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This page describes the Chemistry Academic Word List (CAWL), giving information on what the CAWL is, details about how it was developed, information on text coverage of the CAWL, mentions some problems with the published list, as well as giving a complete list of words in the CAWL.
To explore the list more fully, try the CAWL highlighter (on this site).
The Chemistry Academic Word List (CAWL) was developed by Leila Valipouri and Hossein Nassaji in 2013 for EFL graduate Chemistry students. It comprises 1400 word families which occur frequently in Chemistry research articles. It includes both general and academic words, since many high frequency words have different meanings, frequencies and collocations in specialist contexts. For example, the word base, which occurs in both the General Service List (GSL) and the CAWL, means the bottom or lowest part in general English, but a substance that reacts with an acid in Chemistry, while the word respect, which is likewise in both lists, is most frequently used as a verb or noun in general English, expressing courteous behaviour or language, but in Chemistry is most often used as an adverb respectively, an adjective respective, or in the phase with respect to.
Of the 1400 word families in the CAWL, 683 are from the GSL, 327 are from the AWL (Academic Word List), while the remaining 390 occur in neither list.
Before devising the list, the authors developed a corpus of Chemistry articles, called the Chemistry Research Article Corpus (CRAC). Texts in the corpus were from four subject areas, namely: analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical/theoretical chemistry. 8 journals were chosen for the first subject area (only 8 journals were available), 10 journals for the other three, after which 10 volumes were chosen from each journal for the first subject area, 8 volumes for the remaining three, giving an equal number of 80 volumes for each subject area, 320 in total. One issue was then chosen randomly from each of the volumes, therefore making 320 issues in total. All were from the years 2003-2009. One final constraint was that all articles needed to follow the IMRAD structure. This formed their CRAC corpus, which comprised 1185 texts and a total of 4 million words.
The CAWL was then developed, with word families chosen for frequency, needing to occur at least 114 times in the CRAC, and range, needing to occur at least 10 times in each of the 4 subject areas. The CAWL excluded abbreviations (e.g. pH, CO2, UV), as well as pronouns, auxiliaries (e.g. verbs to be and to have), articles and numbers. It also excluded words which were too technical, e.g. aldehyde, anhydrous, hydroxyl and octahedral. To assist in removing technical vocabulary, an expert panel of 3 chemistry professors was consulted.
The CAWL gives a total coverage of 81.18% of the CRAC corpus. Words from the 1K (i.e. the first 1000 words of the GSL) give 59.9% coverage, the 2K (second 1000 words from the GSL) give 4.45% coverage, AWL words give 9.6% coverage, while CAWL words which are in neither the GSL nor AWL give 7.23% coverage. Although 81.18% is well below the 95% minimum threshold for comfortable comprehension, abbreviations and technical words together account for 14.29%, making 95.47% in total, which exceeds the threshold.
The authors noted that coverage by the families of the AWL is twice that of the 2K of the GSL, despite the latter having almost twice as many word families, supporting the idea that the 2K has low range and frequency in some academic disciplines, and that studying the GSL before the AWL may not be the best preparation for students of academic English across all disciplines.
The authors further noted that many low frequency AWL words were high frequency in the CAWL. Examples include chemical, intense, extract, plus, conform and mode, ranked between 101 and 237 in the CAWL, which are all in sublists 7 or 8 of the AWL, i.e. rank 360-480. Additionally, many high frequency words in the AWL do not appear in the CAWL, for example legal, policy, income, finance and legislate, all from sublist 1 of the AWL. Indeed, the first three of these words (legal, policy, income) do not appear in the CRAC corpus at all, while finance appears only 18 times, and legislate only 6 times.
There are some problems with the original list as presented in the Journal of English for Academic Purposes. These include:
Valipouri, L. and Nassaji, H. (2013), 'A corpus-based study of academic vocabulary in chemistry research articles', Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 12 (2013) pp.248–263.
The Chemistry Academic Word List is shown below. It is presented in order of frequency. The overall rank in the list (out of 1400) is shown, together with the headword, and other members of the word family. The table also shows whether or not the words appear in the GSL or the AWL.
Word family information is derived from the Lextutor familizer, based on the 25k BNC-COCA lists.
Rank | Headword | Related word forms | GSL word | AWL word |
1 | use | misuse, misused, misuser, misusers, misuses, misusing, reusable, reuse, reused, reuses, reusing, unusable, unused, usability, usable, useable, used, useful, usefully, usefulness, useless, uselessly, uselessness, user, users, uses, using | Y | N |
2 | show | showed, showing, showings, shown, shows | Y | N |
3 | react | overreact, overreacted, overreacting, overreaction, overreactions, overreacts, reactance, reactant, reactants, reacted, reacting, reaction, reactionaries, reactionary, reactions, reactive, reactivity, reactor, reactors, reacts, unreactive | N | Y |
4 | result | resultant, resulted, resulting, results | Y | N |
5 | solve | solved, solves, solving, unsolvable, unsolved | Y | N |
6 | spectrum | spectrums | N | N |
7 | can | cannot | Y | N |
8 | form | formed, forming, formless, formlessness, forms, preform, preformed, preforming, preforms, unformed | Y | N |
9 | temperature | temperatures | Y | N |
10 | high | higher, highest, highly, highs | Y | N |
11 | structure | poststructuralism, poststructuralist, restructure, restructured, restructures, restructuring, structural, structuralism, structuralisms, structuralist, structuralists, structurally, structured, structures, structuring, unstructured | N | Y |
12 | complex | complexed, complexes, complexities, complexity | N | Y |
13 | bond | bonded, bonding, bonds | N | Y |
14 | difference | differences | Y | N |
15 | value | invaluable, invaluably, revaluation, revaluations, revalue, revalued, revalues, revaluing, valuable, valuables, valuation, valuations, valued, valueless, valuer, valuers, values, valuing | Y | N |
16 | concentrate | concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concentration, concentrations | N | Y |
17 | obtain | obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable | N | Y |
18 | molecule | molecular, molecules | N | N |
19 | sample | sampled, samples, sampling | Y | N |
20 | increase | increased, increases, increasing, increasingly | Y | N |
21 | conduct | conductance, conducted, conducting, conduction, conductive, conductivity, conductor, conductors, conducts, semiconductor, semiconductors | N | Y |
22 | present | presentable, presentably, presentation, presentational, presentations, presented, presenter, presenters, presenting, presents, unpresentable | Y | N |
23 | study | studied, studies, studious, studiously, studying | Y | N |
24 | between | betweens | Y | N |
25 | experiment | experimental, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentalists, experimentally, experimentation, experimented, experimenter, experimenters, experimenting, experiments | Y | N |
26 | water | watered, waterier, wateriest, wateriness, watering, waters, watery | Y | N |
27 | analyse | analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analysing, analysis, analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing | N | Y |
28 | compound | compoundable, compounded, compounding, compounds | N | Y |
29 | observe | nonobservant, observable, observant, observantly, observation, observational, observations, observatories, observatory, observed, observer, observers, observes, observing, unobservable, unobservant, unobserved | Y | N |
30 | add | added, adding, addition, additional, additionality, additionally, additions, additive, additives, adds | Y | N |
31 | acid | acidic, acidity, acidly, acids | N | N |
32 | group | grouped, grouping, groupings, groups, intergroup, regroup, regrouped, regrouping, regroups, subgroup, subgroups, ungrouped | Y | N |
33 | than | Y | N | |
34 | measure | immeasurable, immeasurably, measurable, measurably, measured, measurement, measurements, measures, measuring, unmeasured | Y | N |
35 | surface | resurface, resurfaced, resurfaces, resurfacing, subsurface, subsurfaces, surfaced, surfaces, surfacing | Y | N |
36 | mix | mixed, mixer, mixers, mixes, mixing, unmixed | Y | N |
37 | effect | effected, effecting, effects | Y | N |
38 | low | lowish, lowlier, lowliest, lowly, lows | Y | N |
39 | time | anytime, timed, timeless, timelessness, timeliness, timely, timer, timers, times, timing, timings, untimed, untimeliness, untimely | Y | N |
40 | cell | celled, cells | N | N |
41 | method | methodical, methodically, methodological, methodologically, methodologies, methodology, methods | N | Y |
42 | data | datum | N | Y |
43 | atom | atomic, atomise, atomised, atomiser, atomisers, atomises, atomising, atomism, atomize, atomized, atomizer, atomizers, atomizes, atomizing, atoms, subatomic | N | N |
44 | crystal | crystallisation, crystallise, crystallised, crystallises, crystallising, crystallization, crystallize, crystallized, crystallizes, crystallizing, crystals | N | N |
45 | after | afterward, afterwards | Y | N |
46 | table | tablecloth, tablecloths, tabled, tables, tabling | Y | N |
47 | calculate | calculated, calculates, calculating, calculation, calculations, calculator, calculators, miscalculate, miscalculated, miscalculates, miscalculating, miscalculation, miscalculations, recalculate, recalculated, recalculates, recalculating, recalculation, recalculations | Y | N |
48 | system | subsystem, subsystems, systematic, systematically, systems, unsystematic, unsystematically | Y | N |
49 | energy | energetic, energetically, energetics, energies, energise, energised, energiser, energisers, energises, energising, energize, energized, energizer, energizers, energizes, energizing | N | Y |
50 | part | parted, partial, partially, parting, partly, parts, pt, pts | Y | N |
51 | respect | respectable, respectably, respected, respecter, respecters, respectful, respectfully, respecting, respects | Y | N |
52 | other | otherness, others | Y | N |
53 | determine | determinable, determinant, determinants, determination, determinations, determinative, determined, determinedly, determines, determining, determinism, determinist, deterministic, deterministically, determinists, indeterminacies, indeterminacy, undetermined | Y | N |
54 | give | gave, gimme, given, giver, givers, gives, giving, ungiven | Y | N |
55 | compare | comparability, comparable, comparably, compared, compares, comparing, comparison, comparisons, incomparable, incomparably | Y | N |
56 | find | finder, finders, finding, findings, finds, found, unfound | Y | N |
57 | prepare | prep, preparation, preparations, preparatory, prepared, preparedness, prepares, preparing, unprepared | Y | N |
58 | rate | rateable, rated, rater, raters, rates, rating, ratings | Y | N |
59 | phase | phased, phases, phasing | N | Y |
60 | product | counterproductive, production, productions, productive, productively, productivity, products, unproductive | Y | N |
61 | base | based, baseless, baser, bases, basest, basing | Y | N |
62 | polymer | polymerisation, polymerise, polymerised, polymerising, polymerization, polymerize, polymerized, polymerizes, polymerizing, polymers | N | N |
63 | process | processed, processer, processers, processes, processing, processor, processors, reprocess, reprocessed, reprocesses, reprocessing, reprocessings, unprocessed | N | Y |
64 | film | filmed, filming, films, filmy | Y | N |
65 | change | changeable, changed, changer, changers, changes, changing, unchangeable, unchangeably, unchanged, unchanging | Y | N |
66 | peak | peaked, peaking, peaks | N | N |
67 | model | modeled, modeler, modelers, modeling, modelled, modeller, modellers, modelling, models | Y | N |
68 | more | Y | N | |
69 | report | reported, reportedly, reporter, reporters, reporting, reports, unreported | Y | N |
70 | under | Y | N | |
71 | interact | interacted, interacting, interaction, interactional, interactionally, interactionism, interactionist, interactions, interactive, interactively, interactivity, interacts | N | Y |
72 | stable | instabilities, instability, stabilisation, stabilise, stabilised, stabiliser, stabilisers, stabilises, stabilising, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stabilizer, stabilizers, stabilizes, stabilizing, stabler, stablest, unstable | N | Y |
73 | range | midrange, ranged, ranges, ranging | N | Y |
74 | indicate | indicated, indicates, indicating, indication, indications, indicative, indicator, indicators | N | Y |
75 | only | Y | N | |
76 | oxygen | oxygens | N | N |
77 | active | actively, activism, activist, activists, activities, activity, inactive, inactivity | Y | N |
78 | state | stated, statement, statementing, statements, stating, unstated | Y | N |
79 | layer | layered, layering, layers | N | Y |
80 | material | materialism, materialisms, materialist, materialistic, materialistically, materialists, materiality, materially, materials | Y | N |
81 | condition | conditional, conditionally, conditionals, conditioned, conditioner, conditioners, conditioning, conditionings, conditions, unconditional, unconditionally, unconditioned | Y | N |
82 | yield | unyielding, yielded, yielding, yields | Y | N |
83 | reduce | reduced, reduces, reducible, reducing, reduction, reductionism, reductionist, reductionists, reductions | Y | N |
84 | potential | potentialities, potentiality, potentially, potentials | N | Y |
85 | metal | metalled, metallic, metals, nonmetallic | Y | N |
86 | but | buts | Y | N |
87 | then | Y | N | |
88 | decrease | decreased, decreases, decreasing | Y | N |
89 | each | Y | N | |
90 | correspond | corresponded, correspondence, correspondences, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponds | N | Y |
91 | case | cases | Y | N |
92 | same | sameness | Y | N |
93 | function | functional, functionalism, functionalist, functionalists, functionalities, functionality, functionally, functioned, functioning, functions | N | Y |
94 | perform | performance, performances, performed, performer, performers, performing, performs | Y | N |
95 | character | characterful, characterisation, characterisations, characterise, characterised, characterises, characterising, characterization, characterize, characterized, characterizes, characterizing, characterless, characters | Y | N |
96 | follow | ff, followed, follower, followers, following, follows | Y | N |
97 | similar | dissimilar, dissimilarities, dissimilarity, similarities, similarity, similarly | N | Y |
98 | contain | contained, container, containers, containing, containment, contains | Y | N |
99 | apply | application, applications, applied, applies, applying, apps, disapplication, reapplication, reapplications, reapplied, reapplies, reapply | Y | N |
100 | band | banded, banding, bands | Y | N |
101 | chemical | chemically, chemicals | N | Y |
102 | mass | massed, masses, massing | Y | N |
103 | order | ordered, ordering, orderlies, orderliness, orderly, orders, reorder, reordered, reordering, reorders, unordered | Y | N |
