280 | early | adj | earlier, earliest |
281 | effect | n | effects |
282 | both | con, pron | |
283 | towards | con | |
284 | hour | n | hours |
285 | offer | v | offers, offering, offered, offerring, offerred |
286 | interest | n | interests |
287 | himself | pron | |
288 | book | n | books |
289 | room | n | rooms |
290 | body | n | bodies |
291 | perhaps | adv | |
292 | kind (of) | n | kinds (of) |
293 | so | con | |
294 | state | n | states |
295 | today | n | todays |
296 | fall | v | falling, falls, fallen, fell |
297 | suggest | v | suggesting, suggests, suggested |
298 | continue | v | continuing, continues, continued |
299 | term | n | terms |
300 | other | pron | others |
301 | low | adj | lower, lowest |
302 | lose | v | lost, losing, loses |
303 | only | adj | |
304 | bad | adj | worst, worse |
305 | increase | v | increases, increased, increasing |
306 | right | n | rights |
307 | job | n | jobs |
308 | second | det | seconds |
309 | big | adj | biggest, bigger |
310 | grow | v | grown, growing, grew, grows |
311 | understand | v | understands, understood, understanding |
312 | Mr | abbrev | |
313 | one | pron | ones |
314 | face | n | faces |
315 | example | n | examples |
316 | read | v | reading, reads |
317 | moment | n | moments |
318 | probably | adv | |
319 | decide | v | deciding, decided, decides |
320 | need | n | needs |
321 | age | n | ages |
322 | sit | v | sat, sits, sitting |
323 | per | con | |
324 | down | adv | |
325 | anything | pron | |
326 | view | n | views |
327 | development | n | developments |
328 | reach | v | reached, reaches, reaching |
329 | person | n | persons |
330 | speak | v | speaking, speaks, spoken, spoke |
331 | learn | v | learned, learning, learnt, learns |
332 | matter | n | matters |
333 | late | adj | latest, later |
334 | receive | v | receiving, received, receives |
335 | involve | v | involved, involving, involves |
336 | produce | v | produced, producing, produces |
337 | figure | n | figures |
338 | develop | v | developing, developed, develops |
339 | process | n | processes |
340 | among | con | |
341 | issue | n | issues |
342 | enough | adv | |
343 | five | det | |
344 | mind | n | minds |
345 | whole | adj | |
346 | party | n | parties |
347 | spend | v | spent, spending, spends |
348 | talk | v | talked, talks, talking |
349 | out | con | |
350 | require | v | required, requires, requiring |
351 | open | v | opened, opening, opens |
352 | period | n | periods |
353 | particular | adj | |
354 | send | v | sent, sending, sends |
355 | position | n | positions |
356 | several | det | |
357 | real | adj | realer |
358 | certain | adj | |
359 | experience | n | experiences |
360 | door | n | doors |
361 | build | v | built, building, builds |
362 | stop | v | stopped, stops, stopping |
363 | itself | pron | |
364 | remember | v | remembers, remembered, remembering |
365 | sense | n | senses |
366 | type | n | types |
367 | car | n | cars |
368 | free | adj | freest, freer |
369 | a lot/lots (of) | det | |
370 | main | adj | |
371 | create | v | created, creates, creating |
372 | across | con | |
373 | office | n | offices |
374 | mother | n | mothers |
375 | draw | v | drawn, drawing, drew, draws |
376 | hope | v | hoping, hoped, hopes |
377 | special | adj | |
378 | themselves | pron | |
379 | value | n | values |
380 | further | adj | |
381 | public | adj | |
382 | student | n | students |
383 | social | adj | |
384 | girl | n | girls |
385 | six | det | |
386 | right | adj | righter, rightest |
387 | condition | n | conditions |
388 | break | v | broke, breaking, breaks, broken |
389 | base | v | based, basing, bases |
390 | pass | v | passed, passing, passes |
391 | actually | adv | |
392 | behind | con | |
393 | rate | n | rates |
394 | short | adj | shorter, shortest |
395 | return | v | returning, returned, returns |
396 | long | adv | longer, longest |
397 | support | v | supported, supporting, supports |
398 | describe | v | described, describes, describing |
399 | wait | v | waiting, waits, waited |
400 | table | n | tables |
401 | event | n | events |
402 | less | adv | |
403 | therefore | adv | |
404 | control | n | controls |
405 | available | adj | |
406 | action | n | actions |
407 | general | adj | |
408 | minute | n | minutes |
409 | per cent | n | percent, percents |
410 | according to | con | |
411 | ago | adv | |
412 | right | adv | righter, rightest |
413 | usually | adv | |
414 | city | n | cities |
415 | clear | adj | clearest, clearer |
416 | force | n | forces |
417 | buy | v | bought, buying, buys |
418 | true | adj | truest, truer |
419 | support | n | supports |
420 | study | n | studies |
421 | community | n | communities |
422 | someone | pron | someones |
423 | report | n | reports |
424 | whose | pron | |
425 | death | n | deaths |
426 | bear | v | born, bearing, bears, bore, borne |
427 | sometimes | adv | |
428 | single | adj | |
429 | upon | con | |
430 | out | adv | |
431 | simply | adv | |
432 | cover | v | covered, covers, covering |
433 | plan | n | plans |
434 | common | adj | |
435 | boy | n | boys |
436 | agree | v | agreeing, agreed, agrees |
437 | first | adv | |
438 | war | n | wars |
439 | foot | n | feet |
440 | hard | adj | harder, hardest |
441 | subject | n | subjects |
442 | stay | v | staying, stayed, stays |
443 | cause | v | caused, causing, causes |
444 | certainly | adv | |
445 | soon | adv | |
446 | explain | v | explained, explains, explaining |
447 | major | adj | |
448 | choose | v | chosen, chose, choosing, chooses |
449 | activity | n | activities |
450 | situation | n | situations |
451 | raise | v | raising, raised, raises |
452 | watch | v | watched, watching, watches |
453 | cost | n | costs |
454 | strong | adj | stronger, strongest |
455 | easy | adj | easier, easiest |
456 | less | det | |
457 | health | n | |
458 | face | v | facing, faced, faces |
459 | sure | adj | surest, surer |
460 | everything | pron | |
461 | law | n | laws |
462 | class | n | classes |
463 | white | adj | whiter, whitest |
464 | die | v | died, dying, dies |
465 | morning | n | mornings |
466 | difficult | adj | |
467 | authority | n | authorities |
468 | food | n | foods |
469 | paper | n | papers |
470 | likely | adj | likeliest, likelier |
471 | market | n | markets |
472 | policy | n | policies |
473 | bit | n | bits |
474 | lie | v | lying, lies, lay, lain, lied |
475 | particularly | adv | |
476 | difference | n | differences |
477 | father | n | fathers |
478 | quality | n | qualities |
479 | especially | adv | |
480 | win | v | won, winning, wins |
481 | along | con | |
482 | road | n | roads |
483 | range | n | ranges |
484 | open | adj | |
485 | step | n | steps |
486 | national | adj | |
487 | walk | v | walks, walked, walking |
488 | heart | n | hearts |
489 | price | n | prices |
490 | material | n | materials |
491 | team | n | teams |
492 | centre | n | centres |
493 | research | n | researches |
494 | chance | n | chances |
495 | history | n | histories |
496 | indeed | adv | |
497 | apply | v | applies, applying, applied |
498 | detail | n | details |
499 | story | n | stories |
500 | else | adv | |
501 | evidence | n | evidences |
502 | various | adj | |
503 | light | n | lights |
504 | human | adj | |
505 | necessary | adj | |
506 | method | n | methods |
507 | drive | v | driven, drove, drives, driving |
508 | account | n | accounts |
509 | above | con | |
510 | sort (of) | n | softs (of) |
511 | practice | n | practices |
512 | serve | v | serving, served, serves, serveing |
513 | ground | n | grounds |
514 | field | n | fields |
515 | join | v | joining, joined, joins |
516 | end | v | ended, ends, ending |
517 | personal | adj | |
518 | building | n | buildings |
519 | contain | v | contains, containing, contained |
520 | voice | n | voices |
521 | decision | n | decisions |
522 | seek | v | seeking, sought, seeks |
523 | air | n | airs |
524 | due (to) | adj, con | |
525 | care | n | cares |
526 | place | v | placed, places, placing |
527 | simple | adj | simpler, simplest |
528 | reduce | v | reduced, reduces, reducing |
529 | role | n | roles |
530 | nature | n | natures |
531 | similar | adj | |
532 | cut | v | cuts, cutting |
533 | political | adj | |
534 | choice | n | choices |
535 | amount | n | amounts |
536 | private | adj | |
537 | wish | v | wished, wishes, wishing |
538 | instead | adv | |
539 | wide | adj | wider, widest |
540 | century | n | centuries |
541 | accept | v | accepted, accepting, accepts |
542 | million | det | millions |
543 | society | n | societies |
544 | arm | n | arms |
545 | manage | v | managed, managing, manages |
546 | letter | n | letters |
547 | finally | adv | |
548 | opportunity | n | opportunities |
549 | rise | v | risen, rising, rose, rises |
550 | knowledge | n | knowledges |
551 | ten | det | |
552 | little | adv | |
553 | industry | n | industries |
554 | education | n | educations |
555 | attention | n | attentions |
556 | fail | v | failed, failing, fails |
557 | section | n | sections |
558 | anyone | pron | |
559 | present | v | presented, presenting, presents |
560 | present | adj | |
561 | picture | n | pictures |
562 | forward | adv | |
563 | town | n | towns |
564 | piece | n | pieces |
565 | recent | adj | |
566 | thus | adv | |
567 | report | v | reported, reports, reporting |
568 | music | n | musics |
569 | achieve | v | achieved, achieving, achieves |
570 | thought | n | thoughts |