104 | solid | solidification, solidified, solidifies, solidify, solidifying, solidities, solidity, solidly, solids | Y | N |
105 | constant | constantly, constants, inconstantly | N | Y |
106 | property | propertied, properties | Y | N |
107 | large | largeish, largely, larger, largest, largish | Y | N |
108 | ratio | ratios | N | Y |
109 | where | wherever | Y | N |
110 | see | saw, seeing, seen, seer, seers, sees, seest, unseeing, unseeingly, unseen | Y | N |
111 | well | unwell, wellness | Y | N |
112 | describe | described, describer, describers, describes, describing, indescribable, indescribably | Y | N |
113 | first | firstly, firsts | Y | N |
114 | investigate | investigated, investigates, investigating, investigation, investigations, investigative, investigator, investigators, investigatory | N | Y |
115 | gas | gaseous, gases, gassed, gassing | Y | N |
116 | heat | heated, heatedly, heater, heaters, heating, heats, preheat, preheated, preheating, preheats, reheat, reheated, reheating, reheats, unheated | Y | N |
117 | during | Y | N | |
118 | small | smaller, smallest, smallish, smallness, smalls | Y | N |
119 | very | Y | N | |
120 | detect | det, detectable, detected, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects, undetectable, undetected | N | Y |
121 | while | whilst | Y | N |
122 | oxide | oxides | N | N |
123 | derive | derivation, derivations, derivative, derivatives, derived, derives, deriving | N | Y |
124 | dry | dried, drier, driers, dries, driest, drily, dryer, dryers, drying, dryly, dryness | Y | N |
125 | synthesis | synth, syntheses, synthesise, synthesised, synthesiser, synthesisers, synthesises, synthesising, synthesize, synthesized, synthesizer, synthesizers, synthesizes, synthesizing, synths | N | N |
126 | could | couldn | Y | N |
127 | vary | invariable, invariably, invariance, invariant, invariate, unvaried, unvarying, variability, variable, variables, variably, variance, variances, variant, variants, variate, variates, variation, variations, varied, varies, varying | N | Y |
128 | parameter | parameters | N | Y |
129 | pressure | pressured, pressures, pressuring, pressurisation, pressurise, pressurised, pressurising, pressurization, pressurize, pressurized, pressurizing | Y | N |
130 | number | nos, numbered, numbering, numberless, numbers, renumber, renumbered, renumbering, renumbers, unnumbered | Y | N |
131 | amount | amounted, amounting, amounts | Y | N |
132 | proceed | proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds | N | Y |
133 | significant | insignificant, insignificantly, significantly | N | Y |
134 | though | tho | Y | N |
135 | through | thro, throughout, thru | Y | N |
136 | intense | intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intensities, intensity, intensive, intensively | N | Y |
137 | extract | extracted, extracting, extraction, extractions, extractive, extractor, extractors, extracts | N | Y |
138 | relative | relatively, relativise, relativised, relativises, relativising, relativism, relativist, relativistic, relativists, relativize, relativized, relativizes, relativizing | Y | N |
139 | work | rework, reworked, reworking, reworks, unworkable, unworked, workable, worked, worker, workers, workin, working, workings, works | Y | N |
140 | far | farther, farthest | Y | N |
141 | catalyse | catalysed, catalyses, catalysing, catalytic, catalyze, catalyzed, catalyzes, catalyzing | N | N |
142 | species | sp, specie, spp, subspecies | N | N |
143 | organic | inorganic, inorganically, organically, organics | N | N |
144 | some | somebody, somehow, someone, somethin, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere | Y | N |
145 | charge | chargeable, charged, chargee, chargees, charger, chargers, charges, charging, uncharged | Y | N |
146 | signal | signaling, signalled, signalling, signally, signals | Y | N |
147 | absorb | absorbance, absorbed, absorbency, absorbent, absorber, absorbers, absorbing, absorbs, absorption, absorptions, absorptive | N | N |
148 | select | reselection, selectable, selected, selecting, selection, selections, selective, selectively, selectivities, selectivity, selector, selectors, selects, unselected | N | Y |
149 | ring | rang, ringed, ringing, rings, rung | Y | N |
150 | curve | curvaceous, curvature, curvatures, curved, curves, curving, curvy | Y | N |
151 | line | lined, lines, unlined | Y | N |
152 | test | retest, retested, retesting, retests, testable, tested, tester, testers, testing, tests, untestable, untested | Y | N |
153 | coordinate | coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, coordinators, ordinated, ordinating, ordinator, ordinators, uncoordinated | N | Y |
154 | region | regional, regionalism, regionalist, regionalists, regionally, regions | N | Y |
155 | previous | previously | N | Y |
156 | point | midpoint, midpoints, pointed, pointedly, pointer, pointers, pointing, pointless, pointlessly, pointlessness, points, pointy | Y | N |
157 | direct | directly | Y | N |
158 | relation | interrelate, interrelated, interrelates, interrelating, interrelation, interrelations, interrelationship, interrelationships, related, relatedness, relates, relating, relate, relational, relations, relationship, relationships, unrelated | Y | N |
159 | transit | transited, transiting, transits | N | Y |
160 | level | leveled, leveler, leveling, levelled, leveller, levellers, levelling, levelly, levels | Y | N |
161 | lead | leader, leaderless, leaders, leadership, leaderships, leading, leads, led, mislead, misleading, misleadingly, misleads, misled | Y | N |
162 | shift | shifted, shifting, shifts | N | Y |
163 | carry | carried, carrier, carriers, carries, carrying | Y | N |
164 | possible | impossibility, impossible, impossibly, possibilities, possibility, possibles, possibly | Y | N |
165 | cycle | cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling, cyclist, cyclists | N | Y |
166 | type | subtype, subtypes, types | Y | N |
167 | size | sizable, sized, sizes, sizing | Y | N |
168 | over | overly | Y | N |
169 | scheme | schematic, schematically, schemed, schemes, scheming | N | Y |
170 | treat | mistreat, mistreated, mistreating, mistreatment, mistreatments, mistreats, pretreated, pretreatment, treatable, treated, treating, treatment, treatments, treats, untreatable, untreated | Y | N |
171 | bind | binder, binderies, binders, bindery, binding, bindings, binds, bound, unbind, unbinding, unbound | Y | N |
172 | because | cos, coz | Y | N |
173 | content | contents | Y | N |
174 | above | Y | N | |
175 | accord | accordance, accorded, accords | Y | N |
176 | chain | chained, chaining, chains, unchained | Y | N |
177 | weigh | unweighed, weighed, weigher, weighers, weighing, weighs | Y | N |
178 | component | componentry, components | N | Y |
179 | plus | pluses | N | Y |
180 | room | anteroom, anterooms, roomed, roomful, roomfuls, roomier, roomiest, rooms, roomy | Y | N |
181 | introduce | intro, introduced, introduces, introducing, introduction, introductions, introductory, intros, reintroduce, reintroduced, reintroduces, reintroducing, reintroduction, reintroductions | Y | N |
182 | strong | stronger, strongest, strongly | Y | N |
183 | produce | produced, producer, producers, produces, producing | Y | N |
184 | discuss | discussed, discusses, discussing, discussion, discussions, undiscussed | Y | N |
185 | behaviour | behavior, behavioral, behaviorism, behaviorist, behaviorists, behaviors, behavioural, behaviourism, behaviourist, behaviourists, behaviours, misbehavior, misbehaviors, misbehaviour, misbehaviours | N | N |
186 | take | retake, retaken, retakes, retaking, retook, taken, taker, takers, takes, takin, taking, takings, took | Y | N |
187 | important | importantly, unimportant | Y | N |
188 | oil | oiled, oiler, oilers, oiliness, oiling, oils, oily, unoiled | Y | N |
189 | flow | flowed, flowing, flows | Y | N |
190 | appear | appearance, appearances, appeared, appearing, appears, reappear, reappearance, reappearances, reappeared, reappearing, reappears | Y | N |
191 | modify | modification, modifications, modified, modifier, modifiers, modifies, modifying, unmodified | N | Y |
192 | control | controllable, controlled, controller, controllers, controlling, controls, uncontrollable, uncontrollably, uncontrolled | Y | N |
193 | standard | standardisation, standardise, standardised, standardising, standardization, standardize, standardized, standardizing, standards, substandard, unstandardised, unstandardized | Y | N |
194 | dense | densely, denseness, denser, densest, densities, density | N | N |
195 | unite | reunite, reunited, reunites, reuniting, united, unites, uniting | Y | N |
196 | occur | occurred, occurrence, occurrences, occurring, occurs, reoccur, reoccurred, reoccurring, reoccurs | N | Y |
197 | liquid | liquidities, liquidity, liquids | Y | N |
198 | separate | separated, separately, separateness, separatenesses, separates, separating, separation, separations, separatism, separatist, separatists | Y | N |
199 | stir | stirred, stirrer, stirrers, stirring, stirrings, stirs | Y | N |
200 | compose | composed, composer, composers, composes, composing, composition, compositional, compositions | Y | N |
201 | optimise | optimisation, optimisations, optimised, optimises, optimising, optimization, optimizations, optimize, optimized, optimizes, optimizing | N | N |
202 | protein | proteins | N | N |
203 | linear | linearities, linearity, linearly, nonlinear | N | N |
204 | transfer | transferability, transferable, transferee, transferees, transference, transferer, transferers, transferor, transferors, transferral, transferrals, transferred, transferring, transfers | N | Y |
205 | soluble | insolubility, insoluble, solubility | N | N |
206 | mean | meaning, meaningful, meaningfully, meaningfulness, meaningless, meaninglessness, meanings, means, meant | Y | N |
207 | conform | conformable, conformance, conformances, conformation, conformations, conformed, conformer, conformers, conforming, conformist, conformists, conformities, conformity, conforms, nonconforming, nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity, unconformable | N | Y |
208 | make | made, maker, makers, makes, making, makings, remade, remake, remakes, remaking, unmade, unmake | Y | N |
209 | step | stepped, stepping, steps, stepwise | Y | N |
210 | position | positional, positioned, positioning, positions, reposition, repositioned, repositioning, repositions | Y | N |
211 | suggest | suggested, suggestible, suggesting, suggestion, suggestions, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, suggests | Y | N |
212 | angle | angled, angles, angling | Y | N |
213 | distribute | distributable, distributed, distributes, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributions, distributive, distributor, distributors, redistribute, redistributed, redistributes, redistributing, redistribution, redistributive | N | Y |
214 | aqueous | N | N | |
215 | area | areas | N | Y |
216 | know | dunno, knew, knowable, knowed, knowing, knowingly, known, knows, unknowable, unknowing, unknowingly, unknown, unknowns | Y | N |
217 | set | sets, setting, settings, subset, subsets, unset | Y | N |
218 | conclude | concluded, concludes, concluding, unconcluded | N | Y |
219 | respond | responded, respondent, respondents, responder, responders, responding, responds | N | Y |
220 | thermal | thermally, thermals | N | N |
221 | theory | theories, theorist, theorists | N | Y |
222 | consist | consisted, consisting, consists | N | Y |
223 | consider | consideration, considerations, considered, considering, consideringly, considers, reconsider, reconsideration, reconsiderations, reconsidered, reconsidering, reconsiders, unconsidered | Y | N |
224 | current | currently, currents | Y | N |
225 | grow | grew, grower, growers, growing, grown, grows, growth, growths, regrow, regrowth | Y | N |
226 | enzyme | enzymes | N | N |
227 | main | mainly, mains | Y | N |
228 | site | sited, sites, siting | N | Y |
229 | include | incl, included, includes, including | Y | N |
230 | filter | filtered, filtering, filters, filtrate, filtrated, filtrating, filtration, filtrations, unfiltered | N | N |
231 | maximise | maximisation, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximization, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing | N | Y |
232 | develop | developed, developer, developers, developing, development, developmental, developmentally, developments, develops, redevelop, redeveloped, redeveloping, redevelopment, redevelopments, redevelops, underdeveloped, underdevelopment, undeveloped | Y | N |
233 | centre | center, centered, centering, centerist, centerists, centers, central, centralisation, centralise, centralised, centralises, centralising, centralism, centralist, centralists, centralities, centrality, centralization, centralize, centralized, centralizes, centralizing, centrally, centred, centredness, centres, centric, centring, centrist, centrists | Y | N |
234 | record | prerecord, prerecorded, prerecording, prerecords, recorded, recorder, recorders, recording, recordings, records, unrecorded | Y | N |
235 | general | generalisabilty, generalisable, generalisation, generalisations, generalise, generalised, generalises, generalising, generalist, generalists, generalities, generality, generalizabilty, generalizable, generalization, generalizations, generalize, generalized, generalizes, generalizing, generally | Y | N |
236 | nitrogen | nitrogenous, nitrogens | N | N |
237 | mode | modes, modish | N | Y |
238 | remove | removable, removal, removals, removed, remover, removers, removes, removing | N | Y |
239 | residue | nonresidual, residual, residuals, residuary, residues | N | N |
240 | represent | rep, representation, representational, representations, representative, representativeness, representatives, represented, representing, represents, reps, unrepresentative, unrepresented | Y | N |
241 | allow | allowable, allowance, allowances, allowed, allowing, allows | Y | N |
242 | initial | initialisation, initialisations, initialise, initialised, initialises, initialising, initialization, initializations, initialize, initialized, initializes, initializing, initialled, initialling, initially, initials | N | Y |
243 | distance | distanced, distances, distancing | Y | N |
244 | single | singled, singleness, singles, singling, singly | Y | N |
245 | mechanism | mechanisms | Y | Y |
246 | new | newer, newest, newish, newly, newness, renew, renewable, renewables, renewal, renewals, renewed, renewing, renews | Y | N |
247 | provide | provided, provider, providers, provides, providing | Y | N |
248 | pure | pured, purely, pureness, purer, purest, purism, purist, purists, purity | Y | N |
249 | gel | gelled, gelling, gels | N | N |
250 | free | freed, freedom, freedoms, freeing, freely, freer, frees, freest, unfree, unfreed | Y | N |
251 | volume | vol, vols, volumes | N | Y |
252 | various | variously | Y | N |
253 | total | totaled, totaling, totality, totalizing, totalled, totalling, totally, totals, untotalled | Y | N |
254 | radical | radicalism, radicalisms, radically, radicals | N | Y |
255 | substrate | substrates | N | N |
256 | length | lengthen, lengthened, lengthening, lengthens, lengthier, lengthiest, lengthily, lengthiness, lengths, lengthways, lengthwise, lengthy | Y | N |
257 | final | finalise, finalised, finalises, finalising, finalist, finalists, finality, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finally, finals, semifinalist, semifinalists | N | Y |
258 | technique | techniques | N | Y |
259 | involve | involved, involvement, involvements, involves, involving, uninvolved | N | Y |
260 | light | lighted, lighters, lighting, lights, lit, unlit | Y | N |
261 | convert | converted, converter, converters, convertibility, convertible, convertibles, converting, converts, unconverted | N | Y |
262 | fraction | fractional, fractionally, fractions | N | N |
263 | magnet | magnetic, magnetically, magnetics, magnetise, magnetised, magnetises, magnetising, magnetism, magnetization, magnetize, magnetized, magnetizes, magnetizing, magnets, nonmagnetic | N | N |
264 | spectroscope | spectroscopes, spectroscopic, spectroscopist, spectroscopists | N | N |
265 | best | Y | N | |
266 | buffer | buffered, buffering, buffers | N | N |
267 | efficient | efficiencies, efficiency, efficiently, inefficiencies, inefficiency, inefficient, inefficiently | Y | N |
268 | scan | scanned, scanner, scanners, scanning, scans | N | N |
269 | polar | bipolar, bipolarities, bipolarity, polarisation, polarise, polarised, polarises, polarising, polarities, polarity, polarization, polarize, polarized, polarizes, polarizing | N | N |
270 | good | gidday, goodday, gooder, gooders, goodies, goodly, goodness, goody | Y | N |
271 | column | col, cols, columnar, columned, columns | N | N |
272 | plot | plots, plotted, plotter, plotters, plotting | N | N |
273 | combine | combinability, combination, combinations, combined, combines, combining, recombinant, recombination, recombinations, recombine, recombined, recombines, recombining | Y | N |
274 | wash | unwashable, unwashed, washable, washed, washer, washers, washes, washing | Y | N |
275 | exhibit | exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhibitionists, exhibitions, exhibitor, exhibitors, exhibits | N | Y |
276 | correlate | correlated, correlates, correlating, correlation, correlational, correlations, uncorrelated | N | N |
277 | depend | dependability, dependable, dependably, dependant, dependants, depended, dependent, dependents, depending, depends, undependable | Y | N |
278 | influence | influenced, influences, influencing, influential, uninfluenced | Y | N |
279 | geometry | geometric, geometrical, geometrically, geometries | N | N |
280 | loss | losses | Y | N |
281 | expect | expectancies, expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation, expectations, expected, expectedly, expecting, expects, unexpected, unexpectedly, unexpectedness | Y | N |
282 | ray | rayed, rays | Y | N |
283 | complete | completed, completely, completeness, completes, completing, completion, completions, incomplete, incompletely, incompleteness, uncompleted | Y | N |
284 | limit | limitation, limitations, limited, limiting, limitless, limitlessly, limits, ltd, unlimited | Y | N |
285 | frequent | frequented, frequenting, frequently, frequents, infrequent, infrequently | Y | N |
286 | clear | clearance, clearances, cleared, clearer, clearest, clearing, clearings, clearly, clearness, clears, unclear | Y | N |
287 | kinetic | kinetically, kinetics | N | N |
288 | factor | factored, factoring, factors | N | Y |
289 | deposit | deposited, depositing, depositor, depositors, depository, deposits | N | N |
290 | powder | powdered, powdering, powders, powdery | Y | N |
291 | so | N | N | |
292 | couple | coupled, couples, coupling, couplings, uncoupled | N | Y |
293 | require | required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring | N | Y |
294 | drug | drugged, druggie, druggies, drugging, drugs | N | N |
295 | close | closely, closeness, closer, closest | Y | N |
296 | extend | extendable, extended, extender, extenders, extending, extends, unextended | Y | N |
297 | field | fielded, fielder, fielders, fielding, fields, midfielder, midfielders | Y | N |
298 | specific | nonspecific, specifically, specification, specifications, specificities, specificity, specifics, unspecific | N | Y |
299 | equilibriate | N | N | |
300 | would | wouldn | Y | N |
301 | diffuse | diffused, diffuser, diffusers, diffuses, diffusing, diffusion, diffusions | N | N |
302 | nature | natural, naturalism, naturalist, naturalistic, naturalistically, naturalists, naturally, naturalness, natured, naturedly, natures, unnatural, unnaturally | Y | N |
303 | average | averaged, averagely, averages, averaging | Y | N |
304 | wide | widely, widen, widened, wideness, widening, widens, wider, widest, width, widths | Y | N |
305 | vibrate | vibrated, vibrates, vibrating, vibration, vibrational, vibrations, vibrator, vibrators, vibratory | N | N |
306 | via | N | Y | |
307 | spectrometer | spectrometers | N | N |
308 | collect | collectable, collectables, collected, collecting, collection, collections, collective, collectively, collectives, collectivism, collectivist, collectivists, collectivities, collectivity, collectivization, collector, collectors, collects, uncollected | Y | N |
309 | glass | glasses, glassier, glassiest, glassily, glassiness, glassy | Y | N |
310 | able | abilities, ability, abler, ablest, ably, inability, unable | Y | N |
311 | generate | generated, generates, generating, generative, generatively | N | Y |
312 | much | Y | N | |
313 | before | Y | N | |
314 | element | elements | N | Y |
315 | cause | causation, causative, caused, causes, causing | Y | N |
316 | isomer | isomeric, isomerisation, isomerisations, isomerism, isomerization, isomerizations, isomers | N | N |
317 | agree | agreeable, agreeably, agreed, agreeing, agreement, agreements, agrees | Y | N |
318 | long | longer, longest, longish | Y | N |
319 | fit | fitness, fits, fitted, fitter, fitters, fittest, fitting, fittingly, fittings, unfit, unfitness, unfitted, unfitting | Y | N |
320 | cool | coolant, coolants, cooled, cooler, coolers, coolest, cooling, coolly, coolness, cools, uncool, uncooled | Y | N |
321 | fluorescent | fluoresce, fluoresced, fluorescence, fluorescences, fluorescently, fluoresces, fluorescing | N | N |
322 | approximate | approx, approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations | N | Y |
323 | substitute | substituted, substitutes, substituting, substitution, substitutions | N | Y |
324 | interest | interested, interestedly, interesting, interestingly, interests, uninterested, uninteresting | Y | N |
325 | evaluate | evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluative, evaluator, evaluators | N | Y |
326 | purify | purification, purifications, purified, purifies, purifying | N | N |
327 | great | greater, greatest, greatly, greatness, greats | Y | N |
328 | recent | recently | Y | N |
329 | sensitive | insensitive, insensitivity, sensitively, sensitivities, sensitivity | Y | N |
330 | contribute | contributed, contributes, contributing, contribution, contributions, contributor, contributors, contributory, noncontributory | N | Y |
331 | estimate | est, estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation, estimations, estimator, estimators | N | Y |
332 | acetate | acetates | N | N |
333 | emit | emission, emissions, emits, emitted, emitter, emitters, emitting | N | N |
334 | predict | predictability, predictable, predictably, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictions, predictive, predictor, predictors, predicts, unpredictability, unpredictable, unpredictably | N | Y |
335 | radiate | radiated, radiates, radiating, radiation, radiations, radiative | N | N |
336 | matrix | matrices, matrixes | N | N |
337 | confirm | confirmation, confirmations, confirmatory, confirmed, confirming, confirms, unconfirmed | N | Y |
338 | equate | equated, equates, equating | N | Y |
339 | typical | typically, untypical, untypically | N | N |
340 | assign | assigned, assignee, assignees, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassignment, reassignments, reassigns, unassigned | N | Y |
341 | place | placed, placement, placements, places, placing, placings, unplaced | Y | N |
342 | enhance | enhanced, enhancement, enhancements, enhancer, enhancers, enhances, enhancing | N | Y |
343 | optic | optical, optically, optician, opticians, optics | N | N |
344 | operate | op, operated, operates, operating, operation, operational, operationally, operations, operative, operatively, operatives, operator, operators, ops | Y | N |
345 | ester | esterase, esters | N | N |
346 | around | Y | N | |
347 | note | notable, notables, notably, noted, notes, noting | Y | N |
348 | isolate | isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism, isolationist, isolationists | N | Y |
349 | propose | proposal, proposals, proposed, proposer, proposers, proposes, proposing | Y | N |
350 | coefficient | coefficients | N | N |
351 | electrochemical | electrochemicals | N | N |
352 | explain | explained, explainer, explainers, explaining, explains, explanation, explanations, explanatory, unexplained | Y | N |
353 | slight | slighter, slightest, slighting, slightly | Y | N |
354 | demonstrate | demo, demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstratives, demonstrator, demonstrators, demos, undemonstrative | N | Y |
355 | thick | thicken, thickened, thickener, thickeners, thickening, thickens, thicker, thickest, thickly, thickness, thicknesses | Y | N |
356 | example | examples | Y | N |
357 | pulse | pulses, pulsed, pulsing | N | N |
358 | electronic | electronically, electronics | N | N |
359 | dissolve | dissolved, dissolves, dissolving | N | N |
360 | simple | simpleness, simpler, simplest, simplification, simplifications, simplified, simplifies, simplify, simplifying, simply, unsimplified | Y | N |
361 | approach | approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable | N | Y |
362 | degrade | degradation, degradations, degraded, degrades, degrading | N | N |
363 | decompose | decomposed, decomposer, decomposers, decomposes, decomposing, decomposition | N | N |
364 | series | N | Y | |
365 | pattern | patterned, patterning, patterns | Y | N |
366 | remain | remained, remaining, remains | Y | N |
367 | improve | improved, improvement, improvements, improver, improvers, improves, improving, unimproved | Y | N |
368 | air | aired, airier, airiest, airily, airiness, airing, airings, airless, airs, airy, midair | Y | N |
369 | membrane | membranes, membranous | N | N |
370 | resolve | resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved | N | Y |
371 | become | became, becomes, becoming | Y | N |
372 | section | sectional, sectioned, sectioning, sections, subsection, subsections | N | Y |
373 | short | shortage, shortages, shorten, shortened, shortening, shortens, shorter, shortest, shortish, shortness | Y | N |
374 | start | restart, restarted, restarting, restarts, started, starter, starters, starting, starts | Y | N |
375 | support | supported, supporter, supporters, supporting, supportive, supports, unsupported | Y | N |
376 | spite | spiteful, spitefully, spitefulness | Y | N |
377 | safe | safely, safeness, safer, safes, safest, safety, unsafe | Y | N |
378 | detail | detailed, detailing, details | Y | N |
379 | inhibit | inhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibitor, inhibitors, inhibitory, inhibits, uninhibited, uninhibitedly | N | Y |
380 | evaporate | evaporated, evaporates, evaporating, evaporation, evaporator, evaporators | N | N |
381 | here | Y | N | |
382 | below | Y | N | |
383 | associate | associated, associates, associateship, associateships, associating, association, associations, associative, associatively | N | N |
384 | achieve | achievable, achieved, achievement, achievements, achiever, achievers, achieves, achieving, unachievable | N | Y |
385 | interface | interfaced, interfaces, interfacing | N | N |
386 | near | nearby, neared, nearer, nearest, nearing, nearly, nearness, nears, nearside | Y | N |
387 | probable | improbabilities, improbability, improbable, improbably, probabilistic, probabilistically, probabilities, probability, probably | Y | N |
388 | employ | employability, employable, employed, employee, employees, employer, employers, employing, employment, employments, employs, unemployable, unemployed, unemployment | Y | N |
389 | upon | Y | N | |
390 | cluster | clustered, clustering, clusters | N | N |
391 | internal | internalisation, internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internalization, internalize, internalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally | N | Y |
392 | particular | particularisation, particularise, particularised, particularises, particularising, particularism, particularisms, particularistic, particularities, particularity, particularization, particularize, particularized, particularizes, particularizing, particularly, particulars | Y | N |
393 | along | Y | N | |
394 | adsorb | adsorbable, adsorbed, adsorber, adsorbing, adsorbs, adsorbtion | N | N |
395 | fact | factly, facts | Y | N |
396 | induce | induced, inducement, inducements, induces, inducing | N | Y |
397 | paper | papered, papering, paperless, papers, papery | Y | N |
398 | molar | molars | N | N |
399 | reveal | revealed, revealing, revealingly, reveals, revelation, revelations, unrevealed | N | Y |
400 | device | devices | N | Y |
401 | attribute | attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution, attributions, attributive, attributives, unattributed | N | Y |
402 | assume | assumed, assumes, assuming, unassuming, unassumingly | N | Y |
403 | neutral | neutralisation, neutralise, neutralised, neutralises, neutralising, neutrality, neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing, neutrally, neutrals | N | Y |
404 | fragment | fragmentary, fragmentation, fragmented, fragmenting, fragments | N | N |
405 | reference | referenced, references, referencing | Y | N |
406 | copper | coppers, coppery | Y | N |
407 | colour | color, coloration, colorations, colored, coloreds, colorful, colorfully, coloring, colorings, colorless, colors, colouration, colourations, coloured, coloureds, colourful, colourfully, colouring, colourings, colourist, colourists, colourless, colours | Y | N |
408 | normal | normalisation, normalise, normalised, normalises, normalising, normality, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normally | N | Y |
409 | negate | negated, negates, negating, negation, negations | N | Y |
410 | exist | existed, existence, existences, existent, existing, exists, nonexistent | Y | N |
411 | diameter | diameters | N | N |
412 | aromatic | aromatically | N | N |
413 | resonance | resonances | N | N |
414 | affect | affected, affecting, affects, unaffected | N | Y |
415 | symmetry | symmetric, symmetrical, symmetrically, symmetries, unsymmetrical | N | N |
416 | reason | reasonable, reasonableness, reasonably, reasoned, reasoning, reasons, unreasonable, unreasonableness, unreasonably, unreasoning | Y | N |
417 | inject | injected, injecting, injection, injections, injector, injectors, injects | N | N |
418 | contact | contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts, uncontactable | N | Y |
419 | source | sourced, sources, sourcing, unsourced | N | Y |
420 | slow | slowed, slower, slowest, slowing, slowly, slowness, slows | Y | N |
421 | literature | literatures | Y | N |
422 | reagent | reagents | N | N |
423 | whereas | N | Y | |
424 | day | dailies, daily, daylight, daylights, days, midday | Y | N |
425 | analogy | analogical, analogies, analogise, analogised, analogises, analogising, analogize, analogized, analogizes, analogizing | N | Y |
426 | reflect | reflectance, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reflections, reflective, reflectively, reflectiveness, reflects, unreflecting | Y | N |
427 | positive | positively, positives, positivism, positivist, positivistic, positivists, positivity | N | Y |
428 | bulk | bulkier, bulkiest, bulkiness, bulky | N | Y |
429 | identify | identifiable, identification, identifications, identified, identifier, identifiers, identifies, identifying, identities, identity, unidentifiable, unidentified | N | Y |