571 | prove | v | proved, proving, proven, proves |
572 | source | n | sources |
573 | couple | n | couples |
574 | love | v | loves, loved, loving |
575 | record | n | records |
576 | sell | v | sold, selling, sells |
577 | catch | v | catching, caught, catches |
578 | enter | v | entering, enters, entered |
579 | relationship | n | relationships |
580 | parent | n | parents |
581 | purpose | n | purposes |
582 | stage | n | stages |
583 | movement | n | movements |
584 | space | n | spaces |
585 | effort | n | efforts |
586 | project | n | projects |
587 | game | n | games |
588 | size | n | sizes |
589 | black | adj | blackest, blacker |
590 | yes | det | |
591 | enjoy | v | enjoyed, enjoying, enjoys |
592 | rule | n | rules |
593 | determine | v | determined, determines, determining |
594 | outside | con | |
595 | show | n | shows |
596 | occur | v | occurring, occurred, occurs |
597 | compare | v | compared, comparing, compares |
598 | natural | adj | |
599 | focus | v | focussed, focusing, focuses, focused, focussing |
600 | staff | n | staffs, staves |
601 | poor | adj | poorer, poorest |
602 | wife | n | wives |
603 | improve | v | improved, improving, improves |
604 | back | n | backs |
605 | current | adj | |
606 | approach | n | approaches |
607 | quickly | adv | |
608 | establish | v | established, establishing, establishes |
609 | medium[often pl] | n | media |
610 | success | n | successes |
611 | wall | n | walls |
612 | phone | n | phones |
613 | wear | v | worn, wearing, wears, wore |
614 | everyone | pron | |
615 | window | n | windows |
616 | model | n | models |
617 | future | n | futures |
618 | meeting | n | meetings |
619 | regard | v | regarded, regards, regarding |
620 | son | n | sons |
621 | love | n | loves |
622 | god | n | gods |
623 | prepare | v | prepared, preparing, prepares |
624 | arrive | v | arriving, arrives, arrived |
625 | final | adj | |
626 | clearly | adv | |
627 | form | v | forms, formed, forming |
628 | close | adj | closer, closest |
629 | pick | v | picks, picking, picked |
630 | past | adj | |
631 | wrong | adj | wrongest |
632 | recently | adv | |
633 | introduce | v | introduced, introducing, introduces |
634 | claim | v | claimed, claims, claiming |
635 | previous | adj | |
636 | rest | n | rests |
637 | police | n | polices |
638 | training | n | trainings |
639 | programme | n | programmes |
640 | ensure | v | ensuring, ensures, ensured |
641 | close | v | closed, closing, closes |
642 | date | n | dates |
643 | series | n | |
644 | bed | n | beds |
645 | look | n | looks |
646 | deal | v | deals, dealing, dealt |
647 | third | det | |
648 | news | n | |
649 | test | n | tests |
650 | before | adv | |
651 | benefit | n | benefits |
652 | over | adv part | |
653 | set | n | sets |
654 | language | n | languages |
655 | beyond | con | |
656 | shall | mod | |
657 | though | adv | |
658 | nearly | adv | |
659 | answer | n | answers |
660 | key | adj | |
661 | affect | v | affects, affecting, affected |
662 | mention | v | mentioned, mentioning, mentions |
663 | alone | adv | |
664 | technology | n | technologies |
665 | discuss | v | discussing, discusses, discussed |
666 | concern | v | concerns, concerning, concerned |
667 | fill | v | filled, filling, fills |
668 | share | v | sharing, shared, shares |
669 | plan | v | planning, plans, planned |
670 | individual | adj | |
671 | performance | n | performances |
672 | art | n | arts |
673 | top | n | tops |
674 | represent | v | represents, representing, represented |
675 | shop | n | shops |
676 | act | n | acts |
677 | officer | n | officers |
678 | original | adj | |
679 | despite | con | |
680 | court | n | courts |
681 | identify | v | identifying, identified, identifies |
682 | product | n | products |
683 | obtain | v | obtained, obtaining, obtains |
684 | property | n | properties |
685 | feature | n | features |
686 | eat | v | ate, eating, eaten, eats |
687 | around | adv part | |
688 | impact | n | impacts |
689 | council | n | councils |
690 | financial | adj | |
691 | discover | v | discovering, discovered, discovers |
692 | evening | n | evenings |
693 | off | con | |
694 | remove | v | removed, removing, removes |
695 | happy | adj | happiest, happier |
696 | guy | n | guys |
697 | point | v | points, pointing, pointed |
698 | near | con | |
699 | maintain | v | maintained, maintaining, maintains |
700 | option | n | options |
701 | internet | n | |
702 | depend | v | depends, depending, depended |
703 | save | v | saved, saving, saves |
704 | modern | adj | |
705 | throughout | con | |
706 | ready | adj | readier, readiest |
707 | avoid | v | avoided, avoids, avoiding |
708 | exist | v | existed, exists, existing |
709 | visit | v | visiting, visited, visits |
710 | economic | adj | |
711 | significant | adj | |
712 | red | adj | redder, reddest |
713 | throw | v | throwing, thrown, throws, threw |
714 | charge | n | charges |
715 | attempt | n | attempts |
716 | response | n | responses |
717 | degree | n | degrees |
718 | pressure | n | pressures |
719 | list | n | lists |
720 | risk | n | risks |
721 | deal | n | deals |
722 | leader | n | leaders |
723 | treatment | n | treatments |
724 | colour | n | colours |
725 | worker | n | workers |
726 | refer | v | referred, referring, refers, refering, refered |
727 | easily | adv | |
728 | complete | adj | completer, completest |
729 | loss | n | losses |
730 | note | v | notes, noted, noting |
731 | note | n | notes |
732 | whom | pron | |
733 | street | n | streets |
734 | miss | v | missed, missing, misses |
735 | land | n | lands |
736 | kid | n | kids |
737 | relate | v | relating, related, relates |
738 | indicate | v | indicates, indicated, indicating |
739 | herself | pron | |
740 | bank | n | banks |
741 | deep | adj | deepest, deeper |
742 | feeling | n | feelings |
743 | concern | n | concerns |
744 | serious | adj | |
745 | myself | pron | |
746 | half | det | halves |
747 | nor | con | |
748 | whatever | det, adv | |
749 | suppose | v | supposing, supposed, supposes |
750 | forget | v | forgotten, forgetting, forgot, forgets |
751 | environment | n | environments |
752 | pattern | n | patterns |
753 | standard | n | standards |
754 | scheme | n | schemes |
755 | exactly | adv | |
756 | help | n | helps |
757 | strategy | n | strategies |
758 | generally | adv | |
759 | security | n | securities |
760 | lay | v | laying, laid, lays |
761 | individual | n | individuals |
762 | act | v | acts, acted, acting |
763 | page | n | pages |
764 | tree | n | trees |
765 | fine | adj | finest, finer |
766 | former | adj | |
767 | assume | v | assuming, assumed, assumes |
768 | encourage | v | encouraging, encouraged, encourages |
769 | factor | n | factors |
770 | pull | v | pulled, pulling, pulls |
771 | function | n | functions |
772 | floor | n | floors |
773 | completely | adv | |
774 | top | adj | |
775 | user | n | users |
776 | normal | adj | |
777 | summer | n | summers |
778 | fire | n | fires |
779 | image | n | images |
780 | argue | v | argued, arguing, argues, argueing |
781 | board | n | boards |
782 | basis | n | |
783 | operation | n | operations |
784 | publish | v | published, publishing, publishes |
785 | committee | n | committees |
786 | structure | n | structures |
787 | aspect | n | aspects |
788 | return | n | returns |
789 | total | adj | |
790 | treat | v | treated, treating, treats |
791 | interesting | adj | |
792 | kill | v | killed, killing, kills |
793 | design | n | designs |
794 | weight | n | weights |
795 | admit | v | admitted, admitting, admits, admited |
796 | design | v | designed, designs, designing |
797 | site | n | sites |
798 | finish | v | finished, finishes, finishing |
799 | currently | adv | |
800 | ability | n | abilities |
801 | seven | det | |
802 | front | n | fronts |
803 | firm | n | firms |
804 | club | n | clubs |
805 | skill | n | skills |
806 | direction | n | directions |
807 | film | n | films |
808 | further | adv | |
809 | character | n | characters |
810 | unless | con | |
811 | around | adv | |
812 | unit | n | units |
813 | sign | n | signs |
814 | difficulty | n | difficulties |
815 | attend | v | attended, attending, attends |
816 | task | n | tasks |
817 | garden | n | gardens |
818 | reveal | v | revealed, revealing, reveals |
819 | round | n, con, adv | rounds |
820 | hospital | n | hospitals |
821 | article | n | articles |
822 | maybe | adv | |
823 | demand | n | demands |
824 | argument | n | arguments |
825 | interested | adj | |
826 | immediately | adv | |
827 | sale | n | sales |
828 | data [pl] | n | datum |
829 | complete | v | completed, completes, completing |
830 | enough | adj | |
831 | statement | n | statements |
832 | element | n | elements |
833 | south | n | souths |
834 | huge | adj | huger, hugest |
835 | fully | adv | |
836 | listen | v | listening, listened, listens |
837 | control | v | controlled, controls, controlling |
838 | successful | adj | |
839 | wonder | v | wonders, wondered, wondering |
840 | either | adv | |
841 | may | n | mays |
842 | husband | n | husbands |
843 | realise | v | realising, realised, realises |
844 | association | n | associations |
845 | increase | n | increases |
846 | hundred | det | |
847 | specific | adj | |
848 | reflect | v | reflected, reflecting, reflects |
849 | force | v | forces, forced, forcing |
850 | church | n | churches |
851 | advantage | n | advantages |