430 | fluid | fluidities, fluidity, fluids | N | N |
431 | alcohol | alcoholic, alcoholics, alcoholism, alcohols | N | N |
432 | moiety | moieties | N | N |
433 | image | imaged, imager, imagers, imagery, images, imaging | N | Y |
434 | medium | mediums | N | Y |
435 | saturate | saturated, saturates, saturating, saturation, saturations, unsaturated | N | N |
436 | diffract | diffractions, diffraction, diffractive | N | N |
437 | feature | featured, featureless, features, featuring | N | Y |
438 | tube | tubed, tubes, tubing | Y | N |
439 | major | majored, majoring | N | Y |
440 | electrolyte | electrolytes | N | N |
441 | available | availability, unavailability, unavailable | N | Y |
442 | stretch | stretchable, stretched, stretches, stretchiness, stretching, stretchy, unstretched | Y | N |
443 | term | midterm, midterms, preterm, termed, terming, termism, termly, terms | Y | N |
444 | fuel | fueled, fueling, fuelled, fuelling, fuels | N | N |
445 | backbone | Y | N | |
446 | caliber | calibre, calibres | N | N |
447 | degree | deg, degrees | Y | N |
448 | electric | electrical, electrically, electrician, electricians, electricity, electrics | Y | N |
449 | relax | relaxation, relaxations, relaxed, relaxer, relaxers, relaxes, relaxing | N | Y |
450 | melt | meltdown, melted, melting, melts | Y | N |
451 | shape | misshape, misshaped, misshapen, misshapes, misshaping, shaped, shapeless, shapelessly, shapelessness, shapelier, shapeliest, shapeliness, shapely, shaper, shapers, shapes, shaping, unshapely | Y | N |
452 | environment | environmental, environmentalism, environmentalist, environmentalists, environmentally, environments | N | Y |
453 | define | definable, defined, defines, defining, definition, definitional, definitions, indefinable, indefinably, predefined, redefine, redefined, redefines, redefining, redefinition, redefinitions, undefinable, undefined | N | Y |
454 | precipitate | precipitated, precipitately, precipitates, precipitating, precipitation | N | N |
455 | against | Y | N | |
456 | reach | reached, reaches, reaching | Y | N |
457 | dimer | dimers | N | N |
458 | release | releasable, released, releaser, releasers, releases, releasing, unreleased | N | Y |
459 | side | sided, sides, sideways, siding, sidings | Y | N |
460 | toward | towards | Y | N |
461 | double | doubled, doubles, doubling, doubly, redouble, redoubled, redoubles, redoubling | Y | N |
462 | express | expressed, expresses, expressible, expressing, expression, expressionless, expressionlessly, expressions, expressive, expressively, expressiveness, expressly, inexpressible, unexpressed | Y | N |
463 | probe | probed, probes, probing | N | N |
464 | sequence | sequenced, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentially, unsequenced | N | Y |
465 | assay | assayed, assayer, assayers, assaying, assays | N | N |
466 | among | amongst | Y | N |
467 | dilute | diluted, dilutes, diluting, dilution, dilutions, undiluted | N | N |
468 | plane | planes, aeroplane, aeroplanes | N | N |
469 | atmosphere | atmospheres, atmospheric | N | N |
470 | accuracy | accuracies, accurate, accurately, inaccuracies, inaccuracy, inaccurate, inaccurately | N | Y |
471 | profile | profiled, profiles, profiling | N | N |
472 | simulate | simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation, simulations, simulator, simulators | N | Y |
473 | per | Y | N | |
474 | quench | quenchable, quenched, quencher, quenchers, quenches, quenching, unquenchable | N | N |
475 | equivalent | equivalently, equivalents | N | Y |
476 | instrument | instrumental, instrumentalist, instrumentalists, instrumentation, instruments | Y | N |
477 | compute | computable, computation, computational, computationally, computations, computer, computed, computerisation, computerise, computerised, computerises, computerising, computerization, computerize, computerized, computerizes, computerizing, computers, computes, computing | N | Y |
478 | deviate | deviated, deviates, deviating, deviation, deviations, undeviating, undeviatingly | N | Y |
479 | fiber | fibre, fibers, fibres, fibrous | N | N |
480 | thin | thinly, thinned, thinner, thinness, thinnest, thinning, thins | Y | N |
481 | almost | Y | N | |
482 | correct | corrected, correcting, correction, correctional, corrections, corrective, correctly, correctness, corrects, incorrect, incorrectly, uncorrected | Y | N |
483 | easy | easier, easiest, easily, easiness | Y | N |
484 | refine | refined, refinement, refinements, refiner, refineries, refiners, refinery, refines, refining, unrefined | N | Y |
485 | act | acted, acting, action, actionable, actioned, actioning, actions, actor, actors, actress, actresses, acts, inaction, unactioned | Y | N |
486 | power | powered, powerful, powerfully, powering, powerless, powerlessly, powerlessness, powers | Y | N |
487 | versus | vs | N | N |
488 | locate | located, locater, locaters, locates, locating, location, locational, locations, locator, locators, relocate, relocated, relocates, relocating, relocation, relocations | N | Y |
489 | fast | faster, fastest | Y | N |
490 | reverse | irreversible, irreversibly, reversal, reversals, reversed, reverser, reversers, reverses, reversible, reversibly, reversing | N | Y |
491 | another | Y | N | |
492 | choose | chooses, choosing, choosy, chose, chosen, unchosen | Y | N |
493 | continue | continual, continually, continuance, continuation, continuations, continued, continues, continuing, continuities, continuity, continuous, continuously | Y | N |
494 | orient | oriental, orientalism, orientalist, orientalists, orientals | N | Y |
495 | capacity | capacities, incapacities, incapacity | N | Y |
496 | dynamic | dynamical, dynamically | N | Y |
497 | evident | evidently | N | Y |
498 | usual | unusual, unusually, usually | Y | N |
499 | space | spaced, spacer, spacers, spaces, spacing, spacious, spaciously, spaciousness, unspaced | Y | N |
500 | blend | blended, blender, blenders, blending, blends, unblended | N | N |
501 | vapor | vapour, vaporiser, vaporisers, vaporizer, vaporizers, vapors, vapours | N | N |
502 | examine | examination, examinations, examined, examinee, examinees, examiner, examiners, examines, examining, unexamined | Y | N |
503 | starch | starched, starches, starchier, starchiest, starchily, starchiness, starching, starchy | N | N |
504 | excess | excesses, excessive, excessively | Y | N |
505 | subsequent | subsequently | N | Y |
506 | monitor | monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored | N | Y |
507 | origin | origins | Y | N |
508 | transform | transformation, transformational, transformations, transformed, transformer, transformers, transforming, transforms | N | Y |
509 | equal | equaled, equaling, equalisation, equalise, equalised, equaliser, equalisers, equalises, equalising, equality, equalization, equalize, equalized, equalizer, equalizers, equalizes, equalizing, equalled, equalling, equally, equals, inequalities, inequality, unequal, unequalled, unequally | Y | N |
510 | weak | weaken, weakened, weakening, weakens, weaker, weakest, weakling, weaklings, weakly, weakness, weaknesses | Y | N |
511 | disperse | dispersal, dispersals, dispersed, disperses, dispersing, dispersion | N | N |
512 | rapid | rapidity, rapidly, rapids | Y | N |
513 | resist | nonresistant, resistance, resistances, resistant, resisted, resister, resisters, resistible, resisting, resistive, resistivity, resistless, resistor, resistors, resists, unresistant, unresisting, unresistingly | Y | N |
514 | back | backed, backer, backers, backing, backs, backward, backwardness, backwardnesses, backwards | Y | N |
515 | spin | spinner, spinners, spinning, spins, spun | Y | N |
516 | full | fuller, fullest, fullness, fully | Y | N |
517 | suit | suitability, suitable, suitably, suited, suiting, suits, unsuitability, unsuitable, unsuitably, unsuited | Y | N |
518 | inform | info, informant, informants, information, informational, informed, informer, informers, informing, informs, misinform, misinformation, misinformations, misinformed, misinforming, misinforms, uninformed | Y | N |
519 | way | midway, ways | Y | N |
520 | intermediate | intermediates | N | Y |
521 | broad | broaden, broadened, broadening, broadens, broader, broadest, broadly | Y | N |
522 | expose | exposed, exposes, exposing, exposure, exposures, unexposed | N | Y |
523 | like | dislike, disliked, dislikes, disliking, likeable, likeably, liked, likes, liking | Y | N |
524 | account | accounted, accounting, accounts, unaccounted | Y | N |
525 | gold | golden | Y | N |
526 | link | interlink, interlinked, interlinking, interlinks, linkage, linkages, linked, linker, linkers, linking, links, unlinked | N | Y |
527 | biology | biologies, biologist, biologists | N | N |
528 | configure | configurable, configuration, configurations, configured, configures, configuring | N | N |
529 | viscous | viscose, viscosities, viscosity | N | N |
530 | agent | agents | Y | N |
531 | common | commoner, commoners, commonest, commonly, commonness, uncommon, uncommonly | Y | N |
532 | force | forced, forceful, forcefully, forces, forcible, forcibly, forcing, unforced | Y | N |
533 | absence | absences | Y | N |
534 | incubate | incubated, incubates, incubating, incubation, incubations, incubator, incubators, preincubated, preincubation | N | N |
535 | distill | distilation, distilations, distil, distillation, distillations, distilled, distiller, distilleries, distillers, distillery, distilling, distills, distils | N | N |
536 | role | roles | N | Y |
537 | laser | lase, lased, lasers, lases, lasing | N | N |
538 | precursor | precursors, precursory | N | N |
539 | afford | affordability, affordable, afforded, affording, affords, unaffordable | Y | N |
540 | voltage | volt, voltages, voltmeter, voltmeters, volts | N | N |
541 | design | designed, designer, designers, designing, designs | N | Y |
542 | consequence | consequences | N | Y |
543 | dissociate | dissociated, dissociates, dissociating, dissociation, dissociations | N | N |
544 | among | amongst | Y | N |
545 | salt | salted, saltier, saltiest, salting, salts, salty, unsalted | Y | N |
546 | seem | seemed, seeming, seemingly, seems | Y | N |
547 | period | periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periodicity, periods | N | Y |
548 | plant | planted, planter, planters, planting, plantings, plants, replant, replanted, replanting, replants, unplanted | Y | N |
549 | wavelength | wavelengths | N | N |
550 | network | networked, networker, networkers, networking, networks | Y | Y |
551 | dimension | dimensional, dimensions | N | Y |
552 | core | cored, cores, coring | N | Y |
553 | recover | irrecoverable, recoverable, recovered, recoveries, recovering, recovers, recovery | N | Y |
554 | establish | established, establishes, establishing, establishment, establishments, reestablish, reestablished, reestablishes, reestablishing, reestablishment | N | Y |
555 | substance | substances | Y | N |
556 | certain | cert, certainly, certainties, certainty, uncertain, uncertainly, uncertainties, uncertainty | Y | N |
557 | cover | coverage, covered, covering, coverings, coverlet, coverlets, covers, uncover, uncovered, uncovering, uncovers | Y | N |
558 | box | boxes | Y | N |
559 | press | pressed, presses, pressing, unpressed | Y | N |
560 | load | loaded, loader, loaders, loading, loadings, loads, reload, reloaded, reloading, reloads, unload, unloaded, unloading, unloads | Y | N |
561 | plate | plated, plateful, platefuls, plates, plating | Y | N |
562 | swell | swelled, swelling, swellings, swells, swollen | Y | N |
563 | human | humanism, humanist, humanistic, humanists, humanity, humanly, humanness, humans, inhuman, inhumanity, nonhuman, nonhumans | Y | N |
564 | except | cept, cepting, excepted, excepting | Y | N |
565 | rather | Y | N | |
566 | need | needed, needful, needing, needless, needlessly, needn, needs, unneeded | Y | N |
567 | contrast | contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts | N | Y |
568 | stage | staged, stages, staging | Y | N |
569 | microscope | microscopes, microscopic, microscopical, microscopically, microscopy | N | N |
570 | donor | donee, donees, donors | N | N |
571 | rotate | rotated, rotates, rotating, rotation, rotational, rotations, rotatory | N | N |
572 | critic | critical, critically, critics, uncritical, uncritically | Y | N |
573 | nanoparticles | nanoparticle | N | N |
574 | formula | formulae, formulaic, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulates, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations | N | Y |
575 | suspend | suspended, suspender, suspenders, suspending, suspends, suspension, suspensions | N | Y |
576 | run | ran, rans, rerun, rerunning, reruns, runner, runners, runnier, runniest, runnin, running, runny, runs | Y | N |
577 | pack | package, packaged, packages, packaging, packed, packer, packers, packing, packs, unpack, unpacked, unpacking, unpacks | Y | N |
578 | percent | percentage, percentages | N | Y |
579 | exchange | exchangeable, exchanged, exchanger, exchangers, exchanges, exchanging | Y | N |
580 | strength | strengthen, strengthened, strengthening, strengthens, strengths | Y | N |
581 | independent | independently, independents | N | N |
582 | lipid | lipids | N | N |
583 | mobile | immobile, immobility, mobiles, mobilities, mobility | N | N |
584 | research | researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching | N | Y |
585 | bound | bounds | Y | N |
586 | keep | keeper, keepers, keepin, keeping, keeps, kept | Y | N |
587 | connect | connected, connectedness, connecting, connection, connections, connective, connectives, connectivity, connector, connectors, connects, connexion, connexions, interconnect, interconnected, interconnecting, interconnection, interconnections, interconnects, reconnect, reconnected, reconnecting, reconnection, reconnections, reconnects, unconnected | Y | N |
588 | early | earlier, earliest, earliness | Y | N |
589 | target | targeted, targeting, targets, targetted, targetting | N | Y |
590 | succeed | succeeded, succeeding, succeeds | Y | N |
591 | display | displayed, displaying, displays, undisplayed | N | Y |
592 | commerce | commercial, commercialisation, commercialise, commercialised, commercialises, commercialising, commercialism, commercialization, commercialize, commercialized, commercializes, commercializing, commercially, commercials, uncommercial | Y | N |
593 | error | errors | N | Y |
594 | vacuum | vacuumed, vacuuming, vacuums | N | N |
595 | block | blockage, blockages, blocked, blocker, blockers, blocking, blocks, blocky, unblock, unblocked, unblocking | Y | N |
596 | still | stilled, stiller, stillest, stilling, stillness, stills | Y | N |
597 | pair | paired, pairing, pairings, pairs, unpaired | Y | N |
598 | furthermore | N | Y | |
599 | summary | summaries, summarily, summarisation, summarisations, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarization, summarizations, summarize, summarized, summarizes, summarizing | N | Y |
600 | morphology | morphological, morphologically, morphologies, morphologist, morphologists | N | N |
601 | figure | fig, figs, figural, figuration, figurations, figured, figures, figuring, figurings | Y | N |
602 | orbit | orbital, orbitally, orbitals, orbited, orbiting, orbits, orbitted, orbitting | N | N |
603 | hydrophobic | N | N | |
604 | chemist | chemists | N | N |
605 | appropriate | appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately, inappropriateness | N | Y |
606 | primary | primaries, primarily | N | Y |
607 | retain | retained, retainer, retainers, retaining, retains | N | Y |
608 | benzene | benzenes | N | N |
609 | class | classed, classes, classier, classiest, classiness, classing, classless, classlessness, classy, subclass, subclasses | Y | N |