852 | possibility | n | possibilities |
853 | push | v | pushing, pushed, pushes |
854 | prevent | v | preventing, prevented, prevents |
855 | doctor | n | doctors |
856 | production | n | productions |
857 | physical | adj | |
858 | protect | v | protected, protecting, protects |
859 | perform | v | performed, performs, performing |
860 | website | n | websites |
861 | computer | n | computers |
862 | location | n | locations |
863 | region | n | regions |
864 | start | n | starts |
865 | discussion | n | discussions |
866 | hair | n | hairs |
867 | tend | v | tended, tends, tending |
868 | Mrs | abbrev | |
869 | department | n | departments |
870 | sound | n | sounds |
871 | access | n | accesses |
872 | hot | adj | hotter, hottest |
873 | check | v | checks, checked, checking |
874 | answer | v | answering, answers, answered |
875 | share | n | shares |
876 | management | n | managements |
877 | scale | n | scales |
878 | measure | n | measures |
879 | solution | n | solutions |
880 | associate | v | associated, associates, associating |
881 | slightly | adv | |
882 | mile | n | miles |
883 | principle | n | principles |
884 | contact | n | contacts |
885 | hit | v | hitting, hits |
886 | up | con | |
887 | west | n | |
888 | addition | n | additions |
889 | suddenly | adv | |
890 | glass | n | glasses |
891 | fight | v | fought, fighting, fights |
892 | highly | adv | |
893 | international | adj | |
894 | fear | n | fears |
895 | call | n | calls |
896 | blood | n | bloods |
897 | enable | v | enabled, enabling, enables |
898 | direct | adj | |
899 | via | con | |
900 | suffer | v | suffering, suffered, suffers, sufferring, sufferred |
901 | intend | v | intended, intends, intending |
902 | cause | n | causes |
903 | behaviour | n | behaviours |
904 | potential | adj | |
905 | station | n | stations |
906 | essential | adj | |
907 | truth | n | truths |
908 | away | adv part | |
909 | refuse | v | refusing, refused, refuses |
910 | trade | n | trades |
911 | population | n | populations |
912 | none | pron | |
913 | agency | n | agencies |
914 | brother | n | brothers |
915 | partner | n | partners |
916 | box | n | boxes |
917 | style | n | styles |
918 | notice | v | noticed, notices, noticing |
919 | half | n | halves |
920 | hope | n | hopes |
921 | manager | n | managers |
922 | fit | v | fitted, fits, fitting |
923 | imagine | v | imagined, imagining, imagines |
924 | study | v | studied, studies, studying |
925 | aware | adj | |
926 | relation | n | relations |
927 | traditional | adj | |
928 | surface | n | surfaces |
929 | legal | adj | |
930 | travel | v | travelling, travels, travelled, traveling, traveled |
931 | teacher | n | teachers |
932 | growth | n | growths |
933 | card | n | cards |
934 | daughter | n | daughters |
935 | advice | n | |
936 | dead | adj | deader, deadest |
937 | heavy | adj | heavier, heaviest |
938 | eight | det | |
939 | drop | v | drops, dropped, dropping |
940 | worth | adj | |
941 | bill | n | bills |
942 | play | n | plays |
943 | obviously | adv | |
944 | version | n | versions |
945 | explore | v | explored, explores, exploring |
946 | technique | n | techniques |
947 | circumstance | n | circumstances |
948 | recognise | v | recognised, recognises, recognising |
949 | medical | adj | |
950 | visit | n | visits |
951 | useful | adj | |
952 | extra | adj | |
953 | result | v | resulting, resulted, results |
954 | popular | adj | |
955 | april | n | |
956 | examine | v | examined, examining, examines |
957 | opinion | n | opinions |
958 | basic | adj | |
959 | operate | v | operating, operated, operates |
960 | state | v | stated, states, stating |
961 | application | n | applications |
962 | public | n | publics |
963 | career | n | careers |
964 | baby | n | babies |
965 | scene | n | scenes |
966 | sea | n | seas |
967 | express | v | expressed, expresses, expressing |
968 | talk | n | talks |
969 | village | n | villages |
970 | onto | con | |
971 | energy | n | energies |
972 | duty | n | duties |
973 | leg | n | legs |
974 | north | n | |
975 | announce | v | announced, announces, announcing |
976 | presence | n | presences |
977 | teach | v | taught, teaches, teaching |
978 | foreign | adj | |
979 | lack | n | lacks |
980 | either | con | |
981 | edge | n | edges |
982 | variety | n | varieties |
983 | possibly | adv | |
984 | stone | n | stones |
985 | gain | v | gained, gains, gaining |
986 | earlier | adv | |
987 | online | adj | |
988 | sound | v | sounds, sounded, sounding |
989 | post | n | posts |
990 | strength | n | strengths |
991 | nice | adj | nicer, nicest |
992 | seat | n | seats |
993 | effective | adj | |
994 | trouble | n | troubles |
995 | reference | n | references |
996 | collect | v | collecting, collected, collects |
997 | directly | adv | |
998 | distance | n | distances |
999 | majority | n | majorities |
1000 | agreement | n | agreements |
1001 | university | n | universities |
1002 | resource | n | resources |
1003 | positive | adj | |
1004 | turn | n | turns |
1005 | june | n | junes |
1006 | move | n | moves |
1007 | dark | adj | darker, darkest |
1008 | network | n | networks |
1009 | overall | adj | |
1010 | mark | v | marks, marked, marking |
1011 | deliver | v | delivers, delivered, delivering |
1012 | experience | v | experienced, experiences, experiencing |
1013 | doubt | n | doubts |
1014 | analysis | n | analyses |
1015 | responsibility | n | responsibilities |
1016 | global | adj | |
1017 | below | con | |
1018 | blue | adj | |
1019 | director | n | directors |
1020 | green | adj | greener, greenest |
1021 | cold | adj | colder, coldest |
1022 | ahead | adv | |
1023 | machine | n | machines |
1024 | patient | n | patients |
1025 | otherwise | adv | |
1026 | income | n | incomes |
1027 | claim | n | claims |
1028 | hotel | n | hotels |
1029 | professional | adj | |
1030 | tax | n | taxes |
1031 | pound | n | pounds |
1032 | future | adj | |
1033 | memory | n | memories |
1034 | appropriate | adj | |
1035 | message | n | messages |
1036 | attack | n | attacks |
1037 | propose | v | proposed, proposing, proposes |
1038 | item | n | items |
1039 | corner | n | corners |
1040 | speed | n | speeds |
1041 | yourself | pron | |
1042 | base | n | bases |
1043 | beginning | n | beginnings |
1044 | obvious | adj | |
1045 | theory | n | theories |
1046 | sure | adv | surest, surer |
1047 | client | n | clients |
1048 | science | n | sciences |
1049 | shape | n | shapes |
1050 | central | adj | |
1051 | extend | v | extended, extends, extending |
1052 | failure | n | failures |
1053 | east | n | |
1054 | object | n | objects |
1055 | store | n | stores |
1056 | employ | v | employed, employs, employing |
1057 | define | v | defined, defining, defines |
1058 | sign | v | signs, signed, signing |
1059 | release | v | releases, released, releasing |
1060 | powerful | adj | |
1061 | importance | n | importances |
1062 | reading | n | readings |
1063 | fair | adj | fairer, fairest |
1064 | concept | n | concepts |
1065 | september | n | septembers |
1066 | fan | n | fans |
1067 | expression | n | expressions |
1068 | regular | adj | |
1069 | reader | n | readers |
1070 | except | con | |
1071 | hardly | adv | |
1072 | bar | n | bars |
1073 | replace | v | replacing, replaced, replaces |
1074 | plant | n | plants |
1075 | extent | n | extents |
1076 | capital | n | capitals |
1077 | strike | v | struck, strikes, striking |
1078 | past | n | pasts |
1079 | introduction | n | introductions |
1080 | address | v | addressed, addresses, addressing |
1081 | thank | v | thanked, thanking, thanks |
1082 | Dr | abbrev | drs |
1083 | animal | n | animals |
1084 | author | n | authors |
1085 | collection | n | collections |
1086 | fix | v | fixed, fixing, fixes |
1087 | nation | n | nations |
1088 | sunday | n | sundays |
1089 | safety | n | safeties |
1090 | finger | n | fingers |
1091 | owner | n | owners |
1092 | march | n | marches |
1093 | college | n | colleges |
1094 | responsible | adj | |
1095 | holiday | n | holidays |
1096 | challenge | n | challenges |
1097 | pain | n | pains |
1098 | campaign | n | campaigns |
1099 | nine | det | nines |
1100 | customer | n | customers |
1101 | review | n | reviews |
1102 | respond | v | responding, responded, responds |
1103 | mouth | n | mouths |
1104 | actual | adj | |
1105 | january | n | januaries |
1106 | season | n | seasons |
1107 | occasion | n | occasions |
1108 | understanding | n | understandings |
1109 | safe | adj | safest, safer |
1110 | labour | n | labours |
1111 | demand | v | demands, demanding, demanded |
1112 | organisation | n | organisations |
1113 | october | n | octobers |
1114 | fresh | adj | freshest, fresher |
1115 | affair | n | affairs |
1116 | observe | v | observed, observes, observing |
1117 | respect | n | respects |
1118 | impossible | adj | |
1119 | length | n | lengths |
1120 | hang | v | hangs, hung, hanging, hanged |
1121 | generate | v | generated, generates, generating |
1122 | extremely | adv | |
1123 | sector | n | sectors |
1124 | horse | n | horses |
1125 | beautiful | adj | |
1126 | attitude | n | attitudes |
1127 | proposal | n | proposals |
1128 | reality | n | realities |
1129 | entirely | adv | |
1130 | pair | n | pairs |
1131 | investment | n | investments |
1132 | saturday | n | saturdays |
1133 | progress | n | progresses |
1134 | locate | v | located, locating, locates |
1135 | inside | con | |
1136 | race | n | races |