610 | peptide | peptides | N | N |
611 | especial | especially | Y | N |
612 | equip | equipments, equip, equipped, equipping, equips, unequipped | N | Y |
613 | incorporate | inc, incorporated, incorporates, incorporating, incorporation, incorporations, unincorporated | N | Y |
614 | frequency | frequencies, infrequency | Y | N |
615 | module | modular, modularity, modules | N | N |
616 | physical | physicality, physically | N | Y |
617 | alternate | alternated, alternately, alternates, alternating, alternation, alternations, alternator, alternators | N | Y |
618 | overall | N | Y | |
619 | integrate | integrated, integrates, integrating, integration, integrative, integrator, integrators, reintegrate, reintegrated, reintegrates, reintegrating, reintegration, reintegrations | N | Y |
620 | programme | program, programed, programing, programmable, programmatic, programmed, programmer, programmers, programmes, programming, programs | Y | N |
621 | brine | brines | N | N |
622 | aggregate | aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation, aggregations | N | Y |
623 | square | sq, squared, squarely, squareness, squarer, squares, squarest, squaring | Y | N |
624 | view | viewable, viewed, viewer, viewers, viewing, views | Y | N |
625 | problem | problematic, problematical, problematically, problems, unproblematic | Y | N |
626 | asymmetry | asymmetric, asymmetrical, asymmetrically, asymmetries | N | N |
627 | open | opened, opener, openers, opening, openings, openly, openness, opens, reopen, reopened, reopening, reopens, unopened | Y | N |
628 | quite | Y | N | |
629 | affinity | affinities | N | N |
630 | glucose | glucoses | N | N |
631 | anneal | annealed, annealer, annealers, annealing, anneals | N | N |
632 | end | ended, ending, endings, endless, endlessly, ends, unended, unending | Y | N |
633 | pathway | pathways | N | N |
634 | capillary | capillaries | N | N |
635 | enter | entered, entering, enters, unentered | Y | N |
636 | ground | foreground, foregrounded, foregrounding, foregrounds, grounded, grounding, groundless, grounds, ungrounded | Y | N |
637 | silver | silvered, silvering, silvery | Y | N |
638 | hence | N | Y | |
639 | pore | pores | N | N |
640 | attach | attached, attaches, attaching, attachment, attachments, unattached | N | Y |
641 | infrared | N | N | |
642 | excite | excitable, excitably, excitation, excitations, excited, excitedly, excitement, excitements, exciter, exciters, excites, exciting, unexciting | Y | N |
643 | mechanic | mechanical, mechanically, mechanics | Y | N |
644 | advantage | advantaged, advantageous, advantageously, advantages, advantaging | Y | N |
645 | local | localisation, localise, localised, localises, localising, localism, localization, localize, localized, localizes, localizing, locally, locals | Y | N |
646 | minimum | minimums | N | Y |
647 | necessary | necessaries, necessarily, unnecessarily, unnecessary | Y | N |
648 | bacteria | bacterium, bacterial | N | N |
649 | apparent | apparently | N | Y |
650 | list | listed, listing, listings, lists, unlisted | Y | N |
651 | together | togetherness, togethers | Y | N |
652 | crystallography | crystallographer, crystallographers, crystallographic | N | N |
653 | difficult | difficulties, difficulty | Y | N |
654 | latter | latterly | Y | N |
655 | maintain | maintainability, maintainable, maintained, maintaining, maintains, maintenance, unmaintained | N | Y |
656 | chiral | chirality | N | N |
657 | redox | N | N | |
658 | considerable | considerably, inconsiderable | N | Y |
659 | axis | N | N | |
660 | purchase | purchasable, purchased, purchaser, purchasers, purchases, purchasing, repurchase, repurchased, repurchaser, repurchasers, repurchases, repurchasing | N | Y |
661 | barrier | barriers | N | N |
662 | quantitative | quantitatively | N | N |
663 | illustrate | illustrated, illustrates, illustrating, illustration, illustrations, illustrative, illustrator, illustrators, unillustrated | N | Y |
664 | understand | misunderstand, misunderstanding, misunderstandings, misunderstands, misunderstood, understandable, understandably, understanding, understandingly, understandings, understands, understood | Y | N |
665 | prove | proved, proven, proves, proving, unproved, unproven | Y | N |
666 | reflux | N | N | |
667 | adhere | adhered, adherence, adherences, adherent, adherents, adheres, adhering | N | N |
668 | surfactant | surfactants | N | N |
669 | must | mustn | Y | N |
670 | crude | crudely, crudeness, cruder, crudest, crudities, crudity | N | N |
671 | construct | constructed, constructing, construction, constructional, constructions, constructive, constructively, constructivist, constructivists, constructor, constructors, constructs, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstruction, reconstructions, reconstructs, unreconstructed | N | Y |
672 | utilise | utilisation, utilised, utiliser, utilisers, utilises, utilising, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizer, utilizers, utilizes, utilizing | N | Y |
673 | substituent | substituents | N | N |
674 | iron | Y | N | |
675 | cleave | cleavage, cleavages, cleaved, cleaver, cleavers, cleaves, cleaving, cloven | N | N |
676 | mention | mentioned, mentioning, mentions, unmentionable, unmentioned | Y | N |
677 | evolve | evolved, evolves, evolving | N | Y |
678 | channel | channelled, channelling, channels, unchannelled | N | Y |
679 | fat | fatless, fatly, fatness, fats, fatten, fattened, fattening, fattens, fatter, fattest, fattier, fattiest, fattiness, fattish, fatty | Y | N |
680 | transport | transportable, transportation, transported, transporter, transporters, transporting, transports | N | Y |
681 | play | playability, playable, played, player, players, playful, playfully, playfulness, playing, plays, replay, replayed, replaying, replays, unplayable | Y | N |
682 | culture | cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, intercultural, subcultural, subculture, subcultures, uncultured | N | Y |
683 | kind | kinda, kinds | Y | N |
684 | likely | likelier, likeliest, likelihood, unlikeliest, unlikely | Y | N |
685 | parallel | paralleled, paralleling, parallelism, parallelled, parallelling, parallels, unparalleled | N | Y |
686 | convene | convened, convener, conveners, convenes, convening, convenor, convenors | N | Y |
687 | coexist | coexisted, coexistence, coexistences, coexistent, coexisting, coexists | N | N |
688 | essential | essentialist, essentialists, essentiality, essentialized, essentially, essentials | Y | N |
689 | grade | gradable, graded, grader, graders, grades, grading, gradings, regrade, regraded, regrades, regrading, ungraded | N | Y |
690 | voltammetry | N | N | |
691 | homogenous | homogeneously, homogeneous | N | N |
692 | hybrid | hybridisation, hybridisations, hybridise, hybridised, hybridises, hybridising, hybridization, hybridizations, hybridize, hybridized, hybridizes, hybridizing, hybrids | N | N |
693 | domain | domains | N | Y |
694 | bar | barred, barring, bars, unbarred | Y | N |
695 | sufficient | insufficient, insufficiently, sufficiently | N | Y |
696 | acquire | acquired, acquirer, acquirers, acquires, acquiring, unacquired | N | Y |
697 | population | populate, populated, populates, populating, populations, unpopulated | Y | N |
698 | undergo | undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent | N | Y |
699 | top | topless, topmost, topped, topper, toppers, topping, toppings, tops, untopped | Y | N |
700 | desire | desirability, desirable, desired, desires, desiring, desirous, undesirability, undesirable, undesirables, undesired | Y | N |
701 | pump | pumped, pumper, pumpers, pumping, pumps | Y | N |
702 | absolute | absolutely, absolutes, absolutism, absolutist, absolutists | Y | N |
703 | sphere | spheres, spherical, spherically | N | Y |
704 | proportion | proportional, proportionality, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportioned, proportions | N | Y |
705 | regard | disregard, disregarded, disregarding, disregards, regarded, regarding, regardless, regards | Y | N |
706 | obvious | obviously, obviousness | N | Y |
707 | storage | N | N | |
708 | fix | fixable, fixed, fixedly, fixer, fixers, fixes, fixing, fixings, fixity, unfixed | Y | N |
709 | isotherm | isotherms | N | N |
710 | amorphous | amorphously, amorphousness | N | N |
711 | again | Y | N | |
712 | rise | risen, riser, risers, rises, rising, risings, rose | Y | N |
713 | life | lifeless, lifelessly, lifelike, lifes, midlife | Y | N |
714 | focus | foci, focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focusses, focussing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing, refocussed, refocusses, refocussing, unfocused, unfocussed | N | Y |
715 | scale | scalable, scaled, scales, scaling, scalings | Y | N |
716 | slope | sloped, slopes, sloping | Y | N |
717 | occupy | occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupied, occupier, occupiers, occupies, occupying, unoccupied | N | Y |
718 | trap | trapped, trapper, trappers, trapping, traps | Y | N |
719 | alloy | alloys | N | N |
720 | drop | dropped, dropper, droppers, dropping, droppings, drops | Y | N |
721 | fabric | fabrics | N | N |
722 | moment | momentarily, momentary, moments | Y | N |
723 | condense | condensate, condensates, condensation, condensations, condensed, condenser, condensers, condenses, condensing | N | N |
724 | whole | wholeness, wholes, wholistic, wholistically, wholly | Y | N |
725 | prior | priors | N | Y |
726 | spectrophotometer | spectrophotometers | N | N |
727 | individual | individualise, individualised, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individualists, individuality, individualize, individualized, individually, individuals | N | Y |
728 | transmit | transmissible, transmission, transmissions, transmits, transmittal, transmitted, transmitter, transmitters, transmitting | N | Y |
729 | age | aged, ageing, ageism, ageist, ageists, ageless, ager, agers, ages, aging, underage | Y | N |
730 | variety | varietal, varieties | Y | N |
731 | replace | irreplaceable, replaceable, replaced, replacement, replacements, replacer, replacers, replaces, replacing | Y | N |
732 | dominate | dominated, dominates, dominating, domination | N | Y |
733 | trend | trended, trending, trends | N | Y |
734 | steric | N | N | |
735 | adjust | adjustable, adjusted, adjuster, adjusters, adjusting, adjustment, adjustments, adjusts, nonadjustable, readjust, readjusted, readjusting, readjustment, readjustments, readjusts, unadjusted | N | Y |
736 | array | arrayed, arraying, arrays | N | N |
737 | terminate | terminated, terminates, terminating, termination, terminations, terminator, terminators | N | Y |
738 | lattice | lattices | N | N |
739 | scatter | scattered, scattering, scatters | Y | N |
740 | trace | traceable, traced, traces, tracing, untraceable | N | Y |
741 | visible | invisibility, invisible, invisibly, visibility, visibly | N | Y |
742 | build | builder, builders, building, buildings, builds, built, prebuilt, rebuild, rebuilding, rebuilds, rebuilt, unbuilt | Y | N |
743 | leave | leaver, leavers, leaves, leaving | Y | N |
744 | simultaneous | simultaneity, simultaneously | N | N |
745 | repeat | repeatable, repeated, repeatedly, repeater, repeaters, repeating, repeats, repetition, repetitions, repetitious, unrepeatable | Y | N |
746 | elute | eluted, elutes, eluting, elution | N | N |
747 | blood | blooded, bloodied, bloodier, bloodies, bloodiest, bloodiness, bloodless, bloodlessly, bloodlessness, bloods, bloody, bloodying | Y | N |
748 | differentiate | differentiated, differentiates, differentiating, differentiation, undifferentiated | N | Y |
749 | minor | minorities, minority, minors | N | Y |
750 | technology | tech, technological, technologically, technologies, technologist, technologists | N | Y |
751 | dipole | dipoles | N | N |
752 | route | routed, routes, routing | N | Y |
753 | attract | attracted, attracting, attraction, attractions, attractive, attractively, attractiveness, attractor, attractors, attracts, unattractive, unattractively | Y | N |
754 | initiate | initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiations, initiative, initiatives, initiator, initiators, uninitiated | N | Y |
755 | index | indexation, indexed, indexer, indexers, indexes, indexical, indexing, indices | N | Y |
756 | assemble | assemblage, assemblages, assembled, assembler, assemblers, assembles, assembling | N | Y |
757 | receptor | receptors | N | N |
758 | novel | novelist, novelistic, novelists, novels | N | N |
759 | decay | decayed, decaying, decays | Y | N |
760 | binary | binaries | N | N |
761 | expand | expandability, expandable, expanded, expanding, expands | N | Y |
762 | identical | identically | N | Y |
763 | log | logged, logger, loggers, logging, loggings, logs | Y | N |
764 | monolayer | monolayers | N | N |
765 | laboratory | lab, laboratories, labs | N | N |
766 | dose | dosage, dosages, dosed, doses, dosing, dosings | N | N |
767 | prevent | preventable, preventative, prevented, preventer, preventing, prevention, preventive, preventively, prevents, unpreventable | Y | N |
768 | seed | seeded, seeding, seedless, seedling, seedlings, seeds, unseeded | Y | N |
769 | precise | imprecise, imprecision, precisely, preciseness, precision | N | Y |
770 | already | Y | N | |
771 | disorder | disordered, disorderly, disorders | N | N |
772 | year | yearling, yearlings, yearly, years, yr, yrs | Y | N |
773 | inside | insider, insiders, insides | Y | N |
774 | height | heights | Y | N |
775 | chamber | chambered, chambers | N | N |
776 | mark | marked, markedly, marker, markers, marking, markings, marks, unmarked | Y | N |
777 | subject | subjects | Y | N |
778 | quantity | quantities | Y | N |
779 | external | externalisation, externalise, externalised, externalises, externalising, externalities, externality, externalization, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externally, externals | N | Y |
780 | interfere | interfered, interference, interferes, interfering | Y | N |
781 | tend | tended, tendencies, tendency, tending, tends | Y | N |
782 | urea | ureas | N | N |
783 | purpose | purposeful, purposefully, purposefulness, purposeless, purposelessness, purposely, purposes, purposive | Y | N |
784 | dye | dyed, dyeing, dyer, dyers, dyes | N | N |
785 | magnitude | magnitudes | N | N |
786 | dark | darken, darkened, darkener, darkeners, darkening, darkens, darker, darkest, darkie, darkies, darkly, darkness, darky | Y | N |
787 | store | storable, store, stored, stores, storing | Y | N |
788 | uniform | uniformed, uniformity, uniformly, uniforms | N | Y |
789 | phenomenon | phenomena, phenomenoms | N | Y |
790 | volatile | nonvolatile, volatiles, volatilities, volatility | N | N |
791 | poor | poorer, poorest, poorly, poorness | Y | N |
792 | little | leetle, littleness, littler, littlest | Y | N |
793 | bend | bendable, bended, bending, bends, bendy, bent, unbend, unbending, unbends, unbent | Y | N |
794 | eliminate | eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination, eliminations, eliminator, eliminators | N | Y |
795 | apparatus | apparatuses | N | N |
796 | rough | roughage, roughed, roughen, roughened, roughening, roughens, rougher, roughest, roughing, roughish, roughly, roughness, roughs | Y | N |
797 | rely | reliabilities, reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relied, relies, relying, unreliability, unreliable | N | Y |
798 | tissue | tissues | N | N |
799 | name | misnamed, misnaming, named, nameless, namely, names, naming, rename, renamed, renames, renaming, renamings, unnamed | Y | N |
800 | exclude | excluded, excludes, excluding | N | Y |