1137 | storey | n | storeys |
1138 | influence | n | influences |
1139 | content | n | contents |
1140 | confirm | v | confirming, confirmed, confirms |
1141 | approach | v | approaches, approached, approaching |
1142 | background | n | backgrounds |
1143 | fly | v | flying, flies, flew, flown |
1144 | star | n | stars |
1145 | culture | n | cultures |
1146 | competition | n | competitions |
1147 | status | n | |
1148 | record | v | recording, recorded, records |
1149 | exercise | n | exercises |
1150 | dog | n | dogs |
1151 | writer | n | writers |
1152 | engage | v | engaged, engages, engaging |
1153 | afternoon | n | afternoons |
1154 | apart | adv | |
1155 | eventually | adv | |
1156 | hall | n | halls |
1157 | july | n | julys |
1158 | chair | n | chairs |
1159 | instance | n | instances |
1160 | either | det | |
1161 | prefer | v | preferred, prefers, preferring |
1162 | stock | n | stocks |
1163 | economy | n | economies |
1164 | whole | n | wholes |
1165 | promote | v | promoting, promotes, promoted |
1166 | aim | v | aims, aimed, aiming |
1167 | text | n | texts |
1168 | conference | n | conferences |
1169 | institution | n | institutions |
1170 | song | n | songs |
1171 | relatively | adv | |
1172 | annual | adj | |
1173 | survive | v | surviving, survived, survives |
1174 | procedure | n | procedures |
1175 | defence | n | defences |
1176 | lady | n | ladies |
1177 | cost | v | costs, costing, costed |
1178 | earth | n | earths |
1179 | active | adj | |
1180 | comment | n | comments |
1181 | arrangement | n | arrangements |
1182 | attempt | v | attempting, attempted, attempts |
1183 | additional | adj | |
1184 | practical | adj | |
1185 | order | v | orders, ordering, ordered |
1186 | expert | n | experts |
1187 | drug | n | drugs |
1188 | demonstrate | v | demonstrated, demonstrating, demonstrates |
1189 | apparently | adv | |
1190 | daily | adj | |
1191 | reaction | n | reactions |
1192 | shoulder | n | shoulders |
1193 | handle | v | handling, handled, handles |
1194 | charge | v | charged, charges, charging |
1195 | requirement | n | requirements |
1196 | television | n | televisions |
1197 | generation | n | generations |
1198 | score | n | scores |
1199 | light | adj | lighter, lightest |
1200 | balance | n | balances |
1201 | mean | n | means |
1202 | fund | n | funds |
1203 | audience | n | audiences |
1204 | adult | n | adults |
1205 | sight | n | sights |
1206 | cross | v | crosses, crossed, crossing |
1207 | worry | v | worries, worrying, worried |
1208 | shake | v | shaken, shaking, shook, shakes, shaked |
1209 | pretty | adv | prettiest, prettier |
1210 | stick | v | stuck, sticking, sticks |
1211 | commit | v | committed, committing, commits |
1212 | target | n | targets |
1213 | player | n | players |
1214 | title | n | titles |
1215 | own | v | owned, owns, owning |
1216 | independent | adj | |
1217 | marry | v | marries, married, marrying |
1218 | settle | v | settled, settling, settles |
1219 | emerge | v | emerged, emerges, emerging |
1220 | equipment | n | equipments |
1221 | ignore | v | ignores, ignored, ignoring |
1222 | proper | adj | |
1223 | test | v | tested, testing, tests |
1224 | please | v | pleases, pleased, pleasing |
1225 | spirit | n | spirits |
1226 | appeal | n | appeals |
1227 | adopt | v | adopted, adopting, adopts |
1228 | provision | n | provisions |
1229 | below | adv | |
1230 | lift | v | lifted, lifting, lifts |
1231 | name | v | names, naming, named |
1232 | press | v | pressing, pressed, presses |
1233 | newspaper | n | newspapers |
1234 | feature | v | featured, features, featuring |
1235 | slowly | adv | |
1236 | manner | n | manners |
1237 | touch | n | touches |
1238 | invite | v | invited, invites, inviting |
1239 | danger | n | dangers |
1240 | deny | v | denied, denies, denying |
1241 | sister | n | sisters |
1242 | rich | adj | richer, richest |
1243 | army | n | armies |
1244 | contribution | n | contributions |
1245 | band | n | bands |
1246 | entry | n | entries |
1247 | august | n | augusts |
1248 | estate | n | estates |
1249 | arrange | v | arranged, arranging, arranges |
1250 | outcome | n | outcomes |
1251 | supply | n | supplies |
1252 | weekend | n | weekends |
1253 | attract | v | attracted, attracting, attracts |
1254 | quick | adj | quicker, quickest |
1255 | merely | adv | |
1256 | once | con | |
1257 | artist | n | artists |
1258 | perfect | adj | |
1259 | kitchen | n | kitchens |
1260 | chapter | n | chapters |
1261 | primary | adj | |
1262 | tea | n | teas |
1263 | appearance | n | appearances |
1264 | beat | v | beaten, beats, beating |
1265 | dream | n | dreams |
1266 | wind | n | winds |
1267 | decade | n | decades |
1268 | launch | v | launched, launching, launches |
1269 | contribute | v | contributed, contributing, contributes |
1270 | care | v | caring, cared, cares |
1271 | drink | n | drinks |
1272 | reply | v | replies, replied, replying |
1273 | anyway | adv | anyways |
1274 | touch | v | touches, touched, touching |
1275 | protection | n | protections |
1276 | consist | v | consisted, consists, consisting |
1277 | previously | adv | |
1278 | head | v | heads, headed, heading |
1279 | damage | n | damages |
1280 | very | adj | |
1281 | match | v | matched, matches, matching |
1282 | profit | n | profits |
1283 | consideration | n | considerations |
1284 | river | n | rivers |
1285 | twice | adv | |
1286 | smile | v | smiled, smiling, smiles |
1287 | equally | adv | |
1288 | famous | adj | |
1289 | dangerous | adj | |
1290 | usual | adj | |
1291 | president | n | presidents |
1292 | connection | n | connections |
1293 | link | v | links, linked, linking |
1294 | cancer | n | cancers |
1295 | quarter | n | quarters |
1296 | brand | n | brands |
1297 | mainly | adv | |
1298 | limit | v | limited, limits, limiting |
1299 | flat | adj | flatter, flattest |
1300 | cultural | adj | |
1301 | disease | n | diseases |
1302 | goal | n | goals |
1303 | desire | n | desires |
1304 | separate | adj | |
1305 | photo | n | photos |
1306 | union | n | unions |
1307 | press | n | presses |
1308 | yesterday | n | yesterdays |
1309 | commercial | adj | |
1310 | winter | n | winters |
1311 | belief | n | beliefs |
1312 | oil | n | oils |
1313 | nevertheless | adv | |
1314 | skin | n | skins |
1315 | vary | v | varied, varies, varying |
1316 | combine | v | combines, combined, combining |
1317 | volume | n | volumes |
1318 | official | n | officials |
1319 | bird | n | birds |
1320 | trip | n | trips |
1321 | budget | n | budgets |
1322 | cash | n | |
1323 | normally | adv | |
1324 | february | n | februaries |
1325 | supply | v | supplied, supplies, supplying |
1326 | while | n | whiles |
1327 | household | n | households |
1328 | repeat | v | repeats, repeating, repeated |
1329 | laugh | v | laughed, laughing, laughs |
1330 | warm | adj | warmer, warmest |
1331 | drink | v | drinking, drank, drinks, drunk |
1332 | measure | v | measured, measures, measuring |
1333 | contact | v | contacts, contacted, contacting |
1334 | capacity | n | capacities |
1335 | recall | v | recalls, recalling, recalled |
1336 | movie | n | movies |
1337 | bag | n | bags |
1338 | fairly | adv | |
1339 | confidence | n | confidences |
1340 | considerable | adj | |
1341 | age | v | ages, ageing, aged, aging |
1342 | conversation | n | conversations |
1343 | second | n | seconds |
1344 | rise | n | rises |
1345 | initial | adj | |
1346 | shoot | v | shooting, shot, shoots |
1347 | conclusion | n | conclusions |
1348 | mobile | adj | |
1349 | carefully | adv | |
1350 | limit | n | limits |
1351 | category | n | categories |
1352 | session | n | sessions |
1353 | promise | v | promised, promises, promising |
1354 | marriage | n | marriages |
1355 | payment | n | payments |
1356 | bright | adj | brightest, brighter |
1357 | definitely | adv | |
1358 | average | adj | |
1359 | facility | n | facilities |
1360 | good | n | goods |
1361 | strange | adj | stranger, strangest |
1362 | early | adv | earlier, earliest |
1363 | significantly | adv | |
1364 | excellent | adj | |
1365 | consequence | n | consequences |
1366 | agent | n | agents |
1367 | nobody | pron | nobodies |
1368 | engine | n | engines |
1369 | acquire | v | acquired, acquiring, acquires |
1370 | billion | det | billions |
1371 | disappear | v | disappeared, disappears, disappearing |
1372 | spread | v | spreads, spreading |
1373 | civil | adj | |
1374 | properly | adv | |
1375 | military | adj | |
1376 | journey | n | journeys |
1377 | resident | n | residents |
1378 | exchange | n | exchanges |
1379 | unable | adj | |
1380 | heat | n | heats |
1381 | frequently | adv | |
1382 | feed | v | fed, feeding, feeds |
1383 | insist | v | insisted, insisting, insists |
1384 | clothes | n | |
1385 | inform | v | informed, informing, informs |
1386 | conduct | v | conducting, conducted, conducts |
1387 | peace | n | peaces |
1388 | belong | v | belonging, belonged, belongs |
1389 | tradition | n | traditions |
1390 | absolutely | adv | |
1391 | train | n | trains |
1392 | arise | v | arises, arising, arisen, arose, arised |
1393 | video | n | videos |
1394 | complex | adj | |
1395 | december | n | decembers |
1396 | gather | v | gathered, gathers, gathering |
1397 | surely | adv | |
1398 | block | n | blocks |
1399 | senior | adj | |
1400 | sport | n | sports |
1401 | closely | adv | |
1402 | description | n | descriptions |
1403 | entire | adj | |
1404 | aim | n | aims |