801 | quality | qualities | Y | N |
802 | multiply | multiplication, multiplied, multiplier, multipliers, multiplies, multiplying | Y | N |
803 | pyrolysis | pyrolytic, pyrolytically | N | N |
804 | now | Y | N | |
805 | distinct | distinction, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctiveness, distinctivenesses, distinctly, distinctness, indistinct, indistinctly | N | Y |
806 | calorimeter | calorimeters | N | N |
807 | dielectric | N | N | |
808 | soil | soils, subsoil, subsoils | Y | N |
809 | left | lefthand, lefthanded, lefthander, lefthanders, leftist, leftists, leftmost, lefts, leftward, leftwards | Y | N |
810 | path | paths | Y | N |
811 | wall | walled, walling, walls | Y | N |
812 | lie | liar, liars, lied, lies, lying | Y | N |
813 | receive | receivable, received, receives, receiving | Y | N |
814 | deep | deepen, deepened, deepening, deepens, deeper, deepest, deeply, depth, depths | Y | N |
815 | conjugate | conjugated, conjugates, conjugating, conjugation, conjugations | N | N |
816 | excellent | excellence, excellently | Y | N |
817 | distort | distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorts, undistorted | N | Y |
818 | insert | inserted, inserting, insertion, insertions, inserts | N | Y |
819 | adopt | adopted, adopter, adopters, adopting, adoption, adoptions, adoptive, adopts | Y | N |
820 | planar | N | N | |
821 | quantify | quantifiable, quantification, quantified, quantifies, quantifying, unquantifiable | N | N |
822 | ternary | ternaries, tern, terns | N | N |
823 | adduct | adducted, adducting, adduction, adducts | N | N |
824 | late | lately, lateness, later, latest | Y | N |
825 | interpret | interpretable, interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreter, interpreters, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpretation, reinterpretations, reinterpreted, reinterpreting, reinterprets | N | Y |
826 | serum | antisera, antiserum, antiserums, serums | N | N |
827 | fresh | freshen, freshened, freshener, fresheners, freshening, freshens, fresher, freshest, freshly, freshness | Y | N |
828 | industry | industrial, industrialisation, industrialise, industrialised, industrialises, industrialising, industrialism, industrialist, industrialists, industrialization, industrialize, industrialized, industrializes, industrializing, industrially, industries | Y | N |
829 | avoid | avoidable, avoidance, avoided, avoiding, avoids, unavoidable, unavoidably | Y | N |
830 | constitute | constituent, constituents, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constitutive, constitutively | N | Y |
831 | accumulate | accumulated, accumulates, accumulating, accumulation, accumulations, accumulative, accumulatively, accumulator, accumulators | N | Y |
832 | aim | aimed, aiming, aimless, aimlessly, aimlessness, aims | Y | N |
833 | narrow | narrowed, narrower, narrowest, narrowing, narrowly, narrowness, narrows | Y | N |
834 | refer | ref, reference, referent, referential, referents, referral, referrals, referred, referring, refers, refs | Y | N |
835 | turn | turned, turning, turnings, turns, unturned | Y | N |
836 | interval | intervals | N | Y |
837 | displace | displaced, displacement, displacements, displaces, displacing | N | Y |
838 | strain | strained, strainer, strainers, straining, strains | N | N |
839 | assess | assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, assessor, assessors, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment, reassessments, unassessed | N | Y |
840 | graphite | graphites | N | N |
841 | concern | concerned, concerning, concerns, unconcern, unconcerned | Y | N |
842 | attempt | attempted, attempting, attempts, unattempted | Y | N |
843 | flask | flasks | N | N |
844 | prefer | preferable, preferably, preference, preferences, preferential, preferentially, preferment, preferments, preferred, preferring, prefers, unpreferred | Y | N |
845 | next | Y | N | |
846 | bath | baths | Y | N |
847 | inset | insets | N | N |
848 | emulsion | emulsions | N | N |
849 | pass | impassable, impassably, passable, passably, passed, passer, passers, passes, passing | Y | N |
850 | wave | waved, waves, waving | Y | N |
851 | ambient | ambiences, ambience | N | N |
852 | arrange | arranged, arrangement, arrangements, arranger, arrangers, arranges, arranging, prearrange, prearranged, prearranges, prearranging, rearrange, rearranged, rearrangement, rearrangements, rearranges, rearranging | Y | N |
853 | protect | protected, protecting, protection, protectionism, protectionist, protectionists, protections, protective, protectively, protectiveness, protector, protectors, protectorship, protectorships, protects, unprotected | Y | N |
854 | come | came, comer, comers, comes, cometh, comin, coming, comings | Y | N |
855 | indeed | Y | N | |
856 | supply | resupplied, resupplies, resupply, resupplying, supplied, supplier, suppliers, supplies, supplying | Y | N |
857 | beam | beamed, beaming, beams | Y | N |
858 | cure | curable, curative, cured, cures, curing, incurable, incurably | Y | N |
859 | cancer | cancerlike, cancerous, cancers | N | N |
860 | abundant | abundance, abundances, abundantly | N | N |
861 | consume | consumable, consumables, consumed, consumer, consumerism, consumerist, consumers, consumes, consuming | N | Y |
862 | label | labeled, labeling, labelled, labeller, labellers, labelling, labels, unlabeled, unlabelled | N | Y |
863 | capable | capabilities, capability, capably, incapability, incapable | N | Y |
864 | access | accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessibility, inaccessible | N | Y |
865 | zero | zeroed, zeroing, zeros | Y | N |
866 | create | created, creates, creating, creation, creations, creative, creatively, creativity, creator, creators, recreate, recreated, recreates, recreating | N | Y |
867 | arise | arisen, arises, arising, arose | Y | N |
868 | sum | summed, summing, sums | N | Y |
869 | possess | possessed, possesses, possessing, possession, possessions, possessive, possessively, possessiveness, possessor, possessors, possessory, repossess, repossessed, repossesses, repossessing, repossession, repossessions | Y | N |
870 | inverse | inversely | N | N |
871 | flash | flashed, flasher, flashers, flashes, flashing | Y | N |
872 | diagram | diagrammatic, diagrammatically, diagrammed, diagramming, diagrams | N | N |
873 | uptake | uptakes | N | N |
874 | fill | filled, filler, fillers, filling, fillings, fills, refill, refillable, refilled, refilling, refills, unfilled | Y | N |
875 | hold | held, holder, holders, holding, holdings, holds, unheld | Y | N |
876 | bridge | bridged, bridges, bridging, unbridgeable | Y | N |
877 | porous | nonporous, porosity, porousness | N | N |
878 | promote | promo, promos, promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotional, promotions | N | Y |
879 | covalent | N | N | |
880 | break | breakable, breakage, breakages, breaker, breakers, breaking, breaks, broke, broken, brokenly, unbreakable, unbroken | Y | N |
881 | favour | favor, favorable, favorably, favored, favoring, favors, favourable, favourably, favoured, favouring, favours, unfavored, unfavourable, unfavourably, unfavoured | Y | N |
882 | responsible | irresponsible, irresponsibly, responsibilities, responsibility, responsibly | Y | N |
883 | down | downed, downing, downings, downs, downward, downwards | Y | N |
884 | sharp | sharpen, sharpened, sharpener, sharpeners, sharpening, sharpens, sharper, sharpest, sharpish, sharply, sharpness | Y | N |
885 | bottom | bottomed, bottoming, bottomless, bottoms | Y | N |
886 | mineral | mineralisation, mineralization, minerals | Y | N |
887 | enough | Y | N | |
888 | clean | cleaned, cleaner, cleaners, cleanest, cleaning, cleanliness, cleanly, cleanness, cleans, unclean, uncleanliness | Y | N |
889 | cost | costed, costing, costings, costless, costlier, costliest, costly, costs | Y | N |
890 | specimen | specimens | N | N |
891 | tin | tinful, tinfuls, tinned, tinny, tins | Y | N |
892 | statistic | statistical, statistically, statistician, statisticians, statistics | N | Y |
893 | unique | uniquely, uniqueness | N | Y |
894 | face | faced, faceless, faces, facing, facings | Y | N |
895 | capsule | capsules | N | N |
896 | notice | noticeable, noticeably, noticed, notices, noticing, unnoticeable, unnoticed | Y | N |
897 | recognize | recognisable, recognisably, recognise, recognised, recognises, recognising, recognizable, recognizably, recognized, recognizes, recognizing, unrecognisable, unrecognised, unrecognizable, unrecognized | Y | N |
898 | practical | impractical, impracticalities, impracticality, practicalities, practicality, practically | Y | N |
899 | stress | stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed | N | Y |
900 | pellet | pellets | N | N |
901 | transit | N | Y | |
902 | metabolic | metabolically | N | N |
903 | upper | uppermost | Y | N |
904 | imply | implied, impliedly, implies, implying | N | Y |
905 | regress | regressed, regresses, regressing, regression, regressions, regressive | N | N |
906 | nuclear | N | Y | |
907 | alter | alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alters, unalterable, unaltered | N | Y |
908 | pound | pounds | Y | N |
909 | real | realism, realisms, realist, realistic, realistically, realists, realities, reality, unreal, unrealistic, unrealistically, unreality | Y | N |
910 | author | authored, authoress, authoresses, authorial, authoring, authors, authorship | N | Y |
911 | relevant | irrelevancies, irrelevancy, irrelevant, relevancy, relevantly | N | Y |
912 | deprotonation | N | N | |
913 | bear | bearable, bearably, bearer, bearers, bearing, bearings, bears, bore, borne, unbearable, unbearably | Y | N |
914 | media | N | Y | |
915 | overlap | overlapped, overlapping, overlaps | N | Y |
916 | oven | ovens | N | N |
917 | compatible | compatibilities, compatibility, compatibles, incompatibilities, incompatibility, incompatible, incompatibly | N | Y |
918 | template | templates | N | N |
919 | toxic | nontoxic, toxicities, toxicity | N | N |
920 | always | allus | Y | N |
921 | fold | folded, folding, folds, unfold, unfolded, unfolding, unfolds | Y | N |
922 | window | windowed, windowless, windows | Y | N |
923 | noise | noiseless, noiselessly, noises, noisier, noisiest, noisily, noisy | Y | N |
924 | valence | valences | N | N |
925 | heterogeneous | heterogeneity | N | N |
926 | circle | circled, circles, circling, circular, circularity, circulars, encircle, encircled, encirclement, encirclements, encircles, encircling, semicircle, semicircles, semicircular | Y | N |
927 | publish | publishable, published, publisher, publishers, publishes, publishing, republish, republished, republishes, republishing, unpublished | N | Y |
928 | balance | balanced, balances, balancing, imbalance, imbalanced, imbalances, unbalance, unbalanced, unbalances, unbalancing | Y | N |
929 | singlet | singlets | N | N |
930 | centrifuge | centrifugal, centrifugally, centrifugals, centrifugation, centrifuged, centrifuges, centrifuging | N | N |
931 | split | splits, splitting | Y | N |
932 | exotherm | exothermic, exothermically, exothermicity | N | N |
933 | eluent | N | N | |
934 | heavy | heavier, heavies, heaviest, heavily, heaviness | Y | N |
935 | cross | crossed, crosses, crossing, crossings, crosslike, crossly, crossness, uncrossed | Y | N |
936 | portion | portioned, portioning, portions | N | Y |
937 | adjacent | adjacently, nonadjacent | N | Y |
938 | dope | doped, dopes, doping | N | N |
939 | begin | began, beginner, beginners, beginning, beginnings, begins, begun | Y | N |
940 | attention | attentional, attentions, inattention | Y | N |
941 | minimise | minimisation, minimised, minimises, minimising, minimization, minimize, minimized, minimizes, minimizing | N | Y |
942 | immerse | immersed, immerses, immersing, immersion | N | N |
943 | move | immovable, immoveable, movable, moveable, moved, movement, movements, mover, movers, moves, moving, movingly, unmovable, unmoveable, unmoved, unmoving | Y | N |
944 | situation | situate, situated, situating, situational, situationally, situations | Y | N |
945 | actual | actualisation, actualisations, actualise, actualised, actualises, actualising, actualities, actuality, actualization, actualizations, actualize, actualized, actualizes, actualizing, actually | Y | N |
946 | sugar | sugared, sugars, sugary | Y | N |
947 | axial | axially | N | N |
948 | flame | flamed, flames, flaming | Y | N |
949 | rigid | rigidities, rigidity, rigidly | N | Y |
950 | gene | genes | N | N |
951 | enable | enabled, enabler, enablers, enables, enabling | N | Y |
952 | draw | drawing, drawings, drawn, draws, drew, redraw, redrawing, redrawn, redraws, redrew, undrawn | Y | N |
953 | immediate | immediacy, immediately, immediateness | Y | N |
954 | paste | pasted, pastes, pasting | Y | N |
955 | every | everybody, everyday, everydayness, everyone, everything, everytime, everywhere | Y | N |
956 | ash | ashen, ashes | Y | N |
957 | image | N | Y | |
958 | static | statically | N | N |
959 | depict | depicted, depicting, depiction, depictions, depicts | N | N |
960 | nevertheless | N | Y | |
961 | impact | impacted, impacting, impacts | N | Y |
962 | screen | screened, screening, screenings, screens | Y | N |
963 | humid | humidities, humidity | N | N |
964 | just | Y | N | |
965 | science | sciences, scientific, scientifically, scientificity, scientist, scientists, unscientific, unscientifically | Y | N |
966 | plastic | plasticity, plastics | N | N |
967 | remark | remarkable, remarkably, remarked, remarking, remarks, unremarkable, unremarkably, unremarked | Y | N |
968 | right | righthand, righthanded, righthander, righthanders, rightist, rightists, rightmost | Y | N |
969 | key | keyed, keying, keys | Y | N |
970 | pet | pets | Y | N |
971 | triplet | triplets | N | N |
972 | gradient | gradients | N | N |
973 | get | gets, gettin, getting, got, gotcha, gotta, gotten | Y | N |
974 | impure | impurities, impurity | Y | N |
975 | hot | hotly, hotness, hots, hotted, hotter, hottest, hotting | Y | N |
976 | therefore | Y | N | |
977 | amplitude | amplitudes | N | N |
978 | nucleate | nucleated | N | N |
979 | susceptible | insusceptible, susceptibilities, susceptibility | N | N |
980 | facilitate | facilitated, facilitates, facilitating, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facilitators | N | Y |
981 | accelerate | accelerated, accelerates, accelerating, acceleration, accelerations, accelerator, accelerators | N | N |
982 | serve | servant, servants, served, server, serveries, servers, servery, serves, serving, servings, unserved | Y | N |
983 | nozzle | nozzles | N | N |
984 | ready | readied, readier, readies, readiest, readily, readiness, readying, unready | Y | N |
985 | explore | exploration, explorations, exploratory, explored, explorer, explorers, explores, exploring, unexplored | Y | N |
986 | generation | generational, generations, intergenerational | N | Y |
987 | clarify | clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying, clarity | N | Y |
988 | fuse | fused, fuses, fusing, fusion, fusions | N | N |
989 | progress | progressed, progresses, progressing, progression, progressions, progressive, progressively, progressives | Y | N |
990 | migrate | migrated, migrates, migrating, migration, migrations, migratory, nonmigratory, transmigration | N | Y |
991 | motion | motioned, motioning, motionless, motions | Y | N |
992 | denote | denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting | N | Y |
993 | illuminate | illuminated, illuminates, illuminating, illumination, illuminations | N | N |
994 | dropwise | N | N | |
995 | exponent | exponents | N | N |
996 | stack | stacked, stacking, stacks, unstacked | N | N |