1405 | familiar | adj | |
1406 | rock | n | rocks |
1407 | meal | n | meals |
1408 | largely | adv | |
1409 | standard | adj | |
1410 | fall | n | falls |
1411 | vehicle | n | vehicles |
1412 | correct | adj | |
1413 | improvement | n | improvements |
1414 | suitable | adj | |
1415 | mark | n | marks |
1416 | destroy | v | destroyed, destroying, destroys |
1417 | copy | n | copies |
1418 | official | adj | |
1419 | radio | n | radios |
1420 | comparison | n | comparisons |
1421 | middle | n | middles |
1422 | sex | n | sexes |
1423 | threat | n | threats |
1424 | participant | n | participants |
1425 | critical | adj | |
1426 | accident | n | accidents |
1427 | spring | n | springs |
1428 | absence | n | absences |
1429 | election | n | elections |
1430 | sun | n | suns |
1431 | driver | n | drivers |
1432 | surround | v | surrounding, surrounded, surrounds |
1433 | living | n | livings |
1434 | double | adj | |
1435 | seriously | adv | |
1436 | issue | v | issues, issued, issuing |
1437 | survey | n | surveys |
1438 | back | adj | |
1439 | rely | v | relies, relied, relying |
1440 | key | n | keys |
1441 | chief | adj | |
1442 | dress | v | dressed, dresses, dressing |
1443 | context | n | contexts |
1444 | totally | adv | |
1445 | vision | n | visions |
1446 | interview | n | interviews |
1447 | suggestion | n | suggestions |
1448 | recommend | v | recommending, recommended, recommends |
1449 | relevant | adj | |
1450 | selection | n | selections |
1451 | specifically | adv | |
1452 | welcome | v | welcomed, welcomes, welcoming |
1453 | elsewhere | adv | |
1454 | visitor | n | visitors |
1455 | offer | n | offers |
1456 | speech | n | speeches |
1457 | freedom | n | freedoms |
1458 | near | adj | nearest, nearer |
1459 | expensive | adj | |
1460 | perspective | n | perspectives |
1461 | vast | adj | vaster, vastest |
1462 | stuff | n | stuffs |
1463 | path | n | paths |
1464 | christmas | n | |
1465 | twenty | det | twenties |
1466 | limited | adj | |
1467 | gas | n | gases, gasses |
1468 | friday | n | fridays |
1469 | advise | v | advised, advises, advising |
1470 | file | n | files |
1471 | earn | v | earned, earning, earns |
1472 | ship | n | ships |
1473 | soft | adj | softer, softest |
1474 | november | n | novembers |
1475 | hide | v | hidden, hides, hid, hiding |
1476 | direct | v | directed, directing, directs |
1477 | search | n | searches |
1478 | remind | v | reminds, reminded, reminding |
1479 | busy | adj | busier, busiest |
1480 | explanation | n | explanations |
1481 | birth | n | births |
1482 | somewhere | adv | |
1483 | park | n | parks |
1484 | tv | n | tvs |
1485 | quiet | adj | quietest, quieter |
1486 | construction | n | constructions |
1487 | ball | n | balls |
1488 | expense | n | expenses |
1489 | master | n | masters |
1490 | weather | n | weathers |
1491 | advance | n | advances |
1492 | influence | v | influenced, influences, influencing |
1493 | spot | n | spots |
1494 | subject (to) | adj | |
1495 | aid | n | aids |
1496 | symptom | n | symptoms |
1497 | sentence | n | sentences |
1498 | step | v | steps, stepped, stepping |
1499 | accompany | v | accompanied, accompanies, accompanying |
1500 | ear | n | ears |
1501 | straight | adv | straightest, straighter |
1502 | brain | n | brains |
1503 | internal | adj | |
1504 | trial | n | trials |
1505 | hand | v | hands, handed, handing |
1506 | oppose | v | opposes, opposing, opposed |
1507 | sleep | v | slept, sleeps, sleeping |
1508 | credit | n | credits |
1509 | conclude | v | concluded, concluding, concludes |
1510 | effectively | adv | |
1511 | housing | n | housings |
1512 | declare | v | declared, declares, declaring |
1513 | retain | v | retains, retained, retaining |
1514 | investigation | n | investigations |
1515 | wave | n | waves |
1516 | existing | adj | |
1517 | reasonable | adj | |
1518 | commitment | n | commitments |
1519 | track | n | tracks |
1520 | display | v | displayed, displays, displaying |
1521 | along | adv part | |
1522 | address | n | addresses |
1523 | surprise | n | surprises |
1524 | code | n | codes |
1525 | appreciate | v | appreciated, appreciating, appreciates |
1526 | equal | adj | |
1527 | battle | n | battles |
1528 | grant | v | grants, granting, granted |
1529 | undertake | v | undertaken, undertook, undertaking, undertakes |
1530 | bind | v | bound, binds, binding |
1531 | cut | n | cuts |
1532 | click | n | clicks |
1533 | ought | mod | |
1534 | implement | v | implemented, implementing, implements |
1535 | opening | n | openings |
1536 | communication | n | communications |
1537 | magazine | n | magazines |
1538 | candidate | n | candidates |
1539 | temperature | n | temperatures |
1540 | n | pockets | |
1541 | front | adj | |
1542 | secure | v | securing, secured, secures |
1543 | fish | n | fishes |
1544 | gold | n | golds |
1545 | count | v | counted, counting, counts |
1546 | thanks [pl] (to/for) | n | |
1547 | burn | v | burned, burning, burns, burnt |
1548 | slow | adj | slower, slowest |
1549 | invest | v | invested, investing, invests |
1550 | immediate | adj | |
1551 | fast | adv | fastest, faster |
1552 | capture | v | captured, captures, capturing |
1553 | formal | adj | |
1554 | over | adv | |
1555 | tiny | adj | tiniest, tinier |
1556 | existence | n | existences |
1557 | empty | adj | emptier, emptiest |
1558 | row | n | rows |
1559 | select | v | selected, selecting, selects |
1560 | contrast | n | contrasts |
1561 | professional | n | professionals |
1562 | smile | n | smiles |
1563 | shot | n | shots |
1564 | rest | v | rests, rested, resting |
1565 | middle | adj | |
1566 | increasingly | adv | |
1567 | tooth | n | teeth |
1568 | environmental | adj | |
1569 | library | n | libraries |
1570 | relief | n | reliefs |
1571 | outside | adj | |
1572 | mental | adj | |
1573 | attach | v | attached, attaches, attaching |
1574 | participate | v | participating, participated, participates |
1575 | reject | v | rejected, rejects, rejecting |
1576 | plenty | det | |
1577 | bus | n | buses |
1578 | taste | n | tastes |
1579 | debate | n | debates |
1580 | link | n | links |
1581 | dry | adj | drier, driest |
1582 | industrial | adj | |
1583 | contract | n | contracts |
1584 | sufficient | adj | |
1585 | broad | adj | broader, broadest |
1586 | possess | v | possessing, possessed, possesses |
1587 | hard | adv | harder, hardest |
1588 | whereas | con | |
1589 | western | adj | |
1590 | wood | n | woods |
1591 | careful | adj | |
1592 | ticket | n | tickets |
1593 | run | n | runs |
1594 | apparent | adj | |
1595 | cheap | adj | cheaper, cheapest |
1596 | crowd | n | crowds |
1597 | train | v | trained, training, trains |
1598 | succeed | v | succeeded, succeeding, succeeds |
1599 | dinner | n | dinners |
1600 | afford | v | affords, afforded, affording |
1601 | notice | n | notices |
1602 | struggle | v | struggling, struggles, struggled |
1603 | unlikely | adj | unlikeliest, unlikelier |
1604 | fear | v | feared, fears, fearing |
1605 | perfectly | adv | |
1606 | route | n | routes |
1607 | wonderful | adj | |
1608 | potential | n | potentials |
1609 | thin | adj | thinner, thinnest |
1610 | reduction | n | reductions |
1611 | sheet | n | sheets |
1612 | display | n | displays |
1613 | branch | n | branches |
1614 | blow | v | blew, blows, blowing, blown, blowed |
1615 | faith | n | faiths |
1616 | divide | v | divided, divides, dividing |
1617 | approve | v | approved, approves, approving |
1618 | writing | n | writings |
1619 | off | adv | |
1620 | pleasure | n | pleasures |
1621 | drive | n | drives |
1622 | web | n | webs |
1623 | intention | n | intentions |
1624 | bottle | n | bottles |
1625 | administration | n | administrations |
1626 | beauty | n | beauties |
1627 | tough | adj | tougher, toughest |
1628 | mistake | n | mistakes |
1629 | lesson | n | lessons |
1630 | regulation | n | regulations |
1631 | bottom | n | bottoms |
1632 | topic | n | topics |
1633 | guest | n | guests |
1634 | debt | n | debts |
1635 | capable | adj | |
1636 | neighbour | n | neighbours |
1637 | traffic | n | traffics |
1638 | meaning | n | meanings |
1639 | citizen | n | citizens |
1640 | metal | n | metals |
1641 | ordinary | adj | |
1642 | cup | n | cups |
1643 | justice | n | justices |
1644 | frame | n | frames |
1645 | fashion | n | fashions |
1646 | lead | n | leads |
1647 | unusual | adj | |
1648 | funding | n | fundings |
1649 | objective | n | objectives |
1650 | district | n | districts |
1651 | politics | n | |
1652 | instrument | n | instruments |
1653 | awareness | n | awarenesses |
1654 | monday | n | mondays |
1655 | plus | con | |
1656 | surprise | v | surprises, surprised, surprising |
1657 | victim | n | victims |
1658 | massive | adj | |
1659 | rare | adj | rarer, rarest |
1660 | expertise | n | expertises |
1661 | employee | n | employees |
1662 | instruction | n | instructions |
1663 | alcohol | n | alcohols |
1664 | representative | n | representatives |
1665 | ancient | adj | |
1666 | identity | n | identities |
1667 | island | n | islands |
1668 | post | v | posting, posts, posted |
1669 | somewhat | adv | |
1670 | attractive | adj | |
1671 | thousand | det | thousands |
1672 | ring | n | rings |
1673 | live | adj | |
1674 | necessarily | adv | |
1675 | vital | adj | |
1676 | challenge | v | challenged, challenging, challenges |
1677 | typical | adj | |
1678 | along | adv | |
1679 | flow | n | flows |
1680 | tool | n | tools |