997 | strategy | strategic, strategically, strategies, strategist, strategists | N | Y |
998 | accompany | accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompaniments, accompanist, accompanists, accompanying, unaccompanied | N | Y |
999 | stock | overstock, overstocked, overstocking, overstocks, stocked, stocks | Y | N |
1000 | fourier | N | N | |
1001 | flux | fluxes | N | N |
1002 | cavity | cavities | N | N |
1003 | pharmaceutical | pharmaceuticals | N | N |
1004 | random | randomisation, randomisations, randomise, randomised, randomises, randomization, randomizations, randomize, randomized, randomizes, randomizing, randomly, randomness, ranomising | N | Y |
1005 | root | rooted, rootedness, rooting, rootless, rootlessness, rootlet, rootlets, roots | Y | N |
1006 | framework | frameworks | Y | Y |
1007 | collision | collisions | N | N |
1008 | tool | tooled, tooling, tools | Y | N |
1009 | endotherm | endotherms | N | N |
1010 | vinyl | vinyls | N | N |
1011 | overnight | N | N | |
1012 | care | cared, careful, carefully, carefulness, careless, carelessly, carelessness, carer, carers, cares, caring, uncared, uncaring | Y | N |
1013 | flexible | flexibility, flexibly, inflexibility, inflexible, inflexibly | N | Y |
1014 | zone | zonal, zoned, zones, zoning | N | N |
1015 | biochemical | biochemically, biochemicals | N | N |
1016 | branch | branched, branches, branching | Y | N |
1017 | accept | acceptability, acceptable, acceptably, acceptance, acceptances, accepted, accepting, acceptor, acceptors, accepts, unacceptability, unacceptable, unacceptably | Y | N |
1018 | former | formerly | Y | N |
1019 | manner | mannered, manners | Y | N |
1020 | regular | irregular, irregularities, irregularity, irregularly, irregulars, regularisation, regularisations, regularise, regularised, regularises, regularising, regularities, regularity, regularization, regularizations, regularize, regularized, regularizes, regularizing, regularly, regulars | Y | N |
1021 | successor | successors, succession, successions, successive, successively | N | Y |
1022 | batch | batches | N | N |
1023 | belong | belonged, belonging, belongings, belongs | Y | N |
1024 | special | specialisation, specialisations, specialise, specialised, specialises, specialising, specialism, specialisms, specialist, specialists, specialities, speciality, specialization, specializations, specialize, specialized, specializes, specializing, specially, specials, specialties, specialty | Y | N |
1025 | parent | parentage, parental, parented, parenthood, parenting, parentless, parents | Y | N |
1026 | lack | lacked, lacking, lacks | Y | N |
1027 | extreme | extremely, extremes, extremism, extremist, extremists, extremities, extremity | Y | N |
1028 | blank | blanked, blanking, blankly, blankness, blanks | N | N |
1029 | shell | shelled, shelling, shells, unshelled | Y | N |
1030 | sheet | sheeted, sheeting, sheets | Y | N |
1031 | oscillate | oscillated, oscillates, oscillating, oscillation, oscillations, oscillator, oscillators, oscillatory | N | N |
1032 | negligible | negligibly | N | N |
1033 | rest | rested, restful, restfully, restfulness, resting, restless, restlessly, restlessness, rests | Y | N |
1034 | strip | stripped, stripper, strippers, stripping, strips | Y | N |
1035 | bubble | bubbled, bubbles, bubbling, bubbly | N | N |
1036 | gradual | gradualism, gradualist, gradually | Y | N |
1037 | ensure | ensured, ensures, ensuring | N | Y |
1038 | verify | verifiable, verification, verifications, verified, verifier, verifiers, verifies, verifying | N | N |
1039 | aspect | aspects | N | Y |
1040 | azide | N | N | |
1041 | gain | gained, gainer, gainers, gainful, gainfully, gaining, gains | Y | N |
1042 | promise | promised, promises, promising, unpromising | Y | N |
1043 | speed | sped, speeded, speedier, speediest, speedily, speeding, speeds, speedy | Y | N |
1044 | supplement | supplemental, supplementary, supplementation, supplemented, supplementing, supplements | N | Y |
1045 | microwave | microwavable, microwaveable, microwaved, microwaves, microwaving | N | N |
1046 | graph | graphed, graphing, graphs | N | N |
1047 | insulate | insulated, insulates, insulating, insulation, insulations, insulator, insulators, uninsulated | N | N |
1048 | enrich | enriched, enriches, enriching, enrichment, enrichments | N | N |
1049 | rinse | rinsed, rinses, rinsing | N | N |
1050 | doublet | doublets | N | N |
1051 | offer | offered, offeree, offerees, offerer, offerers, offering, offerings, offeror, offerors, offers | Y | N |
1052 | help | helped, helper, helpers, helpful, helpfully, helpfulness, helping, helpings, helpless, helplessly, helplessness, helps, unhelpful, unhelpfully | Y | N |
1053 | try | triable, tried, tries, tryin, trying, untried | Y | N |
1054 | drive | driven, driver, drivers, drives, driving, drove | Y | N |
1055 | delay | delayed, delaying, delays | Y | N |
1056 | disease | diseased, diseases | Y | N |
1057 | intrinsic | intrinsically | N | Y |
1058 | divide | divides, dividing, divisible, divisibility, divisor, divisors | Y | N |
1059 | penetrate | interpenetration, interpenetrations, penetrated, penetrates, penetrating, penetration, penetrations, penetrative | N | N |
1060 | petrol | petrological | N | N |
1061 | hole | holed, holes, holing | Y | N |
1062 | spot | spotless, spotlessly, spotlessness, spots, spotted, spotter, spotters, spottier, spottiest, spottily, spottiness, spotting, spotty | Y | N |
1063 | bare | bared, barely, bareness, barer, bares, barest, baring | Y | N |
1064 | edge | edged, edger, edges, edgewise, edging | Y | N |
1065 | isotropy | N | N | |
1066 | dissolution | dissolutions | N | N |
1067 | despite | N | Y | |
1068 | matter | mattered, mattering, matters | Y | N |
1069 | radius | radii, radiuses | N | N |
1070 | perpendicular | perpendicularly | N | N |
1071 | output | outputs | N | Y |
1072 | luminescence | luminescences, luminescent | N | N |
1073 | lose | loser, losers, loses, losing, lost | Y | N |
1074 | capture | captured, captures, capturing, uncaptured | N | N |
1075 | boundary | boundaries | Y | N |
1076 | check | checked, checker, checkers, checking, checks, unchecked | Y | N |
1077 | principle | principled, principles, unprincipled | N | Y |
1078 | week | midweek, midweekly, weeklies, weekly, weeks | Y | N |
1079 | inert | inertly, inertness | N | N |
1080 | believe | believable, believed, believer, believers, believes, believing, unbelievable, unbelievably, unbeliever, unbelievers, unbelieving, unbelievingly | Y | N |
1081 | moderate | immoderate, immoderately, moderately, moderateness, moderates | Y | N |
1082 | somewhat | N | Y | |
1083 | stimulate | stimulated, stimulates, stimulating, stimulation, stimulations, stimulatory | N | N |
1084 | clinic | clinical, clinically, clinician, clinicians, clinics, nonclinical | N | N |
1085 | classic | classical, classically, classicism, classicist, classicists, classico, classics, neoclassical, neoclassically, neoclassicism, neoclassicist, neoclassicists | N | Y |
1086 | extrapolate | extrapolated, extrapolates, extrapolating, extrapolation, extrapolations | N | N |
1087 | entire | entirely, entirity | Y | N |
1088 | ideal | idealisation, idealisations, idealise, idealised, idealising, idealism, idealist, idealists, ideality, idealization, idealizations, idealize, idealized, idealizing, ideally, ideals | Y | N |
1089 | waste | wastage, wastages, wasted, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, waster, wasters, wastes, wasting | Y | N |
1090 | fundamental | fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentalists, fundamentally, fundamentals | N | Y |
1091 | food | foods | Y | N |
1092 | native | nativelike, natives, unnativelike | Y | N |
1093 | proper | improper, improperly, properly | Y | N |
1094 | rule | misrule, misruled, ruled, ruler, rulers, rules, ruling, rulings, unruled | Y | N |
1095 | exact | exactly, exactness, inexact, inexactness | Y | N |
1096 | deliver | delivered, deliveries, delivering, delivers, delivery, undelivered | Y | N |
1097 | neat | neater, neatest, neatly, neatness | Y | N |
1098 | harmony | harmonies, harmonious, harmoniously, harmoniousness, inharmonious | N | N |
1099 | disk | discette, discettes, disc, discs, diskette, diskettes, disks | N | N |
1100 | refract | refracted, refracting, refraction, refractions, refractor, refractors, refractory, refracts | N | N |
1101 | course | courses | Y | N |
1102 | wet | wetly, wetness, wets, wettable, wetted, wetter, wettest, wetting | Y | N |
1103 | stream | streamed, streaming, streams | Y | N |
1104 | regime | regimes | N | Y |
1105 | dash | dashed, dasher, dashers, dashes, dashing | N | N |
1106 | map | mappable, mapped, mapper, mappers, mapping, mappings, maps, unmapped | Y | N |
1107 | steady | steadied, steadier, steadies, steadiest, steadily, steadiness, steadying, unsteadily, unsteadiness, unsteady | Y | N |
1108 | instance | instanced, instances | N | Y |
1109 | grain | grained, grains, grainy | Y | N |
1110 | comprise | comprised, comprises, comprising | N | Y |
1111 | halide | halides | N | N |
1112 | clay | clays | Y | N |
1113 | moist | moisten, moistened, moistener, moisteners, moistening, moistens, moister, moistest, moistly, moistness | N | N |
1114 | microbe | microbes, microbial | N | N |
1115 | steel | steeled, steeling, steels, steely | Y | N |
1116 | complicate | complicated, complicates, complicating, complication, complications, uncomplicated | Y | N |
1117 | vector | vectors | N | N |
1118 | globe | globes | N | Y |
1119 | bone | boned, boneless, bones, boney, bonier, boniest, boniness, boning, bony | Y | N |
1120 | qualitative | qualitatively | N | Y |
1121 | gap | gapped, gappy, gaps | Y | N |
1122 | rat | ratlike, rats, ratty | N | N |
1123 | seal | reseal, resealed, resealing, reseals, sealant, sealants, sealed, sealer, sealers, sealing, seals, unsealed | N | N |
1124 | self-assembly | N | N | |
1125 | co-worker | N | N | |
1126 | family | familial, families, subfamilies, subfamily | Y | N |
1127 | freeze | freezable, freezer, freezers, freezes, freezing, froze, frozen, unfrozen | Y | N |
1128 | smooth | smoothed, smoother, smoothest, smoothing, smoothly, smoothness, smoothnesses, smooths | Y | N |
1129 | deform | deformation, deformations, deformed, deforming, deformities, deformity, deforms | N | N |
1130 | stand | standin, standing, stands, stood | Y | N |
1131 | surround | surrounded, surrounding, surroundings, surrounds | Y | N |
1132 | exceed | exceeded, exceeding, exceedingly, exceeds | N | Y |
1133 | droplet | droplets | N | N |
1134 | call | called, caller, callers, calling, calls, uncalled | Y | N |
1135 | fine | finely, fineness, finer, finery, finest | Y | N |
1136 | preliminary | preliminaries | N | Y |
1137 | corrode | corroded, corrodes, corroding, corrosion, corrosive, corrosively, noncorrosive | N | N |
1138 | defect | defective, defectively, defectiveness, defects | N | N |
1139 | principal | principally, principals | N | Y |
1140 | donate | donated, donates, donating, donation, donations | N | N |
1141 | helical | helix, helically, helices, helixes | N | N |
1142 | go | goer, goers, goes, goin, going, goings, gone, goner, goners, gonna, gunna, went | Y | N |
1143 | opposite | opposites | Y | N |
1144 | title | titled, titles, titling, untitled | Y | N |
1145 | inlet | inlets | N | N |
1146 | convenience | conveniences, inconvenience, inconvenienced, inconveniences, inconveniencing | Y | N |
1147 | net | nets, netted, netter, netters, netting, nettings | Y | N |
1148 | abstract | abstracted, abstractedly, abstracting, abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstractness, abstracts | N | Y |
1149 | fall | fallen, falling, falls, fell | Y | N |
1150 | lamp | lamps | Y | N |
1151 | ascribe | ascribed, ascribes, ascribing, ascription | N | N |
1152 | cold | colder, coldest, coldish, coldly, coldness, colds | Y | N |
1153 | numerous | Y | N | |
1154 | dramatic | drama, dramas, dramatically, dramatics, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatise, dramatised, dramatises, dramatising, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatize, dramatized, dramatizes, dramatizing, undramatic | N | Y |
1155 | predominant | predominance, predominances, predominantly | N | Y |
1156 | restrict | restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restricts, unrestricted, unrestrictive | N | Y |
1157 | elucidate | elucidated, elucidates, elucidating, elucidation, elucidations | N | N |
1158 | contaminate | contaminated, contaminates, contaminating, contamination, contaminations, uncontaminated | N | N |
1159 | satisfy | satisfied, satisfies, satisfying, satisfyingly, unsatisfied, unsatisfying | Y | N |
1160 | tip | tipped, tipper, tippers, tipping, tips | Y | N |
1161 | vertical | vertically, verticals | N | N |
1162 | deionised | N | N | |
1163 | ab initio | N | N | |
1164 | distinguish | distinguishable, distinguished, distinguishes, distinguishing, indistinguishable, undistinguished | Y | N |
1165 | iodine | N | N | |
1166 | middle | middles, middling | Y | N |
1167 | true | truer, truest, truism, truisms, truly, untrue | Y | N |
1168 | plateau | plateaued, plateauing, plateaus, plateaux | N | N |
1169 | sign | signed, signer, signers, signing, signings, signs, unsigned | Y | N |
1170 | raw | rawer, rawest, rawness | Y | N |
1171 | input | inputs, inputting | N | Y |
1172 | hour | hourly, hours, hr, hrs | Y | N |
1173 | tradition | trad, traditional, traditionalism, traditionalist, traditionalists, traditionally, traditions | N | Y |
1174 | sputter | sputtered, sputtering, sputters | N | N |
1175 | alone | Y | N | |
1176 | attack | attacked, attacker, attackers, attacking, attacks | Y | N |
1177 | match | matched, matches, matching, matchless, mismatch, mismatched, mismatches, mismatching, rematch, unmatched | Y | N |
1178 | visual | visualisation, visualise, visualised, visualising, visualization, visualize, visualized, visualizing, visually, visuals | N | Y |
1179 | count | countable, counted, counting, countless, counts, recount, recounted, recounting, recounts, uncountable, uncounted | Y | N |
1180 | deduce | deduced, deduces, deducing | N | Y |
1181 | animal | animals | Y | N |
1182 | hypothesis | hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing | N | Y |
1183 | protocol | protocols | N | Y |
1184 | perature | N | N | |
1185 | numerical | numeric, numerically, nonnumerical | N | N |
1186 | concept | conception, conceptions, concepts, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualisations, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualises, conceptualising, conceptualization, conceptualizations, conceptualize, conceptualized, conceptualizes, conceptualizing, conceptually | N | Y |
1187 | viable | nonviable, viabilities, viability | N | N |
1188 | chip | chipped, chipping, chippings, chips | N | N |
1189 | boil | boiled, boiler, boilers, boiling, boils | Y | N |
1190 | cubic | cu, cubes, cube | N | N |
1191 | manufacture | manufacturable, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturers, manufactures, manufacturing | Y | N |
1192 | realise | realisable, realisation, realisations, realised, realises, realising, realizable, realization, realizations, realize, realized, realizes, realizing, unrealised, unrealized | Y | N |
1193 | furnace | furnaces | N | N |
1194 | transparent | nontransparent, transparently | N | N |
1195 | read | misread, misreading, misreads, readability, readable, reader, readers, reading, readings, reads, reread, rereading, rereadings, rereads, unread, unreadable | Y | N |
1196 | rare | rarely, rareness, rarer, rarest, rarified, rarifies, rarify, rarifying, rarities, rarity | Y | N |
1197 | wire | wired, wires, wiring, wirings | Y | N |
1198 | version | versions | N | Y |
1199 | owe | owed, owes, owing | Y | N |
1200 | damage | damaged, damager, damagers, damages, damaging, undamaged | Y | N |
1201 | gram | gramme, grammes, grams | N | N |
1202 | elevate | elevated, elevates, elevating, elevation, elevations, elevator, elevators | N | N |
1203 | monoclinic | N | N | |
1204 | effort | effortless, effortlessly, efforts | Y | N |
1205 | pronounce | mispronounce, mispronounced, mispronounces, mispronouncing, mispronunciation, mispronunciations, pronounceable, pronounced, pronounces, pronouncing, pronunciation, pronunciations, unpronounceable | Y | N |
1206 | contrary | contrarily, contrariness | N | Y |
1207 | nutrient | nutrients | N | N |
1208 | physiology | physiologies, physiologist, physiologists | N | N |
1209 | month | monthly, months | Y | N |
1210 | delocalize | N | N | |
1211 | brief | briefer, briefest, briefly, briefs | N | Y |
1212 | spatial | spatially | N | N |
1213 | row | rowed, rower, rowers, rowing, rows | Y | N |
1214 | search | searched, searcher, searchers, searches, searching, searchingly | Y | N |
1215 | mediate | intermediation, mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation, mediations, mediator, mediators, unmediated | N | Y |
1216 | complement | complementarity, complementary, complemented, complementing, complements | N | Y |
1217 | suppress | suppressed, suppresses, suppressing, suppression, suppressor, suppressors | N | N |
1218 | micrograph | micrographs | N | N |
1219 | rich | richer, riches, richest, richly, richness | Y | N |
1220 | mount | mounted, mounting, mountings, mounts, mt | Y | N |
1221 | worth | unworthy, worthier, worthies, worthiest, worthily, worthiness, worthless, worthlessness, worthy | Y | N |
1222 | organize | organisation, organisational, organisationally, organisations, organise, organised, organiser, organisers, organises, organising, organization, organizational, organizationally, organizations, organized, organizer, organizers, organizes, organizing, reorganisation, reorganisations, reorganise, reorganised, reorganises, reorganising, reorganization, reorganizations, reorganize, reorganized, reorganizes, reorganizing, unorganised, unorganized | N | N |
1223 | warm | warmed, warmer, warmers, warmest, warming, warmly, warms, warmth | Y | N |
1224 | presume | presumably, presumed, presumes, presuming, presumption, presumptions | N | Y |
1225 | thereby | N | Y | |
1226 | stationary | N | N | |
1227 | tail | tailed, tailing, tailings, tails | Y | N |
1228 | mountain | mountaineer, mountaineering, mountaineers, mountainous, mountains, mountainside, mountainsides | Y | N |
1229 | onset | onsets | N | N |
1230 | frame | framed, framer, framers, frames, framing, framings, unframed | Y | N |
1231 | ice | iced, icily, icy | Y | N |
1232 | decade | decades | N | Y |
1233 | symbol | symbolic, symbolical, symbolically, symbolise, symbolised, symbolises, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols | N | Y |
1234 | empirical | empirically | N | Y |
1235 | respectively | respective, irrespective, irrespectively | N | N |
1236 | auxiliary | auxiliaries | N | N |
1237 | hinder | hindered, hindering, hinders, unhindered | Y | N |
1238 | mouse | mice, mousey, mousy | Y | N |
1239 | subtract | subtracted, subtracting, subtraction, subtractions, subtracts | N | N |
1240 | mild | milder, mildest, mildly, mildness | Y | N |
1241 | future | futures, futurism, futurist, futuristic, futuristically, futurists | Y | N |
1242 | nominal | nominally | N | N |
1243 | benefit | benefited, benefiting, benefits, benefitted, benefitting | N | Y |
1244 | pare | pared, parer, parers, pares, paring | N | N |
1245 | hard | harden, hardened, hardener, hardeners, hardening, hardens, harder, hardest, hardness, hardship, hardships | Y | N |
1246 | insight | insightful, insights | N | Y |
1247 | angular | angularities, angularity | N | N |
1248 | nation | national, nationalisation, nationalisations, nationalise, nationalised, nationalising, nationalism, nationalisms, nationalist, nationalistic, nationalistically, nationalists, nationalization, nationalize, nationalized, nationalizing, nationally, nationals, nationhood, nationhoods, nations, nationwide | Y | N |
1249 | entropy | entropic, entropies | N | N |
1250 | index | N | Y | |
1251 | ultrasonic | ultrasonically, ultrasonics | N | N |
1252 | bring | bringer, bringers, bringing, brings, brought | Y | N |
1253 | nominal | N | N | |
1254 | photochemical | N | N | |
1255 | law | lawful, lawfully, lawfulness, lawless, lawlessness, laws, unlawful, unlawfully | Y | N |
1256 | thorough | thoroughly, thoroughness | Y | N |
1257 | digit | digits | N | N |
1258 | permeate | permeated, permeates, permeating, permeation | N | N |
1259 | raise | raised, raiser, raisers, raises, raising | Y | N |
1260 | soft | soften, softened, softener, softeners, softening, softens, softer, softest, softly, softness | Y | N |
1261 | surprise | surprised, surprises, surprising, surprisingly, unsurprised, unsurprising, unsurprisingly | Y | N |
1262 | dot | dots, dotted, dotting | Y | N |
1263 | heterocycle | N | N | |
1264 | mesh | enmesh, enmeshed, enmeshes, enmeshing, enmeshment, enmeshments, meshed, meshes, meshing | N | N |
1265 | herein | N | N | |
1266 | article | articles | Y | N |
1267 | tilt | tilted, tilting, tilts | N | N |
1268 | administrate | administer, administers, administered, administrates, administrated, administration, admin, admins, administrations | N | Y |
1269 | participate | participated, participates, participating, participation, participations, participative, participatory | N | Y |
1270 | body | bodied, bodies, bodily | Y | N |
1271 | quick | quicken, quickened, quickening, quickens, quicker, quickest, quickie, quickies, quickly, quickness | Y | N |
1272 | propagate | propagated, propagates, propagating, propagation, propagations, propagator, propagators | N | N |
1273 | compact | compacted, compacting, compaction, compactly, compactness, compacts | N | N |
1274 | orient | N | Y | |
1275 | discover | discovered, discoverer, discoverers, discoveries, discovering, discovers, discovery, rediscover, rediscovered, rediscoveries, rediscovering, rediscovers, rediscovery, undiscovered | Y | N |
1276 | attain | attainable, attained, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains, unattainable | N | Y |
1277 | slurry | slurries | N | N |
1278 | criteria | criterion, criterions | N | Y |
1279 | host | hosted, hostess, hostesses, hosting, hosts | Y | N |
1280 | big | bigger, biggest, biggish, bigness | Y | N |
1281 | fortune | fortunes | Y | N |
1282 | question | questionable, questionably, questioned, questioner, questioners, questioning, questioningly, questions, unquestionability, unquestionable, unquestionably, unquestioned, unquestioning, unquestioningly | Y | N |
1283 | accomplish | accomplished, accomplishes, accomplishing, accomplishment, accomplishments | N | N |
1284 | think | rethink, rethinking, rethinks, rethought, thinker, thinkers, thinkin, thinking, thinks, thought, thoughtful, thoughtfully, thoughtfulness, thoughtless, thoughtlessly, thoughtlessness, thoughts, unthinkable, unthinking, unthinkingly, unthought | Y | N |
1285 | trimer | trimers, trimeric | N | N |
1286 | date | datable, dated, dates, dating, undated | Y | N |
1287 | extra | extras | Y | N |
1288 | lot | lots | Y | N |
1289 | diverse | diversely, diverseness, diversities, diversity | N | Y |
1290 | issue | issuance, issued, issuer, issuers, issues, issuing | N | Y |
1291 | project | projected, projecting, projection, projectionist, projectionists, projections, projective, projects | N | Y |
1292 | elongate | elongated, elongates, elongating, elongation | N | N |
1293 | shoulder | shouldered, shouldering, shoulders | Y | N |
1294 | stain | stained, staining, stains, unstained | Y | N |
1295 | consecutive | consecutively, nonconsecutive, nonconsecutively | N | N |
1296 | spread | spreadable, spreader, spreaders, spreading, spreads | Y | N |
1297 | university | preuniversity, univ, universities | Y | N |
1298 | partition | partitioned, partitioning, partitions | N | N |
1299 | earth | earthed, earthen, earthly, earths, earthy, unearthliness, unearthly | Y | N |
1300 | constrain | constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained | N | Y |
1301 | duration | durations | N | Y |
1302 | objective | objectively, objectives, objectivism, objectivist, objectivistic, objectivity | N | Y |
1303 | potentiometer | potentiometric | N | N |
1304 | compete | anticompetitive, competed, competes, competing, competitive, competitively, competitiveness, competitor, competitors, uncompetitive, uncompetitiveness | Y | N |
1305 | tumor | tumour, tumors, tumours | N | N |
1306 | align | aligned, aligner, aligners, aligning, alignment, alignments, aligns | N | N |
1307 | cut | cuts, cutter, cutters, cutting, cuttings, uncut | Y | N |
1308 | event | eventful, events, uneventful, uneventfully | Y | N |
1309 | fire | fired, fires, firing, misfire, misfired, misfires, misfiring | Y | N |
1310 | address | addressed, addressee, addressees, addresses, addressing | Y | N |
1311 | demand | demanded, demanding, demands, undemanding | Y | N |
1312 | formal | formalisation, formalise, formalised, formalising, formalism, formalist, formalistic, formalists, formalities, formality, formalization, formalize, formalized, formalizing, formally | Y | N |
1313 | overcome | overcame, overcomes, overcoming | Y | N |
1314 | appreciate | appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, appreciative, appreciatively, unappreciated, unappreciative | N | Y |
1315 | integral | integrally, integrals | N | Y |
1316 | bias | biased, biases, biasing, unbiased | N | Y |
1317 | topology | topological, topologies | N | N |
1318 | port | ported, ports | N | N |
1319 | fail | failed, failing, failings, fails, unfailing, unfailingly | Y | N |
1320 | severe | severely, severeness, severer, severest, severity | Y | N |
1321 | adequate | adequately, inadequate, inadequately | N | Y |
1322 | therapy | therapies, therapist, therapists | N | N |
1323 | switch | switchable, switched, switches, switching | N | N |
1324 | denature | denaturant, denatured, denatures, denaturing | N | N |
1325 | advance | advanced, advancement, advances, advancing | Y | N |
1326 | permit | permits, permitted, permitting | Y | N |
1327 | put | puts, putting | Y | N |
1328 | shake | shakable, shaken, shaker, shakers, shakes, shakily, shakiness, shaking, shaky, shook, unshakable, unshakeable | Y | N |
1329 | write | prewrite, prewriting, rewrit, rewrite, rewrites, rewriting, rewritten, rewrote, unwritten, writer, writers, writes, writing, writings, written, wrote | Y | N |
1330 | suppose | supposed, supposedly, supposes, supposing | Y | N |
1331 | feasible | feasibilities, feasibility, infeasible, unfeasible | N | N |
1332 | picture | pic, pics, pictured, pictures, picturing | Y | N |
1333 | lone | lonelier, loneliest, loneliness, lonely, loner, loners, lonesome | N | N |
1334 | reproduce | reproduced, reproduces, reproducibility, reproducible, reproducing, reproduction, reproductions | Y | N |
1335 | meet | meeting, meetings, meets, met, unmet | Y | N |
1336 | past | pasts | Y | N |
1337 | handle | handled, handler, handlers, handles, handling, mishandle, mishandled, mishandles, mishandling | Y | N |
1338 | perfect | imperfect, imperfection, imperfections, imperfectly, perfected, perfecting, perfection, perfectionism, perfectionist, perfectionists, perfections, perfectly, perfects | Y | N |
1339 | straight | straighten, straightened, straightener, straighteners, straightening, straightens, straighter, straightest, straights, unstraightened | Y | N |
1340 | crucial | crucially | N | Y |
1341 | so-called | N | Y | |
1342 | beyond | Y | N | |
1343 | sieve | sieved, sieves, sieving | N | N |
1344 | decide | decided, decidedly, decider, deciders, decides, deciding, undecided | Y | N |
1345 | head | headed, headedness, heading, headings, headless, heads, headship, headships, subheading, subheadings | Y | N |
1346 | review | reviewable, reviewed, reviewer, reviewers, reviewing, reviews | Y | N |
1347 | rod | rods | Y | N |
1348 | setup | N | N | |
1349 | tie | tied, ties, tying, untie, untied, unties, untying | Y | N |
1350 | perturb | perturbation, perturbations, perturbed, perturbing, perturbs, unperturbed | N | N |
1351 | encounter | encountered, encountering, encounters, unencountered | N | Y |
1352 | deal | dealer, dealers, dealership, dealerships, dealing, dealings, deals, dealt, undealt | Y | N |
1353 | prompt | prompted, prompting, promptings, promptly, prompts, unprompted | Y | N |
1354 | emerge | emerged, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging | N | Y |
1355 | spray | respray, resprayed, respraying, resprays, sprayed, sprayer, sprayers, spraying, sprays | N | N |
1356 | stainless | N | N | |
1357 | drastic | drastically | N | N |
1358 | hindrance | hindrances | Y | N |
1359 | member | members, membership, memberships | Y | N |
1360 | supernatant | supernatants | N | N |
1361 | teflon | N | N | |
1362 | cast | casting, castings, casts | N | N |
1363 | skeleton | skeletons | N | N |
1364 | spontaneous | spontaneously | N | N |
1365 | syringe | syringes | N | N |
1366 | look | looked, looker, lookin, looking, looks, unlooked | Y | N |
1367 | parenthesis | parentheses | N | N |
1368 | bidentate | N | N | |
1369 | destroy | destroyed, destroyer, destroyers, destroying, destroys | Y | N |
1370 | ride | ridden, rideable, rider, riders, ridership, rides, riding, rode | Y | N |
1371 | minute | min, mins, minutes | Y | N |
1372 | assist | assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, assistive, unassisted | N | Y |
1373 | loop | looped, looping, loops | N | N |
1374 | resemble | resemblance, resemblances, resembled, resembles, resembling | N | N |
1375 | dehydrate | dehydrated, dehydrates, dehydrating, dehydration | N | N |
1376 | discrepancy | discrepancies, discrepant | N | N |
1377 | dialysis | dialyses | N | N |
1378 | tertiary | N | N | |
1379 | share | shared, shares, sharing, unshared | Y | N |
1380 | nucleus | nuclei, nucleuses | N | N |
1381 | cerium | N | N | |
1382 | parenteral | parenterally | N | N |
1383 | live | lived, lives, living, livings | Y | N |
1384 | routine | routinely, routines, subroutine, subroutines | N | N |
1385 | intercept | intercepted, intercepting, interception, interceptions, interceptor, interceptors, intercepts | N | N |
1386 | candidate | candidacies, candidacy, candidates, candidature | N | N |
1387 | homolog | homologs, homologue, homologues | N | N |
1388 | bovine | N | N | |
1389 | emphasis | emphases | N | Y |
1390 | torsion | torsional, torsions | N | N |
1391 | pharmacology | pharmacological, pharmacologies, pharmacologist, pharmacologists | N | N |
1392 | vicinity | vicinities | N | N |
1393 | text | subtext, subtexts, texts, textual, textualism, textuality, textualized | N | Y |
1394 | definite | definitely, indefinite, indefinitely | N | Y |
1395 | tunnel | tunnelled, tunnelling, tunnellings, tunnels | N | N |
1396 | disrupt | disrupted, disrupting, disruption, disruptions, disruptive, disruptively, disrupts | N | N |
1397 | yeast | yeastier, yeastiest, yeasts, yeasty | N | N |
1398 | segregate | segregated, segregates, segregating, segregation, segregationist, segregationists, segregations | N | N |
1399 | metric | metre, meter, metered, metering, meters, metres, metrical, metrically, metricize, metricized, metricizes, metricizing, metrics | N | N |
1400 | vigorous | vigor, vigorously, vigour | N | N |
Author: Sheldon Smith ‖ Last modified: 25 September 2021.
Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.