1681 | somehow | adv | |
1682 | mum | n | mums |
1683 | noise | n | noises |
1684 | priority | n | priorities |
1685 | unlike | con | |
1686 | detailed | adj | |
1687 | jump | v | jumping, jumped, jumps |
1688 | crisis | n | crises |
1689 | clear | v | clearing, cleared, clears |
1690 | whilst | con | |
1691 | domestic | adj | |
1692 | religious | adj | |
1693 | permit | v | permitted, permits, permitting |
1694 | search | v | searching, searched, searches |
1695 | crime | n | crimes |
1696 | n | ||
1697 | alternative | n | alternatives |
1698 | highlight | v | highlighted, highlights, highlighting |
1699 | warn | v | warned, warns, warning |
1700 | climate | n | climates |
1701 | sample | n | samples |
1702 | soldier | n | soldiers |
1703 | cry | v | cries, cried, crying |
1704 | lovely | adj | lovelier, loveliest |
1705 | escape | v | escaped, escaping, escapes |
1706 | assess | v | assessing, assessed, assesses |
1707 | wine | n | wines |
1708 | initiative | n | initiatives |
1709 | through | adv part | |
1710 | profile | n | profiles |
1711 | package | n | packages |
1712 | enhance | v | enhances, enhanced, enhancing |
1713 | wash | v | washes, washed, washing |
1714 | gain | n | gains |
1715 | cell | n | cells |
1716 | permanent | adj | |
1717 | celebrate | v | celebrated, celebrates, celebrating |
1718 | sky | n | skies |
1719 | sing | v | sings, singing, sang, sung |
1720 | threaten | v | threatening, threatens, threatened |
1721 | thinking | n | thinkings |
1722 | chain | n | chains |
1723 | solve | v | solved, solving, solves |
1724 | ourselves | pron | |
1725 | slip | v | slipping, slipped, slips |
1726 | channel | n | channels |
1727 | county | n | counties |
1728 | naturally | adv | |
1729 | transport | n | transports |
1730 | combination | n | combinations |
1731 | total | n | totals |
1732 | investigate | v | investigated, investigating, investigates |
1733 | trust | n | trusts |
1734 | flower | n | flowers |
1735 | conflict | n | conflicts |
1736 | appointment | n | appointments |
1737 | youth | n | youths |
1738 | disorder | n | disorders |
1739 | distribution | n | distributions |
1740 | attack | v | attacked, attacks, attacking |
1741 | benefit | v | benefits, benefiting, benefited, benefitting, benefitted |
1742 | odd | adj | |
1743 | document | n | documents |
1744 | friendly | adj | friendlier, friendliest |
1745 | researcher | n | researchers |
1746 | unfortunately | adv | |
1747 | climb | v | climbs, climbing, climbed |
1748 | match | n | matches |
1749 | clean | adj | cleaner, cleanest |
1750 | back | v | backed, backing, backs |
1751 | emotional | adj | |
1752 | saving | n | savings |
1753 | knock | v | knocking, knocked, knocks |
1754 | hole | n | holes |
1755 | incorporate | v | incorporates, incorporated, incorporating |
1756 | tuesday | n | tuesdays |
1757 | photograph | n | photographs |
1758 | shoe | n | shoes |
1759 | coffee | n | coffees |
1760 | recover | v | recovering, recovers, recovered |
1761 | concentrate | v | concentrated, concentrates, concentrating |
1762 | motion | n | motions |
1763 | minor | adj | |
1764 | gift | n | gifts |
1765 | wild | adj | wilder, wildest |
1766 | mountain | n | mountains |
1767 | healthy | adj | healthier, healthiest |
1768 | roll | v | rolled, rolls, rolling |
1769 | multiple | adj | |
1770 | assessment | n | assessments |
1771 | list | v | listed, lists, listing |
1772 | farm | n | farms |
1773 | mostly | adv | |
1774 | will | n | wills |
1775 | experiment | n | experiments |
1776 | judge | v | judges, judging, judged |
1777 | tall | adj | taller, tallest |
1778 | fruit | n | fruits |
1779 | travel | n | travels |
1780 | hate | v | hated, hating, hates |
1781 | employment | n | employments |
1782 | fun | n | |
1783 | theme | n | themes |
1784 | creative | adj | |
1785 | emergency | n | emergencies |
1786 | impose | v | imposed, imposes, imposing |
1787 | flight | n | flights |
1788 | sorry | adj | sorrier, sorriest |
1789 | present | n | presents |
1790 | incident | n | incidents |
1791 | foundation | n | foundations |
1792 | thick | adj | thicker, thickest |
1793 | trend | n | trends |
1794 | proud | adj | proudest, prouder |
1795 | impression | n | impressions |
1796 | upper | adj | |
1797 | fault | n | faults |
1798 | ride | v | rode, rides, riding, ridden |
1799 | constant | adj | |
1800 | muscle | n | muscles |
1801 | unique | adj | |
1802 | strongly | adv | |
1803 | review | v | reviewed, reviews, reviewing |
1804 | negative | adj | |
1805 | severe | adj | severest, severer |
1806 | ice | n | ices |
1807 | novel | n | novels |
1808 | heavily | adv | |
1809 | fat | adj | fattest, fatter |
1810 | breath | n | breaths |
1811 | lunch | n | lunches |
1812 | please | adv | |
1813 | focus | n | focuses, foci |
1814 | award | n | awards |
1815 | ultimately | adv | |
1816 | fantastic | adj | |
1817 | tour | n | tours |
1818 | pure | adj | purest, purer |
1819 | deeply | adv | |
1820 | moral | adj | |
1821 | imply | v | implying, implied, implies |
1822 | break | n | breaks |
1823 | solid | adj | |
1824 | brief | adj | briefer, briefest |
1825 | camera | n | cameras |
1826 | moreover | adv | |
1827 | widely | adv | |
1828 | exercise | v | exercises, exercised, exercising |
1829 | suit | v | suited, suits, suiting |
1830 | neck | n | necks |
1831 | waste | n | wastes |
1832 | king | n | kings |
1833 | shopping | n | shoppings |
1834 | crucial | adj | |
1835 | last | v | lasting, lasts, lasted |
1836 | anywhere | adv | |
1837 | depth | n | depths |
1838 | prospect | n | prospects |
1839 | dollar | n | dollars |
1840 | specialist | n | specialists |
1841 | rapidly | adv | |
1842 | telephone | n | telephones |
1843 | yard | n | yards |
1844 | clothing | n | |
1845 | exception | n | exceptions |
1846 | willing | adj | |
1847 | atmosphere | n | atmospheres |
1848 | whenever | adv, con | |
1849 | estimate | v | estimated, estimates, estimating |
1850 | mix | v | mixing, mixed, mixes |
1851 | milk | n | milks |
1852 | pour | v | poured, pouring, pours |
1853 | exposure | n | exposures |
1854 | urge | v | urging, urged, urges |
1855 | mind | v | minded, minds, minding |
1856 | shift | n | shifts |
1857 | colleague | n | colleagues |
1858 | achievement | n | achievements |
1859 | submit | v | submitted, submitting, submits |
1860 | root | n | roots |
1861 | religion | n | religions |
1862 | tone | n | tones |
1863 | knee | n | knees |
1864 | boat | n | boats |
1865 | lack | v | lacking, lacked, lacks |
1866 | connect | v | connected, connects, connecting |
1867 | warning | n | warnings |
1868 | employer | n | employers |
1869 | stretch | v | stretched, stretches, stretching |
1870 | substantial | adj | |
1871 | judge | n | judges |
1872 | leave | n | leaves |
1873 | cat | n | cats |
1874 | male | adj | |
1875 | enemy | n | enemies |
1876 | habit | n | habits |
1877 | down | con | |
1878 | afraid | adj | |
1879 | fine | n | fines |
1880 | sharp | adj | sharper, sharpest |
1881 | abandon | v | abandoned, abandoning, abandons |
1882 | separate | v | separated, separates, separating |
1883 | cool | adj | coolest, cooler |
1884 | prior to | con | |
1885 | owe | v | owed, owes, owing |
1886 | inch | n | inches |
1887 | acknowledge | v | acknowledged, acknowledges, acknowledging |
1888 | publication | n | publications |
1889 | defend | v | defended, defending, defends |
1890 | clean | v | cleaning, cleaned, cleans |
1891 | wedding | n | weddings |
1892 | preserve | v | preserves, preserving, preserved |
1893 | bedroom | n | bedrooms |
1894 | guide | n | guides |
1895 | neither | con | |
1896 | album | n | albums |
1897 | preparation | n | preparations |
1898 | female | adj | |
1899 | complain | v | complains, complained, complaining |
1900 | expose | v | exposed, exposes, exposing |
1901 | tip | n | tips |
1902 | pool | n | pools |
1903 | panel | n | panels |
1904 | plane | n | planes |
1905 | question | v | questions, questioned, questioning |
1906 | exciting | adj | |
1907 | mix | n | mixes |
1908 | fight | n | fights |
1909 | weapon | n | weapons |
1910 | cover | n | covers |
1911 | expand | v | expanding, expanded, expands |
1912 | height | n | heights |
1913 | opposition | n | oppositions |
1914 | dozen | n | |
1915 | figure | v | figures, figured, figuring |
1916 | scientific | adj | |
1917 | button | n | buttons |
1918 | gap | n | gaps |
1919 | creation | n | creations |
1920 | hurt | v | hurts, hurting |
1921 | stress | n | stresses |
1922 | weak | adj | weaker, weakest |
1923 | release | n | releases |
1924 | observation | n | observations |
1925 | fee | n | fees |
1926 | revenue | n | revenues |
1927 | transform | v | transformed, transforms, transforming |
1928 | sick | adj | sickest, sicker |
1929 | reputation | n | reputations |
1930 | inside | adv | |
1931 | lucky | adj | luckier, luckiest |
1932 | fund | v | funded, funds, funding |
1933 | confident | adj | |
1934 | shock | n | shocks |
1935 | folk | n | folks |
1936 | injury | n | injuries |
1937 | restore | v | restored, restoring, restores |
1938 | store | v | stored, stores, storing |
1939 | register | v | registered, registers, registering |
1940 | episode | n | episodes |
1941 | editor | n | editors |
1942 | view | v | views, viewed, viewing |
1943 | pursue | v | pursued, pursuing, pursues |
1944 | mass | n | masses |
1945 | comment | v | commented, comments, commenting |
1946 | corporate | adj | |
1947 | valuable | adj | |
1948 | educational | adj | |
1949 | circle | n | circles |
1950 | arrival | n | arrivals |
1951 | alive | adj | |
1952 | guess | v | guesses, guessing, guessed |
1953 | setting | n | settings |
1954 | sweet | adj | sweeter, sweetest |
1955 | egg | n | eggs |
1956 | screen | n | screens |
1957 | ideal | adj | |
1958 | lifestyle | n | lifestyles |
1959 | factory | n | factories |
1960 | suit | n | suits |
1961 | range | v | ranging, ranges, ranged |
1962 | map | n | maps |
1963 | thursday | n | thursdays |
1964 | sudden | adj | |
1965 | abuse | n | abuses |
1966 | designer | n | designers |
1967 | assist | v | assisted, assists, assisting |
1968 | likely | adv | likeliest, likelier |
1969 | phase | n | phases |
1970 | funny | adj | funniest, funnier |
1971 | academic | adj | |
1972 | definition | n | definitions |
1973 | characteristic | n | characteristics |
1974 | soul | n | souls |
1975 | pack | v | packs, packed, packing |
1976 | judgement | n | judgements |
1977 | everyday | adj | |
1978 | satisfy | v | satisfies, satisfied, satisfying |
1979 | dress | n | dresses |
1980 | hence | adv | |
1981 | fast | adj | fastest, faster |
1982 | plate | n | plates |
1983 | everybody | pron | |
1984 | fourth | det | fourths |
1985 | legislation | n | legislations |
1986 | tie | v | tied, ties, tying, tieing |
1987 | meanwhile | adv | |
1988 | percentage | n | percentages |
1989 | favour | n | favours |
1990 | illustrate | v | illustrates, illustrated, illustrating |
1991 | vote | n | votes |
1992 | airport | n | airports |
1993 | tomorrow | n | tomorrows |
1994 | efficient | adj | |
1995 | regularly | adv | |
1996 | everywhere | adv | |
1997 | hill | n | hills |
1998 | long-term | adj | |
1999 | breast | n | breasts |
2000 | furthermore | adv | |
2001 | device | n | devices |
2002 | rarely | adv | |
2003 | construct | v | constructing, constructed, constructs |
2004 | monthly | adj | |
2005 | convince | v | convinced, convinces, convincing |
2006 | teaching | n | teachings |
2007 | terrible | adj | |
2008 | rain | n | rains |
2009 | regard | n | regards |
2010 | virtually | adv | |
2011 | wheel | n | wheels |
2012 | calculate | v | calculated, calculating, calculates |
2013 | justify | v | justifies, justified, justifying |
2014 | notion | n | notions |
2015 | dance | n | dances |
2016 | interaction | n | interactions |
2017 | gun | n | guns |
2018 | error | n | errors |
2019 | blame | v | blamed, blaming, blames |
2020 | steal | v | stealing, steals, stolen, stole |
2021 | grab | v | grabbed, grabbing, grabs |
2022 | qualify | v | qualifying, qualified, qualifies |
2023 | passage | n | passages |
2024 | external | adj | |
2025 | monitor | v | monitored, monitoring, monitors |
2026 | e.g. | abbrev | |
2027 | volunteer | n | volunteers |
2028 | accuse | v | accused, accusing, accuses |
2029 | appoint | v | appointed, appointing, appoints |
2030 | complaint | n | complaints |
2031 | comfortable | adj | |
2032 | mortgage | n | mortgages |
2033 | cycle | n | cycles |
2034 | regardless (of) | adv, con | |
2035 | coverage | n | coverages |
2036 | average | n | averages |
2037 | roof | n | roofs |
2038 | beach | n | beaches |
2039 | derive | v | derived, deriving, derives |
2040 | fundamental | adj | |
2041 | relax | v | relaxed, relaxes, relaxing |
2042 | restrict | v | restricted, restricting, restricts |
2043 | accurate | adj | |
2044 | urban | adj | |
2045 | painting | n | paintings |
2046 | deserve | v | deserves, deserved, deserving |
2047 | minister | n | ministers |
2048 | favourite | adj | |
2049 | switch | v | switches, switching, switched |
2050 | sexual | adj | |
2051 | stress | v | stressed, stresses, stressing |
2052 | approximately | adv | |
2053 | football | n | footballs |
2054 | rule | v | rules, ruled, ruling |
2055 | amongst | con | |
2056 | buyer | n | buyers |
2057 | bike | n | bikes |
2058 | hat | n | hats |
2059 | hit | n | hits |
2060 | promise | n | promises |
2061 | delivery | n | deliveries |
2062 | maximum | adj | |
2063 | being | n | beings |
2064 | tension | n | tensions |
2065 | dramatic | adj | |
2066 | literature | n | literatures |
2067 | left | adj | lefter |
2068 | prison | n | prisons |
2069 | mission | n | missions |
2070 | spending | n | spendings |
2071 | chemical | n | chemicals |
2072 | inspire | v | inspired, inspires, inspiring |
2073 | ad | n | ads |
2074 | resolve | v | resolving, resolved, resolves |
2075 | brown | adj | browner |
2076 | date | v | dated, dates, dating |
2077 | shut | v | shutting, shuts |
2078 | joint | adj | |
2079 | struggle | n | struggles |
2080 | sum | n | sums |
2081 | shortly | adv | |
2082 | kick | v | kicking, kicks, kicked |
2083 | successfully | adv | |
2084 | neighbourhood | n | neighbourhoods |
2085 | scenario | n | scenarios |
2086 | politician | n | politicians |
2087 | childhood | n | childhoods |
2088 | nose | n | noses |
2089 | essentially | adv | |
2090 | dry | v | drying, dried, dries |
2091 | alongside | con | |
2092 | layer | n | layers |
2093 | border | n | borders |
2094 | brilliant | adj | |
2095 | interpretation | n | interpretations |
2096 | vote | v | voting, votes, voted |
2097 | iron | n | irons |
2098 | relative | adj | |
2099 | personality | n | personalities |
2100 | historical | adj | |
2101 | fuel | n | fuels |
2102 | guidance | n | |
2103 | trust | v | trusts, trusted, trusting |
2104 | means | n | |
2105 | stop | n | stops |
2106 | musical | adj | |
2107 | violence | n | |
2108 | concentration | n | concentrations |
2109 | constantly | adv | |
2110 | suspect | v | suspected, suspects, suspecting |
2111 | restaurant | n | restaurants |
2112 | scientist | n | scientists |
2113 | potentially | adv | |
2114 | inner | adj | |
2115 | late | adv | latest, later, lates |
2116 | origin | n | origins |
2117 | desk | n | desks |
2118 | comprehensive | adj | |
2119 | birthday | n | birthdays |
2120 | light | v | lit, lights, lighting, lighted |
2121 | shape | v | shapes, shaped, shaping |
2122 | occasionally | adv | |
2123 | similarly | adv | |
2124 | sad | adj | saddest, sadder |
2125 | pay | n | pays |
2126 | load | n | loads |
2127 | coast | n | coasts |
2128 | recognition | n | recognitions |
2129 | mechanism | n | mechanisms |
2130 | evaluate | v | evaluating, evaluated, evaluates |
2131 | enormous | adj | |
2132 | adventure | n | adventures |
2133 | initially | adv | |
2134 | mood | n | moods |
2135 | bone | n | bones |
2136 | extreme | adj | extremest |
2137 | walk | n | walks |
2138 | comfort | n | comforts |
2139 | rating | n | ratings |
2140 | till | con | |
2141 | account | v | accounts, accounted, accounting |
2142 | column | n | columns |
2143 | secret | n | secrets |
2144 | surgery | n | surgeries |
2145 | phrase | n | phrases |
2146 | hell | n | hells |
2147 | membership | n | memberships |
2148 | passion | n | passions |
2149 | mixture | n | mixtures |
2150 | mode | n | modes |
2151 | predict | v | predicting, predicted, predicts |
2152 | regional | adj | |
2153 | bridge | n | bridges |
2154 | zone | n | zones |
2155 | dad | n | dads |
2156 | winner | n | winners |
2157 | finance | n | finances |
2158 | unknown | adj | |
2159 | soil | n | soils |
2160 | maintenance | n | |
2161 | standing | n | standings |
2162 | variation | n | variations |
2163 | truck | n | trucks |
2164 | pace | n | paces |
2165 | proceed | v | proceeds, proceeding, proceeded |
2166 | straight | adj | straightest, straighter |
2167 | truly | adv | |
2168 | extension | n | extensions |
2169 | analyse | v | analysing, analysed, analyses |
2170 | consistent | adj | |
2171 | charity | n | charities |
2172 | bother | v | bothered, bothering, bothers |
2173 | i.e. | abbrev | |
2174 | partnership | n | partnerships |
2175 | false | adj | |
2176 | discipline | n | disciplines |
2177 | precisely | adv | |
2178 | shift | v | shifted, shifts, shifting |
2179 | perceive | v | perceived, perceives, perceiving |
2180 | host | n | hosts |
2181 | temporary | adj | |
2182 | breakfast | n | breakfasts |
2183 | doubt | v | doubted, doubts, doubting |
2184 | somebody | pron | somebodies |
2185 | slight | adj | slightest, slighter |
2186 | motor | n | motors |
2187 | stream | n | streams |
2188 | consultant | n | consultants |
2189 | farmer | n | farmers |
2190 | intelligence | n | intelligences |
2191 | guard | n | guards |
2192 | boot | n | boots |
2193 | clinical | adj | |
2194 | waste | v | wasted, wasting, wastes |
2195 | planet | n | planets |
2196 | outline | v | outlining, outlined, outlines |
2197 | grand | adj | grander, grandest |
2198 | occupy | v | occupied, occupies, occupying |
2199 | smoking | n | |
2200 | northern | adj | |
2201 | gradually | adv | |
2202 | stand | n | stands |
2203 | intervention | n | interventions |
2204 | input | n | inputs |
2205 | human | n | humans |
2206 | weigh | v | weighed, weighs, weighing |
2207 | lock | v | locked, locks, locking |
2208 | chat | v | chatted, chatting, chats |
2209 | lifetime | n | lifetimes |
2210 | strengthen | v | strengthened, strengthening, strengthens |
2211 | assistance | n | assistances |
2212 | cast | v | casting, casts, casted |
2213 | secret | adj | |
2214 | conventional | adj | |
2215 | coach | n | coaches |
2216 | honest | adj | |
2217 | apartment | n | apartments |
2218 | subsequent | adj | |
2219 | prize | n | prizes |
2220 | rapid | adj | |
2221 | mount | v | mounted, mounting, mounts |
2222 | decent | adj | |
2223 | illness | n | illnesses |
2224 | statistic | n | |
2225 | wet | adj | wetter, wettest |
2226 | dimension | n | dimensions |
2227 | visual | adj | |
2228 | visible | adj | |
2229 | engagement | n | engagements |
2230 | output | n | outputs |
2231 | consumption | n | consumptions |
2232 | wealth | n | |
2233 | drop | n | drops |
2234 | overcome | v | overcoming, overcomes, overcame |
2235 | damage | v | damaged, damaging, damages |
2236 | yellow | adj | yellower |
2237 | shirt | n | shirts |
2238 | consumer | n | consumers |
2239 | approval | n | approvals |
2240 | lower | v | lowering, lowered, lowers |
2241 | medicine | n | medicines |
2242 | steel | n | |
2243 | illegal | adj | |
2244 | league | n | leagues |
2245 | entitle | v | entitled, entitling, entitles |
2246 | diverse | adj | |
2247 | finding | n | findings |
2248 | secondary | adj | |
2249 | trading | n | tradings |
2250 | barrier | n | barriers |
2251 | block | v | blocks, blocked, blocking |
2252 | paint | v | painted, paints, painting |
2253 | welcome | adj | welcomest |
2254 | satisfaction | n | satisfactions |
2255 | retire | v | retired, retiring, retires |
2256 | comprise | v | comprises, comprising, comprised |
2257 | proof | n | proofs |
2258 | secure | adj | securer, securest |
2259 | above | adj | |
2260 | frequency | n | frequencies |
2261 | prime | adj | |
2262 | contemporary | adj | |
2263 | trick | n | tricks |
2264 | encounter | v | encounters, encountered, encountering |
2265 | decline | v | declined, declining, declines |
2266 | CD | n | CDs |
2267 | wrap | v | wrapped, wrapping, wraps |
2268 | sand | n | sands |
2269 | educate | v | educated, educates, educating |
2270 | substance | n | substances |
2271 | domain | n | domains |
2272 | infection | n | infections |
2273 | loan | n | loans |
2274 | component | n | components |
2275 | fellow | adj | |
2276 | remarkable | adj | |
2277 | celebrity | n | celebrities |
2278 | platform | n | platforms |
2279 | sugar | n | sugars |
2280 | criterion | n | criteria, criterions |
2281 | possession | n | possessions |
2282 | asset | n | assets |
2283 | actor | n | actors |
2284 | forest | n | forests |
2285 | reliable | adj | |
2286 | framework | n | frameworks |
2287 | silver | n | |
2288 | smooth | adj | smoother, smoothest |
2289 | carbon | n | carbons |
2290 | stability | n | stabilities |
2291 | regime | n | regimes |
2292 | angle | n | angles |
2293 | emphasis | n | |
2294 | chest | n | chests |
2295 | alternative | adj | |
2296 | n | mails | |
2297 | victory | n | victories |
2298 | witness | n | witnesses |
2299 | distinct | adj | |
2300 | beer | n | beers |
2301 | talent | n | talents |
2302 | resistance | n | resistances |
2303 | passenger | n | passengers |
2304 | boss | n | bosses |
2305 | sleep | n | sleeps |
2306 | disaster | n | disasters |
2307 | breathe | v | breathes, breathing, breathed |
2308 | matter | v | mattered, matters, mattering |
2309 | expansion | n | expansions |
2310 | impressive | adj | |
2311 | leather | n | leathers |
2312 | detect | v | detected, detecting, detects |
2313 | permission | n | permissions |
2314 | tourist | n | tourists |
2315 | perception | n | perceptions |
2316 | reply | n | replies |
2317 | harm | n | harms |
2318 | differ | v | differs, differed, differing, differred |
2319 | innovation | n | innovations |
2320 | render | v | renders, rendered, rendering |
2321 | leadership | n | leaderships |
2322 | tight | adj | tighter, tightest |
2323 | landscape | n | landscapes |
2324 | flow | v | flowing, flows, flowed |
2325 | plot | n | plots |
2326 | vegetable | n | vegetables |
2327 | studio | n | studios |
2328 | indicator | n | indicators |
2329 | reform | n | reforms |
2330 | opt | v | opts, opted, opting |
2331 | recommendation | n | recommendations |
2332 | camp | n | camps |
2333 | newly | adv | |
2334 | bond | n | bonds |
2335 | barely | adv | |
2336 | peak | n | peaks |
2337 | award | v | awarding, awarded, awards |
2338 | facilitate | v | facilitated, facilitating, facilitates |
2339 | anxiety | n | anxieties |
2340 | genuine | adj | |
2341 | core | n | cores |
2342 | accommodation | n | accommodations |
2343 | slow | v | slowed, slowing, slows |
2344 | pose | v | posed, poses, posing |
2345 | intense | adj | |
2346 | privacy | n | privacies |
2347 | favourite | n | favourites |
2348 | absolute | adj | absolutes, absolutest |
2349 | identical | adj | |
2350 | sensitive | adj | |
2351 | chart | n | charts |
2352 | luck | n | lucks |
2353 | chocolate | n | chocolates |
2354 | tackle | v | tackled, tackling, tackles |
2355 | hero | n | heroes, heros |
2356 | kit | n | kits |
2357 | consume | v | consumed, consuming, consumes |
2358 | devote | v | devoted, devoting, devotes |
2359 | emotion | n | emotions |
2360 | fabric | n | fabrics |
2361 | recording | n | recordings |
2362 | literally | adv | |
2363 | string | n | strings |
2364 | cite | v | cited, cites, citing |
2365 | primarily | adv | |
2366 | label | n | labels |
2367 | organic | adj | |
2368 | producer | n | producers |
2369 | dependent | adj | |
2370 | score | v | scores, scored, scoring |
2371 | watch | n | watches |
2372 | luxury | n | luxuries |
2373 | wake | v | wakes, woke, woken, waking, waked, wakeing |
2374 | fire | v | fired, firing, fires |
2375 | earning | n | |
2376 | philosophy | n | philosophies |
2377 | restriction | n | restrictions |
2378 | disability | n | disabilities |
2379 | joy | n | joys |
2380 | functional | adj | |
2381 | east | adj | |
2382 | borrow | v | borrowed, borrowing, borrows |
2383 | venue | n | venues |
2384 | plastic | adj | |
2385 | cloud | n | clouds |
2386 | drinking | n | |
2387 | sustain | v | sustaining, sustained, sustains |
2388 | adjust | v | adjusting, adjusted, adjusts |
2389 | profession | n | professions |
2390 | worth | n | worths |
2391 | boost | v | boosted, boosting, boosts |
2392 | duration | n | durations |
2393 | historic | adj | |
2394 | diet | n | diets |
2395 | creature | n | creatures |
2396 | square | adj | |
2397 | decline | n | declines |
2398 | entrance | n | entrances |
2399 | electricity | n | electricities |
2400 | tank | n | tanks |
2401 | rural | adj | |
2402 | shade | n | shades |
2403 | depression | n | depressions |
2404 | preference | n | preferences |
2405 | native | adj | |
2406 | dominate | v | dominated, dominating, dominates |
2407 | fishing | n | fishings |
2408 | lawyer | n | lawyers |
2409 | dish | n | dishes |
2410 | symbol | n | symbols |
2411 | importantly | adv | |
2412 | female | n | females |
2413 | negotiate | v | negotiated, negotiates, negotiating |
2414 | storm | n | storms |
2415 | transition | n | transitions |
2416 | executive | n | executives |
2417 | agenda | n | agendas |
2418 | rent | v | rented, rents, renting |
2419 | estimate | n | estimates |
2420 | participation | n | participations |
2421 | protein | n | proteins |
2422 | weekly | adj | |
2423 | certificate | n | certificates |
2424 | considerably | adv | |
2425 | crew | n | crews |
2426 | raw | adj | rawest, rawer |
2427 | reward | n | rewards |
2428 | compose | v | composed, composes, composing |
2429 | lover | n | lovers |
2430 | tear | v | torn, tears, tore, tearing |
2431 | resolution | n | resolutions |
2432 | impress | v | impresses, impressed, impressing |
2433 | classroom | n | classrooms |
2434 | contest | n | contests |
2435 | value | v | values, valued, valuing |
2436 | distribute | v | distributing, distributed, distributes |
2437 | random | adj | |
2438 | stupid | adj | |
2439 | hearing | n | hearings |
2440 | clock | n | clocks |
2441 | meat | n | meats |
2442 | acceptable | adj | |
2443 | measurement | n | measurements |
2444 | chip | n | chips |
2445 | eligible | adj | |
2446 | delay | n | delays |
2447 | professor | n | professors |
2448 | rush | v | rushed, rushing, rushes |
2449 | supporter | n | supporters |
2450 | ownership | n | ownerships |
2451 | integration | n | integrations |
2452 | consequently | adv | |
2453 | launch | n | launches |
2454 | prayer | n | prayers |
2455 | chicken | n | chickens |
2456 | bathroom | n | bathrooms |
2457 | cake | n | cakes |
2458 | instantly | adv | |
2459 | criminal | adj | |
2460 | acid | n | acids |
2461 | found | v | founded, founding, founds |
2462 | tale | n | tales |
2463 | ease | v | eased, easing, eases |
2464 | net | adj | |
2465 | consultation | n | consultations |
2466 | worry | n | worries |
2467 | bread | n | breads |
2468 | correct | v | corrected, correcting, corrects |
2469 | anticipate | v | anticipating, anticipates, anticipated |
2470 | pray | v | praying, prayed, prays |
2471 | extraordinary | adj | |
2472 | faculty | n | faculties |
2473 | bet | v | betting, bets |
2474 | wage | n | wages |
2475 | gear | n | gears |
2476 | stomach | n | stomachs |
2477 | sophisticated | adj | |
2478 | dream | v | dreams, dreaming, dreamed, dreamt |
2479 | tap | v | taps, tapping, tapped |
2480 | learning | n | learnings |
2481 | male | n | males |
2482 | species | n | |
2483 | paint | n | paints |
2484 | pilot | n | pilots |
2485 | log | v | logs, logged, logging |
2486 | involvement | n | involvements |
2487 | flavour | n | flavours |
2488 | opponent | n | opponents |
2489 | adjustment | n | adjustments |
2490 | dust | n | |
2491 | stimulate | v | stimulating, stimulated, stimulates |
2492 | cream | n | creams |
2493 | inside | n | insides |
2494 | wednesday | n | wednesdays |
Author: Sheldon Smith ‖ Last modified: 02 October 2021.
Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.